

  • I would sub in some veggies for some of the fruit. Fruit sugars are probably better than processed sugars, but I find when I eat high sugar, even fruit, I get cravings for more sugarey foods and I'm hungrier more quickly. But if it works for you and you're losing weight doing what your doing then that's great!
  • i like to use plain low fat greek yogurt with frozen blue berries. I let the blueberries thaw a bit, then i add them in and stir it around, it's really good.
  • I'm in!!! start weight 156, goal 154!!
  • i think thats a great idea!!! lets start this round, and just ignore the other round. its too bad that it split into two like this, but there's not much we can do! we could ask them to call theirs something different? Not in a mean way, but just to avoid confusion?
  • could the two winners co-host the next round? so the winner of the next round gets two postcards? then we would have it back into one thread again instead of two. just a thought.
  • I'm weighing in early this week, down to 156! So happy! I'm going to work really hard for the next two weeks and I won't weigh myself until the end of the next challenge cause I keep letting every little fluctuation make me crazy.
  • do you know what, i've had the worst, most unhealthy day, and i just looked to the side of my homepage on here and saw the words "dont quit", from your post, so i had to click on it and read it. thank you!!
  • At 158 still, but it's TOM and I did go up a couple of pounds but came back down to 158. I've been more on track this week though, which is great! Haven't been going to the gym as much because of crazy work hours, but I have been working out on my elliptical instead. Fingers crossed to get to 156 by next Thursday! Or even…
  • Starting weight 158 goal weight 156!
  • I fell off the wagon, and gained. I weigh 159 now instead of the 158 I started with...and I noticed the scale leaning a bit more towards 160, but it isn't quite there. sighhh. I really will have to try harder. I noticed that I'm snacking more at night, and not always recording, and snacking on tons of nuts and stuff at…
  • when's our final weigh in? Is it tomorrow?
  • I've lost two pounds!! Down to 156. I'm trying my best to stay away from chocolate, bread, wine, and anything else that I generally love, hahah. But it's working, and I'm learning some really tasty super creative recipes.
  • Oh I really hope I'm not too late! So glad I checked this morning! My start weight at the end of the last challenge was 158. My goal weight is 156. Goals: To go to the gym 4-5 days a week To avoid alcohol and sugar To write in my MFP journal every day!
  • I get myself new clothes! I'm at next goal once I lose about three pounds, and I'm going to buy myself new workout clothes! Then I feel proud of myself, i reach my goal, and I get new clothes that I;'m excited to work out in, it's a win all around!
  • great job, congrats!!
  • you can do it!! i'm also a chocolate addict, i'm trying to abstain for the next few months. if you want you can add me, we can support each other in not eating chocolate!
  • Start Weight, 158, current weight 159. Gained one pound. BUT I still feel like I can do this and am going to be more serious about keeping up my journal and sticking with my goals! Good luck everyone, can't wait to start the next post card challenge!
  • I'll post my weight tomorrow morning (UK morning!!) I gained four pounds these past two weeks (had father in law here, and we did a lot of bad eating and travelling which also resulted in bad eating!!). BUT I have managed to lose three of those four pounds. So right now I'm at +1, but I'm hoping to see a further drop…
  • Hi, I weigh 158 and want desperately to get down to 156 this time in!! Goals: To not miss a day on here for the next two weeks To continue going to the gym at least five days a week To keep doing strength training to lose those inches! To continue to make healthy lunches and dinners so everyone in my household can have…
  • I don't get it either and I really hope someone can explain!!
  • I have to weigh in early, but I lost two pounds!! I'm down from 160 to 158!! yayyyy . also met my goals by being a lot more active this time around, and by keeping up with my entries. I'll be away for next five days so I can't post my weight on the actual day. Good luck everyone else!! And can the winner post about the…
  • Thank you for sharing, Especially the information about GI foods, and that we need to have low GI during the day (Except for after workout). I have just started replacing my high GI snacks throughout the day with low GI, and I really can tell a difference! I used to be so starving during the day that I kept reaching for my…
  • we're all here to support you!! you can do it!! good luck, and you can add me if you want.
  • i'm in! a little late but im in! my weight is 160, same as it was at the end of the last challenge, and my goal is to just get under the 160 mark! pledges: to go to the gym at least 4 days a week, to do minimum of 45 minutes of cardio a day, and to not miss a day of writing on here!
  • congrats!! great work!! yes please post the next round on here so we can all play again this was a great way for me to stay on track!
  • I don't think that there is anything that I can say that will be enough, but I want you to know that as a complete stranger reading this post, my thoughts are with you both. Take Care.
  • I just found my old goals: 1. A minimum of 45mins of exercise daily: FOr the most part I did this, but there were a few days that I missed. 2. Eat less carbs, I'm trying! But I still think I eat too much carbs.. But I did start buying the mini loaves of bread, so I think (hope) my carbs are less! 3. Try to snack less, I…
  • I lost two pounds! Went from 162 to 160! My goal was to get under 160 but I will next round!! (do we do this again next round, this is fun!). I managed to exercise a lot more (one of my goals). I can't remember the other ones!
  • Hi Jill, I'm also a sugar addict, and once I get started I can't stop. Being honest on here has stopped me a few times, but it's really hard! The best way to stop the cravings, is to cut off sugar as much as you can. It will definitely make you feel crazy, but after a couple of weeks, your body will stop wanting more and…