

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Didn't have time to post yesterday. Yesterday I did an hour of HIIT on the elliptical. I have an app on my phone so I sprint for 30 seconds (about 200+ steps/minutes) then it beeps and I recover (about 130+ steps/minute). I felt so, so, so bad that I had to ask this lady who was on the machine how much longer she was going to be on it because that was the only machine I could use. To me, it seemed she got off quite quickly. I think whenever I am going to do HIIT, I'll just go to another branch of the Y which has more ellipticals that I can use.

    Today I did Jillian Michael's Extreme Shed and Shred DVD. Tomorrows plan is to do Jari Love's Get Ripped 1000 DVD. I think the idea is that you *supposedly* burn 1000 calories. Like I said *supposedly*

    Well, we picked Lance up from the hosp. here. The vet told us (I suspect he wouldn't say something like this to Jess) that if it were his kitty, he'd be considering euthansia. We took Lance up to Lexington VA yesterday and met Jess 1/2 way and she took him home. Really, he's very weak. At one point he was laying on the floor and he just peed. Our first thought was "is he still alive". Fortunately, I saw him moving so we knew he was still alive. We didn't get a phone call last night, so to me that says that he made it thru the night. Jess has said that if something really happens, she's prepared to take him to the vet in Reston to have him put down but she'd really prefer to bring him to Hickory and have it done here. She likes the vets here better. When she took him to the vet in Reston, she felt that the vets there were mainly concerned about the money, not the pet. Here there is more of an emphasis on the pet. Plus....it's a lot cheaper. We got home around midnight, left about 2:30. We stopped at a subway and I got a veggie salad.

    Donna - best to your daughters.

    I'm going to be skimming some because there are just so many posts that I have to catch up on.

    We had a Newcomer board meeting today.

    Thinking warm thoughts for our friends in Buffalo

    countscalories - I have some blueberries in my freezer and thaw them on top of my cereal. Never thought of having them frozen. Thanks for the idea.

    Cynthia - I take the overripe banana, peel it then freeze it. Then in a day or a few days I take it out of the freezer, totally thaw it (because it was frozen there is some juice), add the cocoa, and use the blender on it

    Made these chocolate muffins but I'm not real crazy about them. Then made a pork roast for dinner tonight.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Sylvia - glad it wasn't Spot who did your shoes and that hubby saw Bruno doing it.

    cynthia (((hugs))))

    Robin - great therapy! (and cheap but probably more effective anyway)

    Toni - when we first moved to NC from PA, I couldn't get over how everything, literally, shut down at the mere mention of the POSSIBILITY of snow.

    Carol - here's hoping you get heat soon

    barbie - I was so sorry to see Tommy go off DWTS. He was so refreshing!

    genalace - thanks, it's good to know that you don't need a blood test before the Prolia. What kind of reaction were they afraid of? Yes, the cocoa mixed for me...but it did take a bit of work

    Trish - the antibiotics didn't help the mass any. If anything, it's gotten worse. Jess is prepared to put Lance down, she just wants to spend some time with him, which I can totally understand. I must say that I am proud of the decisions she's making, she's thinking about lance and not just herself.

    NSV for me - yesterday I admit that I was stressed when I first found out about Lance not doing any better and we just pick him up to, basically, die. I was looking for some sort of fat/sugar combination, but wound up having a NibMore chocolate (50 calories) and then some airpopped popcorn.

    Cynthia - how wonderful that they made that arrest. I wonder if Vince knows about this softwear?

    triciannT - happy birthday!

    Tuesday a.m. did a little bit more painting on my ladybug and then stopped at the health food store.

    The hosp. just called. I can't get the Prolia until Feb. of next year since I got the Reclast then. I had a feeling that there might be something about the overlap of the two, but no one said anything so I just assumed it was OK to do. Seems like it's not. Well, that's one less thing that I have to do tomorrow. I'm supposed to volunteer in the Green Room in the a.m. and then we have Newcomer bowling in the evening.

    Vicki - don't forget that butter can be frozen!

