

  • cherbrundage
    cherbrundage Posts: 1 Member
    Good Morning! I am brand new to this group but absolutely OLD HAT at diet/weight loss/exercise program regimens ... you name it, I probably tried it. My life has been a series of successes and failures ... just like everybody else. What I have learned (and keep learning all the time) is that no matter how far off the path we stray, no matter how long we travel down the wrong path... we can always turn around and get back on. Just Do It... but don't do it alone. Never Never Never give up.

    October was a reset, a "turn around and get back on the path" towards good health and fitness. I am fighting depression right now. My Mom passed away in June quite suddenly and I fight with deep sadness and grief. I spent the summer doing the best I could to take care of her affairs. I am far from done. My mom lived in Texas, I live in New York... It isn't easy. But that cannot be an excuse for ignoring the importance of eating healthy and getting into shape. I want to live as long and healthy as possible for my children and grandchildren. I want to be happy. I will be 60 in December. I have RA which is aggravated by stress. Life is very short and I want to make what I have left count.

    November Goals: Weight Bearing Exercise three times a week. Swim morning laps Five times a week. Record all of my food intake. Stay within the 1200 cal per day (eating the right foods.. non processed, home cooked meals) Journalize daily and find some new supportive friends. My weight loss goal is 40 pounds.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good morning everyone! :flowerforyou: I'm back! Not quite fighting fit, but much improved.
    I had no energy left yesterday. Sorry for ignoring you all. :ohwell:
    I won't be replying to people, though I have read it all.

    Most importantly DH did have THAT conversation with DSIL'S ex. He is a hero. :love: I don't suppose much of it went in as the man has a personality disorder, but it certainly made DH feel better! ! ! ! :tongue:
    Secondly I did not put on any weight! Hooray! Drank too much, but kept eating well under control and we went for 70 minutes brisk walk round a lake so altogether racked up 785 calories exercise that day. :bigsmile: Was good yesterday with no exercise for leeway.
    Thirdly - there was bad news on the nephew and the marriage break up front. The wife has gone back to the Philippines with the child, ostensibly to see her mother, but now says she is going to leave the child over there and come back here to earn money. Poor DSIL was tearful.
    - I love my DSIL very dearly, but always experience a grest desl of frustration around her. She is very disorganised and can't plan very easily, so things take a long time and often she doesn't grasp logistics. She is going to have an extension built on the back of her house, but has no idea what is going to happen. I find it all very difficult to bite back my words when I can see disaster looming, but it isn't my place to intervene and she can get upset.
    This weekend there was a situation about how she was to buy our birthday presents and I ended up having a row with DH about it! Such a waste of energy. My collapse this weekend was something to do with getting wound up. I must learn to detatch myself and not try to sort things out for other people when it is none of my business. But I couldn't help it when she was making plans for Christmas without taking into consideration that the building work may have started! ! ! ! :sad: I have invited her and her daughter for Christmas Day, but I don't know if that will suit them. Not a problem for us, as we will be here whatever. My grandchildren and family are coming before Christmas.

    DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :laugh:

    OK, enough venting!

    Speak later, Heather in gloomy Hampshire UK
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    Pat - 20 lbs of ground beef! Lady, what are you planning to do with it all????

    Michele in NC
    I get the Gr beef...(leanest they sell) in 1/2 pd ,vacum packed packages.Keeps great in freezer.Then use it anytime I need it.Also have vacum packed chicken in the freezer.All set on most types of meat for at least 6 mos.Like having kitchen well stocked for winter,just buying milk,bread,cheese,yogurt,fruit & veggies.

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited November 2014
    Forgot to post this site,new to me. More recipes for chicken......seems we all eat lits of chicken.
  • tracenco
    tracenco Posts: 2 Member
    Barbiecat - You are a wise chick! LOVE your quotes! Adopting two immediately: "Act the way you want to feel" and "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of good"

    Ate about 430 "snack size" candies last week. I'm usually pretty good about eating clean but the barn door opened and "what the heck" took over. Needless to say: the candy meets the trash today and I am embarking on a 21 day cleanse. For me a cleanse is clean eating, less wine ;) , less calories (better calories!), and higher intensity workouts.

    Advice I got a while ago: You are most successful when your values and your goals are aligned. I have been slipping back into my old lazy ways and unfortunately so has my family. My goal is for us to be healthy and active together. Starting today!!! :D
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 495 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    I have been inspired by my friends who have food allergies or who follow abstinence plans for compulsive overeating. They know that there are foods that they don't eat and are as strict about it as an alcoholic who doesn't drink "no matter what" or a married woman who doesn't follow her attraction to the cute guy at the gym. I have a friend who when offered dessert says "That's not my food".

    smiley-chores016.gifBarbie from NW Washington

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Tracenco~ you and me both sista... have been so bad and fell off the wagon.
    today have started a new .. i was still hungry after breakfast, so I grabbed a pear.. fiber and yummy, no candy... i have minute rice multi grain medley with green beans for lunch and an apple..
    I am on my 3rd cup of tea, but that is ok because the second one was a detox tea.. and 48 oz of liquid so far...
  • PennyGK
    PennyGK Posts: 5 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good morning all -
    Lots of new posts to catch up on . . .so much great information and tips. Thank you all!
    I was reading over old journals last night and came across the below . . .a good reminder I think .
    Habits of naturally thin people (or women under 50+ LOL): They:
    Eat three meals a day
    Eat 1 Instagram worthy meal a day
    Leave a little bit on their plate
    Make conscious decisions to eat nutritiously most of the time
    Let food be food
    Avoid an all-or-nothing mentality
    Get back on track the very next day
    Don't have off limit foods
    Drink tons of water

    My favorite is to let food be food - not a reward; not a crutch, not a stress reliever . .that is my take away because it is something I need to work on . .

