

  • LovingLifeLivingHealthy
    Heather in Hampshire UK are you saying you put the bolonaise sauce over the roasted cauliflower instead of pasta? Could I have your recipe? Thanks, Kathy in PA

    "Tonight we are having roasted cauliflower (love it) with Bolonaisese sauce."
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    A rainy Tuesday in Tasmania, will have to put wet weather gear on for my 1 hour walk this afternoon. Cleaning house it needs it
    I had a minor meltdown last week when daughter, 44 living in Victoria , never rang. I will NOT send cards if she cannot be bothered. Stan said to let it go and so did friends on FaceBook. Feel better now, at least i kept training this time.
    Stan wants to buy a small tent so we can go camping on east coast and take the beagle with us. One night camping and if she is OK we can stay longer. She is almost 12 and deserves a holiday.
    Waiting impatiently for HRM to come, plus 2 DVDs from Jeannette jenkins, my treat to me!
    Have posted my meals at 1842 cals and exercise at 782 cals ( 31 min Wii Gold's boxing, 30 min+ JJ's cardio Sculpt and 1 hour walk.
    Feeling much better now.
    Lesley in tasmania
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hope everyone is staying warm and dry. It looks like we are having one heck of a nasty weather stretch in the US.

    I was trapped home by ice on both Thursday and Friday. I didn’t get out until late Friday. My internet connection can be a bit dicey at home, so I didn’t get to post much. smiley-sad009.gif

    We had so much ice that there are still huge stretches on black ice on my main road. I did take the dogs for a couple of good walks and got in a couple of runs but my neck and back are a little sore from just being so tensed up never really sure where the black ice might appear. I looked like the school bus was even still not going on all the roads this morning.

    I’m already tired of being cold!! smiley-sad018.gif It feels so much colder with the layer of insulation missing. smiley-taunt009.gif

    Because I was good and finished week 3 of the C25K program, I broke down and got some warmer shirts to layer for running. I found a bunch at Bi-Mart for only $10 a piece. When I got them home and tried them on it was obvious why these insanely expensive shirts were only $10. The sizing was all over the place. With the cut exactly the same across four shirts (only the color changed). One fit great. One was just a hair tight in the arms. The other two were so tight through the arm that I could not even bend at the elbow. Took those two back and got one short-sleeved shirt for yoga (and to remove the whole sleeve issue) and got another long sleeve shirt in a different color that fit just a little loose. smiley-taunt001.gif Can’t believe that I wear a small!!

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.

    Sally W.

    I found these great tickers. Hopefully they will go through.


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Did 1 segment of the "10 Minute Tummy Toner" DVD that I have, held my plank for 2 min 40 sec., and then took the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do some HIIT. I'll probably be doing more of that since I want to try to burn extra calories for the holidays.

    Sylvia - I'm glad they gave you your money back for that "ice cream"

    yvetterobins - welcome. So sorry you hurt yourself. What kind of exercise were you doing when it happened? Heal fast

    pipcd - thanks for the explanation of those abbreviations. Don't mind me, I might very well be asking you again. What sort of monitor do you use that will tell you the average watts? Most spin bikes that I've been on show you the Revolutions per Minute. When you are on the treadmill, what incline do you use? I believe my HRM would (if I cared to see it) tell me the average pace.

    Lesley - out of curiosity, why didn't you want a Polar? I had one, and their customer service leaves a lot to be desired. That was one reason I didn't get another one. I did like the fact that the transmitter was much smaller than the one I have now, but for as much as I use it, it's doing just fine.

    After the extremepump class stopped at Food Lion. I really don't like that store. But I thought for sure they had a small container of plain yogurt. It turns out that they do -- only it's greek yogurt. So I got a small container of the vanilla. I doubt there'll be much vanilla flavor. And I couldn't justify buying a large container just for one cup.