    Going to go get Loki his meds (I don't know why I waited like Vince wanted me to. I should have just done it like I wanted). Going to stop at Kohl's since I get $5 off.

    Michele in NC
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Michele: imo Lance is really not feeling well at all, and with the advice of the vet...I hope Michelle can make the (difficult) decision soon. :flowerforyou:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    girlbean wrote: »
    Hi! I'm a groupie newbie. I've been doing MFP for two years but recently feel the need to reach out. Not many of my friends have stuck with it and I would like to have some friends to share the journey with!
    I've lost 58 pounds and would like to lose a few more, but am most interested in maintaining the loss and keeping up with my exercise! I'm from Missouri and I'm 51, almost 52 years old. My husband and I have 2 kids who are in middle school and high school.

    welcome girlbean... I am a newbie to the group as well. I do log in every day and track all my food and still exercise every day. don't know how long I've been on mfp but it says that I have a 844 streak of logging. I know it's been more and I wasn't able to sometimes because of a bad signal and I couldn't log in. so far I am at the point of maintaining my weight going on over 2 yrs now if I remember correctly. i'm 55 (turned that in may) and did my first marathon this nov. 2nd. I ran them in vibrams which i'm pretty proud of. welcome to the group. I don't talk much usually on this and don't have time to read a lot of the stuff that's on here but I do try. have a good one!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    edited November 2014
    Sylvia ... I saw your husband's comments as a sign he is concerned about you. You obviously have a generous and giving spirit. I sure do wish I lived closer because you are most definitely someone I would enjoy being "real" friends with ... with no strings attached!

    Michele ... sorry Lance is failing ... so hard to lose a beloved pet.

    Vicki ... so sorry your daughter was harmed! We need good care givers ... the staff should have been given the proper background information! Hope you have been having a good day today (I sadly have been stuffing myself??)

    The snow won't stop. Schools already cancelled for tomorrow. We have not been hit with the worst of it, but we have friends that are literally trapped ... needing payloaders to clear their streets. One friend's BIL has over 7 feet in his driveway and street! It's been a strange storm.

    I keep trying to post a photo ... not working ... How do you upload? I see the folded down page on the task bar, I find my photo, hit open ... and then nothing...

    Beth near Buffalo
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Thursday here. Managed 14774 steps yesterday and dropped 1 lb 8 oz overnight as I ramped up the cardio and kept to 1950 food cals. Felt good all day.
    Did 30 mins Wii Gold's boxing before breakfast and waiting to do JJ's Bikini boot-camp at 10.30am, walk this afternoon. Cals = 840
    Have cleaning,ironong and cooking dinner to do today, cals = 1906, all good
    Waiting of 2 JJ DVDs and HRM. should be here soon
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    went to the Dr this morning, had to do a pee test, which was borderline so they sent it to the lab, and they want me to get a kidney ultrasound.. well our copay for insurance is 1000.00 and ,i was sick to my stomach all day long because I had to come home and tell the DH what I have to get, slammed his fist down on his desk and says well there goes the trip to Florida :# well doesnt that make me just feel wonderful, of course I start crying, what they heck am I supposed to do? he has no problem dropping money for an operation for the dog, but he says I know you need to get this done BUT..
    well im just worn out,I am going to bed... will try and catch up with you all in the morning
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Henseybrown – I’m in CA – SF bay area and we got a bit of rain, ¼ of an inch and we are happy – not enough…but 

    Carol – what a drag!

    Beth – glad you and your son are safe! Hope those on the roads get rescued

    Michele, Salubrioussteff, Girlbean– welcome

    Trish- I worked at a place that constantly was downsizing prior to opening my own business it was so so stressful… hang in there.

    Cynthia – great news on both fronts… maybe mom could start eating lunch at her senior center then you would know she was getting one “good” meal a day at least…

    TriciannT – Happy birthday and welcome

    Sylvia - I am so glad that you can see that what hubby is staying is true, so the one truth that he omitted is that by you shouldering the burden of doing all this stuff for others you are not helping them – just enabling them to take advantage. Learning to stand on our own is a skill that is extremely valuable. You have all of us as friends, and while we can not be right there, we are just an email away!