    Have a beautiful day!
    Penny GK back in lovely Connecticut after a long weekend in New Hampshire!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone. I'm sitting at my desk in the studio with Spot curled up on a pillow by my feet sleeping sweetly. I have some graphics work to do this morning, laying out a poster and postcard for an upcoming show with our pottery group. That is always a hassle because I don't do it often enough to be really good at it. But my friends all seem to like it every year, and none of them want to do it. So, lucky me! I need to get it to the printer this week.

    Yesterday afternoon the younger DGD and I baked cupcakes for her girl scout troop meeting which is tonight. I have to stop and get some chocolate milk for them to drink and have her there at 6pm.

    I was somewhat annoyed with the Y yesterday. We signed this same DGD up for basketball (which she REALLY wants to do) and we never got a call saying when they would meet. I called and talked to the sports director and he checked and said that the coach sent out a mass text alert saying when to meet, and we did not respond so they took her name off the list. I do not have texting on my plan!!!! And nobody bothered to call on the actual phone (on any of the three numbers we gave them), so she missed a week of practice and games. I told them that not everybody does texting, but he seemed to think I was the only one.

    The scale was very kind to me this morning. It was a big surprise because I felt totally overfed last night, with supper I had two Kings Hawaiian Rolls (bread is on my list of banned substances) and a tiny piece of cheesecake along with my ambrosia chicken and sweet potato. But I checked the BMI calculator this morning and saw that I am STILL in the obese category. 7 more pounds to go till I'm just overweight. I'm really anxious to be overweight! :)

    A guy called from Parsons (about 40 miles away) to see if Spot was his dog. He couldn't tell from the picture on Facebook. But it turns out his dog was a girl. I'm pretty sure facebook said that Spot is a boy. Oh well, at least somebody called.

    Last night when Bruno and Spot got out of the house, Bruno ran off with two other dogs but Spot made a bee-line to me. He doesn't want to let me out of his sight for a minute. It's kind of cute. I'm going to have to put the cone of shame on him though. He just won't stop scratching. The flea pills and flea drops have helped, but he has some existing itches that are driving us both crazy.

    Saturday night, he had a little accident in the house. He still can't figure out the doggie door, and he didn't come wake me up, so he peed on the tile. It left a lighter spot on the tile, and I can't seem to get rid of it. It's a dark gray porcelain tile. When I make pottery and test a new glaze, I put lemon juice (or anything acidic) on a test tile to see if it discolors. If it discolors, the glaze is not stable. I have a feeling that is what is happening with our floor tiles. So, not wanting to have another discolored tile, I got up at 2am and 4am to let him out. Needless to say, I did not sleep well.

    Well, I have got to get busy. Have a great day everyone!


  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    Monday morning, Happy with my weigh in 3 lbs down. Yes. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • myrtfgo
    Good morning all........
    and an early thank you to all who accept my friendship requests. I am going to upload a few more pictures today so those who accept can see who I am.

    Food yesterday was great!! I'm so thankful. It was a quiet day at home but with a major clean the fridge, and now it looks so clean. To go along with my healthy food!!

    Lost 4# to day and feeling more and more confident we can do this, even in our 50's!!

    Question on exercise, trying to decide what to do.

    When you exercise, do you eat those calories back to still hit your minimum intake for the day or not?

    thanks everyone and have a healthy day!!

    Marilyn/Mpls MN
  • lavagirlangie
    lavagirlangie Posts: 19 Member
    I'd like to be part of your group. You all seem so nice.
    My goal for November is to lose 10 lbs. That is pretty ambitious because I don't exercise at all and every day I seem to go 100-200 calories over my goal. I plan to attempt a walk (have a pinched nerve in my back) and see how far I can go.
    I have invited a large crowd to my house for Thanksgiving. Thinking of the menu and am torn between making the traditional items and giving it a more healthy spin. For the sake of the children I will make the Thanksgiving that looks like the pictures they've colored in school. We have other family member who have lost a lot a weight and I want to accommodate them also. Any ideas are welcome of how I can achieve this?
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Quick check in, then getting ready to take friend for medical testing and meeting DD prior to that for Thai food for lunch. Dishwasher run, laundry done, birds fed, been to the gym for the ladies exercise class......frankly, I'm ready for a nap now but no such thing on the horizon.

    Sharon.. I find yoga to be much more helpful for my back than tai chi but I suppose it all helps a little.

    janemartin and Heather........hope both are feeling better and calmer (Heather)--deep breaths..........