    Just came back from bowling. Seems that Lance is going downhill. In one sense, there's a part of me that's hoping he passes naturally. I'm just afraid Jess is going to say that they should do everything possible until she gets down here. I just don't want to see him in any pain. Plus, the longer he's there, the higher the bill will be for her. I guess I'll just have to leave it in God's hands.

    countscalories - a pint of the Arctic Zero is only 150 calories. Like I said, it has good flavor, it just isn't creamy. Sometimes you just need something cool and refreshing, especially in sumertime (I find for me). When I need something cool, I have some grapes in my freezer and take out a cup or so of frozen grapes.

    Cynthia - I have no idea if the doc is getting a kickback from the Prolia or not. Somehow, I don't think so. The doc I was at before who ordered the Reclast went with the Reclast. I just don't know what the story is. But it has been approved from the insurance co. I was afraid it wouldn't be since my order for the Reclast runs out in Feb. I was thinking they might approve the Prolia after Feb. But they didn't, so that's not a problem

    Seems that next week we're supposed to bring in something to munch on while bowling. I signed up to bring a veggie tray (as usual). It's amazing how many people signed up to bring a dessert, cookies and the like. Well....I'll have my veggies. What I usually do is get a veggie tray from the grocery, ask them not to include the dip but give me more carrots (or some other veggie) and then make my own dip.

    terri_mom - congrats on not giving in to the high fat foods at the bowling alley. How did you manage it?

    Loki had another mini-seizure last night. I heard the "yelp" and he was at the bottom of the stairs. I swear he knows when they're coming on because he always goes downstairs. Clyde came by him while he was having the seizure, didn't bother him at all but he was there. Vince looked into pet insurance. At the rate we're going, it might just be worth it.

    Toni - woohoo, you won't be getting cold!

    Cynthia - how horrible!

    Off to mahjongg

    Michele in NC
    who will be keeping her phone near her
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone

    Lesley - interested to see what your HRM is. I too would like one without the chest strap, can you please let me know

    Cynthia - Sorry I can no help with Dremel - we have a border collie (pretty active) the toe nails wear down naturally and her yearly check up - the vet normally trims them abit

    Alison - sorry to hear you are not feeling well - hope you can get the Drs quickly

    Diana - the occasional splurge is normal, hope you had a fantastic time with your family, it must be hard with them being so far away

    Heather - Roasted cauliflower sounds yum :) Can I have your receipe please

    DH start night shift today (7pm to 7am) which means I got to get up early and walk around a lovely park near work, whilst he handles the school and dog run. He has just moved to this position, so it will take some getting used to as he will work 2 days (7am to 7pm), then 2 days (7pm to 7am) then four days off. I am hoping to get some more early morning me time when it is on the off days.

    Nice 84 degrees here - warming up as we go.

    Hope everyone has a fabulous day

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    "Lesley - out of curiosity, why didn't you want a Polar? I had one, and their customer service leaves a lot to be desired. That was one reason I didn't get another one. I did like the fact that the transmitter was much smaller than the one I have now, but for as much as I use it, it's doing just fine."
    I had a Polar until 6 years ago, hated the chest strap. Last HRM was a watch one, loved it until it died. Kogan HRM is also a watch type.
    Just finished 30 minutes JJ's SA cardio sculpt. Will increas time every week until I dfo full DVD
    Drinking BioFlex protein shake, off for shower, iron clothes and bed sheets and clean house. Then lunch and 1 hour walk. Then put feet up with Carmen's protein bar. Oh maybe garden if no rain.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new! This is a great group of supportive and kind women!

    Yanniejannie :) I had a three trees taken out over the summer, seems it cost me around 1500. , they also ground out the stumps, and cleaned up the mess! It was so worth it in the long run! I have a gorgeous River Birch :love:, I call it my umbrella tree, you`re right the leaves start falling off of it early. My landscaper wanted to take it out too, but I resisted. I may have to do something with it later, but I really love this tree!