    Michele – warm thoughts to your family as you say goodbye to Lance

    Alison - I want to scoop you up, move you in with me and tell your DH to make his own meals, clean his own house, mow his own lawn, take care of his own DF.... Please take care of you....

    November Goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday

    Kim from N. California
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Oh grandmallie…. I m sending you a cyber hug. ((((((())))))))). What a horrible stressful day.

    Hopefully you can do a little research and see if you can find a procedure for less than $1000. (That sounds very high for a simple ultra sound.) We just move to a high deductible health plan and I created a bunch a bookmarks to help me keep the costs down :


    I hope this helps.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.

    Sally W.


  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good eve. Got some things done in the house today,since the windy cold kept me inside. Took everything out of bedroom furniture to sort & toss.......including stacks of saved recipes,old addys,magazines etc. All looking neat & clean now.Glad it's mostly shelves behind doors. No one knows it's there but me. :D
    Beth,hope you are all safe with the snow & more coming. We are going to get warmer/rainy wk end,then bitter cold for Thanksgiving & that wk end.Don't mind cold,but not 6' of snow!
    Alison,your area might have a place that only does X Rays.Maybe not as expensive.Hope they can find the problem soon.
    Carol,how are you doing? DD's DH is in NC this wk with 4 friends,hunting wild turkey.They plan to move there from Fl in a couple yrs.

    The Christmas cactus was started from a 59c tiny plant bought in a grocery.DH's Grandmother had the biggest Christmas cactus I ever saw.Planted in an old wash tub,living in a glassed in porch.Was so huge,couldn't be lifted or moved.

    Someone mentioned buying a wool peacoat? Bought mine in "88" & looks as good as new.Can't beat wool for keeping warm.

    Last of the soup & pie was tasty today.Already thinking what soup to make next wk. Can you tell I love good soup? :D

    DH is talking & since I only concentrate on one thing at a time,.........goodnight. Pat

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Team_KiKi wrote: »

    I admit I'm coming at this from a different perspective after a long lifetime in the business world, but here goes.

    It sounds to me like you need a business plan. A written one. When someone asks you for a favor (and taking on interns and perennial non-paying customers are definitely favors) you can go back to that plan and see if the proposal matches your business needs. Then you'll know how to respond...we all tend to agree to anything when we are unsure. And don't be worried about changing the rules...who's business is it anyway? With the long-time freeloader, you might offer that she can continue to visit and pay "in-kind", perhaps the floors need sweeping and the toilets cleaned. That meets your plan and takes some load off your shoulders - so although there's no income there, it provides you an advantage.

    I found help with writing a plan for my small web development business I will start up when I retire using materials I found at the library. And I joined Toastmasters, as I needed help stepping up and speaking up. (lol this post is the direct result of that!). Do check out SCORE (score.org) they provide free mentoring, SBO to SBO.

    I also will admit I really bristled at your husband telling you what to do. Unless it's his business, in that case you are the employee and why is he asking you to do this stuff, it's his job. :)

    Okay well, just my opinion and thoughts. Your mileage will definitely vary.

    Team-Kiki, You are right about needing a business plan. It really isn't much of a business, mostly because I don't try very hard to make it one. It's always been my little respite from the world, and sometimes the world tries to get in. Hubby seldom (actually this might be the first time) tells me what to do, and only now because he knows I was feeling trapped and he was helping by giving me an out. He said I could blame it on him if necessary. And he has good instincts about stuff, which I don't. He doesn't like to see me taken advantage of because it makes me feel so bad. Truthfully, after it told her no, I felt like the weight on my shoulders had lifted quite a bit.

    My granddaughter hurt her foot and didn't want to try playing basketball on it, so I got to come home early tonight. It wasn't anything serious, just sore. Still, I was glad to get an evening home. Hubby isn't feeling very good tonight, and went to lie down. That's not like him at all, so I'm a little worried about him. He's got aches and pains and a little something like reflux, even though he takes reflux meds, so I'm watching him like a hawk. He doesn't have any history of heart trouble, but you never know.