    Got to run.
    Stay strong!
    mid-Atlantic.......chilly but sunny and wind has died down

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Good Morning All ! ! !

    Sharon, I agree about willpower for popcorn. it just isn't a movie without popcorn. I have found that if I skip the butter and add flavored salt, i am satisfied, and am less likely to go terribly over (but retain a lot of water from the salt). Good luck finding what works for you.

    Cherbrundage - Welcome. I am new to the group also, and also have RA. I was only diagnosed a little over a year ago, but it seriously inhibits my ability to exercise some days. This month I'm going to try for 15 minutes on the exercise bike during my lunch break every day that I get a lunch break.

    Heather (and everyone else struggling) - Prayers for your family (and friends).

    The work contest (20 pounds by June 1) should be good; it's only an average of 3 pounds per month. There are now 5 of us in the contest.

    Thursday evening I am seeing Kenny Rogers in concert. I won the tickets from a local radio station. Not sure if I'm taking a buddy from way back in High School, or my Dad, but I'm really looking forward to it. (DH not interested).

    Terri in cold and sunny Milwaukee
  • Kataniki
    Kataniki Posts: 18 Member
    Read through all the posts and caught up but will not have time to respond individually today - want to walk my 30 minutes at lunch and have to go to a staff meeting this afternoon at another location and then a meeting at 6pm - going to be a long day.

    At least I am rested up after a quiet weekend. I went out to dinner Friday, Sat and Sunday evenings but didn't eat much during the day. I took the batter off my fish and left some of the fries from my "fish and chips," and passed on any alcoholic drinks even though everyone else was enjoying theirs. Being out of the house on Friday meant I wasn't around for the candy. DS stopped by to pick something up just as the trick or treaters arrived and gave out the candy for an hour, nothing was left when I got home. Small NSVs for me!

    Spent Sunday afternoon cooking up all the veggies I got from my farm share on Thursday, made a lentil soup with the kale, onions and potatoes, have a 9x13 baking dish full of cut up Brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes ready to roast. I have a ton of apples from the farm share - some are being given away but I will try baking some with oats and cinnamon, sounds tasty!

    I was well under calories (as usual) but ate more sugar than desirable for me in the form of some tasty cookies last night, frustrated as nothing changes. I don't gain and I don't lose after a year of a complete overhaul of my diet and eating really well, working with a personal trainer and nutritionist. I was hoping joining MFP and logging my calories would show me where I could cut back but I am routinely well under. To lose .5lb per week, it has me at about 2100 per day. Usually, I am at around 1500 without exercise.

    At my wit's end,
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Marilyn, I never eat back my exercise calories. I tried it a few times and it never worked for me. It seems like I need all the deficit I can get.

    Lavagirlangie, 10 pounds is a lot to hope for in one month, especially if you can't exercise. I hope your back feels better. I'm trying to figure out what to make for Thanksgiving too. I know my sweet potatoes won't have marshmallows and syrup. And I know it will be turkey instead of ham, but that's about all I know for now.

    YannieJannie, what is this NAP thing you speak of? Oh, I remember now. It's what Spot is doing right now with his little chin resting on my foot. Wish I could do that. I also wish I could move my foot.

    Terri, Let us know how the concert goes. I'm curious how much his alzheimer's will effect him.

    Here is today's Joke of the Day:


    Bubba and Johnny Ray, two good ole boys from North Carolina, were sitting' on the front porch drinking beer when a large truck hauling rolls and rolls of sod went by.

    "I'm gonna do that when I win the lottery," said Bubba.

    "Do what?" asked Johnny Ray.

    "Send my grass out to be mowed," answered Bubba.


    Bye again!


    (I just love to see that ticker!!!!!)
  • Feistycat
    Feistycat Posts: 12,868 Member
    myrtfgo wrote: »
    When you exercise, do you eat those calories back to still hit your minimum intake for the day or not?

    I try to stay at the calories MFP has allotted me, and ignore the "bonus calories" I'm "allowed" to eat because I exercised. That way, I'm sure to experience a calorie deficit. If only I could always practice what I preach!

    Wasatch Front in Utah
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    myrtfgo wrote: »
    Question on exercise, trying to decide what to do.

    When you exercise, do you eat those calories back to still hit your minimum intake for the day or not?

    Marilyn/Mpls MN

    I do eat back most of my calories BUT....

    I have 1200 as my baseline which is really low. I wear an UP24 and only eat back the calories from the UP, not any other logged exercise.

    It has worked well for me.

    Looking for the joy in everyday, just like my dogs.

    Sally W.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    edited November 2014
    I always eat back my exercise calories as I would starve on 1200. I do believe thst you you should eat the way you can live with for the rest of your life. If you feel you are depriving yoursrlf it is going to lead to bingeing and burn out. You should enjoy your food. I exercise like a demon to be able to eat! :tongue: :laugh:

    I eat around 1700 + a day as I normally do 500 etc exercise, sometimes 600 + . That allows me treats, snacks and alcohol. I sometimes feel that my exercise regime is a life sentence, but it is WORTH IT. :laugh:

    Heather UK