    Sylvia :) Your recipe for turkey sausage sounds delish! Congrats on the “new” coat being too big!!! I bet you looked smashing in the wild animal “fur” coat :smokin:! Ice cream that`s bad, sounds just gross!

    Lesley :) Congrats on the inches lost!!! When are you planning on going camping? I bet Mildred Beagle will enjoy it very much!

    Counstcalories :) Congrats on your awesome weight loss!

    Heather :) I planted my pansies a month or so ago and they are looking fabulous right now. Congrats on getting all your Christmas shopping done, I`m almost done too! Glad your Stollen “cake”eventually turned out good! I just have no desire to cook, wish I did :ohwell:!

    Barbie :) Beautiful home!!! I love trees and hated removing the ones I got rid of. I had a beautiful dogwood that the landscaper we had when we built the house planted and it was too close to the deck, it should have never been planted there, one was some sort of pine tree that was growing up on the side of the house, it just looked strange. I can`t even remember what kind the 3rd one was but it was growing at an angle and they said it could come down in a storm. I love tall majestic trees :love:!

    Alison :) I would be really upset at the nursing home too, sometimes I wonder if they medicate them so much so they don`t have to “watch” them as much :mad:. Hope you`ll get to the Dr. and get yourself well :flowerforyou:!!!

    Joyce :) Do you have snow yet? I`m just not ready for winter :noway:, it was rainy and chilly here today, and the high for tomorrow is supposed to be 35 degrees…brrrrr….

    Sue in SD :) 6 ½ inches of snow….brrrrr! I hope you didn`t get hurt too much when you fell and are feeling better today :flowerforyou:!

    Michele :) I use Splenda sometimes for drinks, I tried Truvia and didn`t like the aftertaste, it was kind of bitter. Are you just trying to stay away from sugar, or do have to stay away from it? I`m so sorry to hear Lance isn`t improving :sad:. I saw somewhere where they had butter on sale and I thought about you, now I can`t remember where it was :blushing:.

    EthansNana :) When I go to a Mexican restaurant I usually have the fajitas the same way, and usually have enough to bring home and put on top of a salad for the next day lunch…yummy!

    Beth :) You have snow too, stay warm!!! So sorry your son is still having migraines, I know its awful for him and for you too :flowerforyou:!

    Dianna :) Sounds like you had a nice visit with your family :love:!

    Terri-mom :) Congrats on not eating at the bowling alley!!!

    Katla :) I have a natural gas fireplace too, I miss the smell of the wood, but not the cleaning up part of it :noway:! You reminded me, my car is due for service too, will put that on the list of people to call tomorrow.

    Pamala :) Nice to see you back! Wish I could answer your question, I`ve been wondering the same thing lately :ohwell:!

    Rita :) Congrats on getting to gym today!!! My body likes the size it is too ::frown:, still I`m not giving up!

    Cynthia :) So sorry that happen to your guy. Hope they find the delinquents that did it!

    Sally W. :) Trapped by ice…yikes, that is never fun! They are saying we could have black ice in the morning. I don`t like being cold either!

    Trish :) 84 degrees…lucky you!!!!

    Time to take Ms. Dog out again, at least it`s not raining anymore! Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!

    DeeDee in soggy NC

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Posted on my feed but I'll post it here too: I just got undressed for bed; I had clipped my Fitbit One to my bra (usually wear it on my pants pocket), and now the skin is irritated and has small blisters! I hope to heck it has something to do with the plastic and not with radiation, but I fired off a mail to Fitbit and will be checking with my doctor if I can get an appointment tomorrow. Ladies, be warned!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2014
    Pamela: Welcome back. :bigsmile::

    Rita: Patience, grasshopper. (Remember that old Kung Fu TV show?) Keep doing the right things. Weight comes off when it comes off and not according to our preferences or schedules. I speak as an experienced Plateau Princess. You can wear my tiara. :heart:

    Toni: Congratulations on zipping your coat! That is a great NSV. :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: So sorry that your guy has been burgled. I hope they only took things that can be replaced and not things of sentimental value. Our dog goes to a groomer every other week for a comb-out and “mani/pedi”. It only costs us $15. I feel very lucky. :flowerforyou:

    Sally W from Oregon: Congratulations on your missing "insulation" and on the size small clothes! WTG!!!! :bigsmile: Time to buy warmer clothes. DH bought a great leather belt at Bi-Mart a few years ago, but we haven’t bought other garments there in ages. The nearest one is in Tigard, and that is a long drive through nasty traffic. Thanks so much for the boot suggestion. DH has some like that & I couldn’t find any that fit. I did find some rain/water boots at Columbia Sportswear that fit and are actually made in Oregon. They guarantee that I can wade and have dry feet as long as the water doesn’t come in over the tops! Function is the key, but these actually look nice. :flowerforyou:

    Michele in NC: Sorry that Lance is having a downhill slide. :broken_heart: I agree with your sentiments on what is best for him. Your daughter will probably not have enough life experience to “get” that yet. Sending good wishes for all. :flowerforyou:

    Trish: Your DH’s new schedule sounds exhausting. I hope he finds it doable. The four days off is a nice incentive. Good luck on snagging more “me time.” I wonder where you’re from. 84 degrees sounds divine. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’ve got my first sourdough loaf using your method rising! :bigsmile:

    I have completed my first 10 days with my new sleep regime and I am feeling much better. Big thanks go to Kim! Doing the averaging of time for record keeping was quite a struggle. Hours and minutes are not as easy to average as I expected. DH wants to convert it all to military time. He thinks it would make the math easer. But in military time, every minute is still 60 seconds and we’re back to the same issue. I think I’ll look for an app. If I don’t find one, there will be LOTS of rounding to create an average. :devil:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening friends! Just got home from Girl Scouts and BOY am I tired. My granddaughter is a serious jabber box! But she had fun tonight, making a purse out of duct tape.

    Toni, I live in Pittsburg, which is in the far southeast corner. I'm originally from the country in the Wichita/Augusta area though. Our grandparents lived in the Flint Hills. Talk about no trees!

    I'm going to bed early. Goodnight everyone!

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Checking in. Thanks, Vicki, for missing me.

    I've been to a leadership training retreat for my denomination. It was phenomenal. I did get up at 5:30 and did 50 minutes on the treadmill. Discovered that the fitbit doesn't get every step when you're on the treadmill or give you credit for all your active minutes. Oh, well! I know I did them. One thing I didn't like was that they had us stay in a residence inn. One person got the good comfy bed and one got the pull out sofa, yet we had to pay the same amount. Not fair at all! I took the sofa bed because I needed to do some work on the computer and the desk was in the living area. Next time, if I have the same roommate, we will switch.

    Someone mentioned Made to Crave. My favorite verse in that book is "you've circled that mountain long enough. Go north!"

    Sylvia, I also shell out the big bucks for my shoes. After plantar fasciitis and losing two toenails from shoes traumatizing my toes and a huge problem with blisters, I've decided that my feet are worth it.

    I'll try to be more active.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    hello, just got home, so here are my stats for the day:
    Ride hm 2 gym- 13.17min 13.3amph 3mi
    Spin- 36min 76ar 120aw 12-17g 13.5mi
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.48min 11.2amph 1.5mi
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.13min, 9.3amph, 2.7mi

    exermom - the spin bikes that we have show you the watts and it will also tell you the average rpm's and watts for the whole time you are spinning. our treadmills show you same thing. i use a free app when i ride my bike to/from work. that's how i know how long it took, and the average speed. i think someone asked me what hrm i use. i've gone thru a lot of polar pt4 monitors. when i was training for my marathon mine was starting to poop out on me again and i didn't want to risk it on the run. i got the hrm that is linked to my iPhone, so far it has worked, no watch, i see it on my phone. as far as the incline when i run, a lot of the times, no incline, right now it's just running and riding and rowing, blah blah blah... i hope i got everyone's questions answered. sorry if i missed some.. gotta go eat now b4 it gets too late.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good evening, everyone! Just a quick check in to say I'm lurking around and keeping up with reading, just not posting much. I've been having a few down days and have kept to myself. Even though it supposed to get barely above freezing tomorrow, at least it will be sunny; hope that helps with the mood.