    I took Spot out in the side yard to play with tennis balls while hubby took the other two in the back to play, so we didn't have any fights tonight. I think that works out well. We had a six foot fence between to keep the peace. Spot doesn't try to run off or anything, so that's nice.

    I made roast in the crock pot for dinner. It's not the same without the onion soup mix, but this way I could eat some and hubby could add his own salt. He didn't eat much dinner though.

    Vicki, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. How sad that you didn't get to connect at the end.

    GirlBean, welcome! What part of Missouri are you from?

    Heather, that sword looks scary! I don't think I'd like it if my son were sword fighting.

    Pipcd34, my resting rate is about 50. Not sure if that's because of all my heart and BP meds.

    Margaret, I've never been good at saying no. But today it felt better than saying yes, so maybe I will practice saying it more often. I get the feeling that she knew it was more complicated than she was letting on, and just thought after I had agreed that I would feel obligated to go along with it. I feel like there was some manipulation going on. Even while she was explaining the mess to me, she was trying to gloss over the hard stuff.

    I'm only at the bottom of page 24, and I see that there is another page, so I'll go and read that now.


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited November 2014
    Michele, hugs to you and to Jess. It's so sad to lose a loved pet, and to see your child going through it must be terrible for you. Give Lance a nice pat for me.

    Beth, this storm is just horrible! Please take care and stay warm. Did you have time to gather groceries and supplies before it hit? It would be a bad time to run out of food. Or toilet paper. I sure hope your power stays on. After you found your photo did you click the button in the top right corner that says Done? When I do that it shows up. Not sure why yours isn't.

    Alison, sorry about the test you need. Our deductible goes up to $2500 per person next year. This year it was $1000 which we thought was way too much. How can people survive with these increases!

    Pat, I think that was me with the wool pea coat, but I don't find it to be very warm at all. I wear a sweatshirt and a hoodie underneath it and still get cold. And the grandkids say it's scratchy when I hug them.

    Now I'm done with page 25. Boy are we a busy bunch!

    Good night ladies!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    edited November 2014
    smiley-sport040.gifJake's new treadmill looks great in the living room. It's a bit more crowded now but still OK. We rarely have company and when we do, we all sit around the dining room table. He paid $20.00 for the treadmill at a thrift store and a friend helped him bring it home and set it up and refused money or lunch in return for the favor. So this afternoon we watched TV while Jake walked and I rode and the dogs lay on the couch in between.

    :) Sylvia, learning to say "no" to people who ask for too much takes practice and sometimes it takes getting taken advantage of before you can see your part and make changes. I know your hubby was just trying to help by giving advice because he loves you. I've learned to say "thank you" to unsolicited advice and be grateful for the love that inspired the advice. I know you'll find your way with this.

    :'( Alison, I'm so sorry that your husband's first response to your need for a medical test was angry and hurtful. Fear of financial insecurity is often the root of anger.

    :) Pat, I have a wool peacoat that I bought when I lost weight in 2009 and it still looks great. It replaced one that I'd had for years but had become too big. The downside is that it's wool and has to be dry cleaned. I have machine washable coats for dog walking and yard work and just bought a very warm machine washable coat that's waterproof for going places where I want to look nice but need protection from the rain.

    smiley-sport011.gifLesley, when you order things, how far do they have to come? I know that I live a long way from the metropolitan area and things take longer to get to me.

