Cindy781 Member


  • I'm a Pescetarian. Nut butters are a good source of protein and help keep your blood sugar balanced. You could check in to quinoa, it has complete protein. You can use it many ways, check into recipes online. I also make my own protein bars. I am retired now, but peanut butter was my go to snack when I was working. Best…
  • Hello Ladies, Just stopping in to wish everyone well. This is a wonderful thread full of wisdom, motivation and support. I do apologize for not stopping by more often. Leslie, I am a fellow dog lover and send a big virtual hug to you. It is so hard to lose a beloved fur baby. I lost my sweet Theo 16 months ago and still…
  • Popping in to wish you all a great Sunday! Cindy in OK
  • Hello Lovely Ladies, I hope you all are staying warm. I've done yoga and then strength training. Next on to the treadmill. Robin, I'm so glad to hear Bodi is doing well. I've been away from this thread for awhile, but I remember his accident well. Hugs for you and him! Sylvia, Thank you for the grins! Time to get on that…
  • Hello Ladies, I have been away from this group for awhile, but I haven't forgotten you! The holidays were busy, but I love them. Hubby and puppy Brian are wonderful. Old pug girl is hanging I there, sleeps most of the time but that is good. She is always getting stuck between the furniture or in a corner, poor girl. I gave…
  • Hello Ladies! Happy holidays! I just popped in to say hello and wish everyone a wonderful holiday season. I enjoyed all the great pictures! Black Friday is the day I stay home and do not go near a mall. I survived Thanksgiving at DSIL where there were few healthy dishes. That aren't big on salads and veggies. I am still…
  • Hello Lovely Ladies, Just popping in to say hello and wish everyone a wonderful weekend. Cindy in OK
  • Hello Ladies! I'm still getting used to this new system. Today I did lower body strength training and some treadmill. I am doing well at maintaining. Welcome to all new ladies! Meg, big hugs for you. I'm so sorry about your Dad. Alison, I agree with DeeDee about DH. Sylvia, beautiful soup bowl! You are so talented. Co…
  • Hello Ladies, Sorry I haven't been around as much. I'm getting back to regular workouts after our trip. Today I did upper body strength training, yoga and treadmill. I made a big pot of soup and cornbread tonight. Getting more more veggies in now. I'm glad I only have 2 pounds to work on after such a good trip! Have a nice…
  • I keep losing part of my post. No time to try again. Have a Happy Halloween everyone! Cindy in OK
  • Hello Lovely Ladies! I feel like I've been gone for weeks! We really enjoyed Savannah! If you travel with small pets and want a truly terrific place to stay, The Old Harbor Inn in Savannah is wonderful! Even the pets get a goodie bag upon arrival. Our suite had a loft and I found out that Brian can take those stairs in…
  • Here is my beautiful little guy.
  • Hello Lovely Ladies, Just stopping in to say hello and I'm thinking of you. We will be leaving for Savannah this weekend. We will see what a good little traveler Brian is, he does like to ride in the car. We will see how he likes the hotel, our room is more of a suite so hopefully he will be a good boy. The old pug girl…
  • Happy Sunday Ladies, I have missed a few days and am way behind. I want to wish you all a wonderful Sunday, I don't have much time today to read all of the posts. Today I did yoga, upper body weight workout and will do treadmill next. DrKatie, wow! You look wonderful! Meg, happy anniversary! Sylvia, beautiful work! Hugs to…
  • Hi everyone! I've missed a few days, now trying to figure out the new changes. Robin, welcome back. We've missed you. Hugs to all, Cindy in OK
  • Hello Lovely Ladies, I'm resting my knee today. I put a heating pad on this morning and that really helped. I skimmed the thread, we are a chatty group! Welcome everyone new. I hope you all have a great Saturday! Hugs, Cindy in OK
  • Good morning Lovely Ladies, Today I did weight training for my arms, cut my leg workout short because of my knee. I walked on the treadmill for about 20 minutes after. I have been having pain in that sore knee at night. I'm used to arthritis pain, but having it at night is a new thing. It is a dull ache, just enough to…
  • Hello Everyone, Today I did treadmill. My knee is still bugging me so I stopped after 31 minutes, wanted to do more.????. I got a late start today, I've skimmed the posts. Sylvia, love the cat's point of view!???? I hope everyone has a good day. Take care of yourselves. Cindy in OK
  • Hello Lovely Ladies, Happy October, thank you Barbie for the new thread. My goals are the same, maintain, keep working out and stay vigilant to hold my successes. I had a great NSV yesterday. Hubby took me shopping after my flu shot, he got me trying on jeans with blingy pockets.. I got into a smaller size without my…
  • Popping in to save my place. Alison, if you don't feel better soon, please get to a doctor. Heather, safe travels! Be good to yourselves everyone! Cindy in OK
  • Hello Lovely Ladies, Today I did strength training for upper body then treadmill. I have housework today so not a lot of time. Barbie, adding my condolences for the loss of Jake's brother. Brenda, you have a lot of good advice here for your daughter. I agree with Barbie, just be there for her. Alison, I accepted your…
  • Hello again, I just uploaded a photo of Brian to my profile page. We've had him for a almost 5 weeks now. He is looking so good!????
  • Hello Ladies! Popping in to wish everyone a nice Sunday. Today I did yoga and treadmill. I admit I've let my yoga slide a bit as little Brian seems to want to "help". He sits by me, under me, in my lap depending on which pose I'm in. He also has definite sign language when he wants something. He wil rear up and down like a…
  • Happy Saturday Ladies! Today I walked Brian, which is always a very brisk pace, did weights for upper body. Next I will be on the treadmill. Thank you for the compliments on my drawing. I'm glad to be able to share my Grandmother with you. She was wonderful! On wine consumption, I am with Rori and Heather. I try to have…
  • Hello Ladies, I've been missing you for a few days. I woke up not feeling so well Wednesday, arthritis flare up. Yesterday I did my weight workout then treadmill. Today was just treadmill. I'm still maintaining between 125-126 pounds so I'm pleased. Also, I finished my drawing of my Grandmother. At least I think I have. I…
  • Bumping, for now...
  • Good morning Ladies! I am happy to report that 2 pounds of the 2 1/2 gained are gone. Today I will do yoga and treadmill. I am enjoying the cooler weather, yesterday I had the windows open most of the day. I baked an acorn squash last night. Hubby said the girl at that checked him out at the store didn't know what it was.…
  • Hello Ladies, After brunch yesterday I am up 2.5 lbs so I am back to portion control. I had a crazy calorie burn with all of my exercise plus housework today. I also plan to go outside and take up my spring/summer garden decorations. It is a gorgeous day today. Joyce, I love So You Think You Can Dance too, I don't see all…