    :'( MIchele, I'm so sorry about Lance. Euthanasia is often the right solution, but the decision is so hard. I am sending virtual hugs to your daughter and to you ((((( ))))))) Yes, I was sorry to see Tommy go on DWTS --he was so much fun to watch, Peta choreographed so many great dances for him

    smiley-happy020.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washingtonsmiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    hello peeps.
    here are my stats for the day. i like keeping myself accountable.
    Ride hm 2 gym- 12.04min 14.6amph 3mi
    Spin- 35min 77ar 113aw 12-16g 13.3mi
    ride gym 2 dome- 5.45min 14.8amph 1.4mi
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.21min 9.2amph 2.7mi
    have a good day all.

    to mollywhippet
    my resting heart rate is 50 as well and i am not on any meds, so it may have something to do with your meds. i found the lower your resting heart rate is, the more of an "athlete" you are. we were getting our blood pressure, etc done at work and when they took my pulse, she asked, if i worked out a lot, and i asked how did she know, she said because of my heart rate... learning stuff all the time.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Cynthia - we talked to Jess today. She said that Lance was eating (just a little bit from her hand). Then she said "now I don't know what to do". Vince just said to her "well, he still has the underlying medical problems. He's home right now, and just like humans, he feels more comfortable. He doesn't have that IV in him any more". I do think that Jess realizes this and I know that she's taking "quality of life" into consideration. Hopefully for her, this means that he's going to be able to come down here this weekend. My suspicion is that the drive down here will take a lot out of him.

    Alison - wish I were there to give you a big hug and some tissues. Please take care of yourself.

    Beth - good thoughts for your safety being sent to you

    Sylvia - hope your hubby is better fast and that it's nothing real serious. I have a hard time saying "no" too. Oh, it is so hard to watch Jess go thru losing her "baby" and know that the only thing I can do for her is to be here. Earlier tonight I called her and the first thing I said was "how's Lance". Vince said that I should have first asked how she was, maybe made a little bit of small talk, and THEN asked about Lance. I know that if someone called me, I wouldn't want them to make small talk with me, I'd like knowing that they're concerned about my pet. But that's the difference between us.

    pipcd - my resting heartrate is in the 50's (I've checked it with my HRM)

    Michele in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Michele, I think you are absolutely right. You know her best, and you know that the formost thing on her mind is her baby, so if you call and ask about him first thing, she knows that you are concerned about what SHE is concerned about, and thus you are concerned about HER. If you wait and ask later it would seem like an afterthought, and you aren't really that concerned but thought you should ask to be polite. I think mothers get that but fathers sometimes don't. You are 100 percent right.

    That's my opinion, anyway, but what do I know.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: My problems with tissue are in the laundry room. :noway: I know I go through my pockets to get rid of tissue every time I wash, but I miss something way too often, and end up having to rewash and pick little bits of paper out of my clothes. Yuk! :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Salubrioussteff: Welcome. Your goals look good. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: You have my sympathy. Let DH be the bad guy, and take care of yourself without guilt. I agree with Margaret & Heather. I love today’s joke! :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Heather: The sword is beautiful! Your DS will be thrilled to own such a beautiful weapon. :flowerforyou:

    Vicki GI NE: II’m so sorry about your DDIL being attacked by a person in the group home where she works. Are they going to remove that person from the home and put him in a more restrictive environment? We had a social worker in town who was murdered by one of her clients while she was making a home visit. This happened just a few years ago. It can be a dangerous line of work. :flowerforyou:

    Girlbean: Welcome to a great group. Join in regularly and get to know people. :flowerforyou:

    Michele in NC: I’m happy that your daughter is stepping up to take care of her kitty. She’s showing a great deal of maturity. We have our fur babies and love them, but they have short lives and it is always hard to say goodbye. Rallying a little at home makes sense. This will likely take a bit of time and tears before all is said and done. Sending good thoughts to your daughter and you. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: Sending hugs your way and prayers that your DH grows a heart. Do what you need to and take care of yourself. :flowerforyou: That sounds a little harsh when I see it written here, but he seems to have a pattern of selfish behavior. :heart:

    Kim from N CA: Your advice about the AARP sleep article is working miracles for me. I am feeling BETTER! Thanks a bunch! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Patceoh: I share your love for good soup. Fall and winter are perfect seasons to have soup often. :flowerforyou:

    I walked with my neighbor today and then went to Macy’s to look at boots during their sale. I bought a pair for comfort and hope they’re stylish enough for dress up occasions. DH likes them and I like them. I was happy get the coupon discount. I also made a decision about Christmas. DD wants us to fly there and spend the holiday with them. If we do that, we'll have to leave our dog in a kennel, and he won’t do well. So we will drive if the weather is good enough and stay home if it is too dangerous to go. DH agrees with this. I haven’t talked to DD about it yet. Wish me luck.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Sylvia, so glad you are feeling good about your decision with the "intern" !!!
    It is raining here YEAH!!!! not hard and won't cure the drought but such a sweet sound after all the dry-ness!

    smiles kim
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    All in a frump tonight but wanted to give virtual hugs to quite a few of you ladies, especially Allison, Sylvia, Vicki, Michelle and others that I can't remember your names. Also cyber hugs to anyone who is in New York. I can not imagine that much snow. What happens when it all melts??? And California is begging for rain.

    I guess I am in a frump because I have gained some weight and trying to get a hold of myself again.

    May be trying something new this year. When Michelle was younger we had a tradition to never put our Christmas tree up until after her birthday, Dec 10. She felt like she was dealt a bum deal. Now I put it up just anytime she an coordinate a time to help us. Sometimes it's the week before Christmas! But I remember last year thinking it would be nice if I had the whole family do it together Thanksgiving evening when everything is calmed down, relatives are gone, just us and our kids and grand kids. But this goes against everything I have ever believed in. I want to have a break between Thanksgiving and Christmas to allow Christmas to have the reverence it needs. But I do't really get any real joy in putting up a tree. We turn the lights on right after we put it up and then don't turn them on until my family comes in for Christmas on the first weekend after the new year. Well when we were cleaning out our water mess we put the tree on the family room floor to assess it to see if it stank because it was mildewy or from just being in the bathroom. We store it in the shower in the downstairs bathroom!!!! Well it is still sitting in the same spot. So it would either have to be dragged back into the bathroom or just put it in it's stand and straighten out the branches. I don't want an ugly tree where we are eating our Thanksgiving meal. But I can have an undecorated tree there as long as I have straitened it out. So I think we are going to decorate it that evening. I think it would make a fun family tradition to have with my grand daughters. So that is big for me.

    Again, big hugs for everyone. Joyce, Indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Allison: I'm (very) sorry about the co-pay, but your health comes first! I wonder whether your DH knows where he'd be without you?? Agree with Kim (and everybody else). Please take care of yourself even if DH is growling. Agree with Barbie; he's probably growling because he's afraid of financial insecurity. (Still don't think he should take it out on you, though.)

    Kim: I'll have to see what the options are there. Mom says she eats normally, but I have my doubts. I also notice that she eats well if I'm there and I cook or go out with her (that's only once a year, so that's not going to keep her strength up!). I think she very much dislikes eating alone, let alone cooking for one as well. I can understand that, but she's weakening herself by not eating normally, and she doesn't seem to want to "get" that.

    Sylvia: somehow I missed your post about what was going on. But saying no when necessary is a good skill to have.

    Michele: hugs and a stroke for Lance. Sympathy to Jess.

    So the thief had apparently wiped the hard disk and installed his own stuff. My guy is wiping it again and will later install the backup, with the help of Apple. If everything goes as planned the computer should be working normally by the end of the day. Sure hope so.

    Working hard today; with the break-in (even though it wasn't my house) and my Mom being hospitalized briefly I'm a little behind. But we'll get there.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    morning ladies~
    I slept pretty well ,im still feeling punk... DH understands I need to get it done..
    You all are right about financial insecurity,he does things first and thinks later.. he does have an explosive temper,
    I had a very vivid dream,about volunteering for hospice,and this afternoon is is a 2 hr meeting at the hospital for all volunteers, I havent told him that I am going yet, as I will get more mouth..
    he is worried about money...it is near the end of the year,have bills.. we are trying to be very cautious with money ,just getting the grandkids presents, dont have the money to get even my adult children anything.will bake something for my dad before we go, and also for the CNA and nurses down at the nursing home..
    I have alot of running to do today.. taking Chester to the groomers,getting my haircut, and going to the meeting at 4:30 pm