    Good night!

    Carol in cold, wet NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    DeeDee - I'm trying (operative word) to break myself of the habit of sugar. Now I've found that if I have some silken tofu with unsweetened cocoa in it, that seems to help me no longer crave sweets. Tonight I had a banana (defrosted) with cocoa in it, and then a piece of fudge! But now I wish I never had that fudge.

    Jess called earlier tonight, right before I left for mahjongg. They're going to do another radiograph tomorrow on Lance to see if the mass in his lung is any smaller. Personally, I don't think it will be. Her feeling (and I think this is very mature of her) is that she doesn't want him in pain. If there's nothing more that can be done for him, she just wants to spend some time with him. Guess we shall see what tomorrow brings.

    Well, going to brush my teeth and then spend time with Shadow.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good evening ladies. Sometimes the energy in this group intimidates me! The weather report says we had 4 inches of snow overnight but it looks like more. He did say that some places would have more. Poor Melody saw the door open today and you could tell by her body language she wanted to make a run for it but then just stopped ubruptly when she got to the bottom of the stairs. I guess she saw that snow and got scared, like it was foreign to her. She has gotten in the snow and almost jumped from the snow into the front door. I asked Michelle how her dogs were enjoying it. The old guy hates the cold and will hardly go out, the big boxer loves it, doesn't want to come in and the middle one has such separation anxiety issues he would stay out in it as long as Michelle is in his sight line. She loves the snow though so it's the old guy who begs to go in. I love the look of 'virgin snow'. Snow that has not been walked on at all. Some one walked the length of next door neighbors on both sides of our house and ours so it's ruined now. Of course when the girls were young I loved the look of the snow after the girls and I had absolutely destroyed the yard with playing. I also love the look of bushes that have Christmas lights on them and then a good snow fall. It just looks so soft. Our next door neighbor has an inflatable turkey and it looked so funny with 4 inches of snow and all lit up.

    I am really having problems with self control lately and although the scales don't show a change the clothes are showing. My new sweaters show more of a belly bulge.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, all,

    Long day.....errands, errands, errands. Several planning phone calls to fine tune plans; getting ready for 2 events on Saturday.........the race I'm on the planning committe for and a "meet and greet" at the police facility, and our expected numbers at both have skyrocketed the past few days. I'm supposed to make the macaroni salad, suddenly it's for 500.......no way can I make it for 500.......I just can't. Impossible. Personally, I think the people telling me this are WAY off on that number; guess we'll find out. Really looking forward to Sunday when it will all be over.

    Cynthia........Sorry about your guy's losses. Ouch! Could the device have a battery that leaked and burned you?

    On dremels........I did dremel the feet of a Barbie once so they would fit in her shoes.....never used on my dog.

    Michele.........Very sorry to hear the kitty is slipping. I was on weekly oral Fosamax by the rheumatologist; after about 8months, I started getting horrible epigastric pain so I stopped, just stopped it. Haven't fallen apart yet. After all the horror stories from her about how bad my osteoporosis was, I suggested they just do hip replacement if it was truly that bad. Why not, they do it for bad knees all the time. No go. Not a fan of taking meds forever; would rather just get it fixed. Big pharma at its best. If I do break a hip, I want a new one.....they better not just pin it.

    Someone posted a Christmas Cactus........gorgeous!!!

    Fading fast........g'nite
    yanniejannie..........where it was 74 today, tornado watch south of us earlier, tomorrow in the 30's............yuck

  • donnamwebb39
    donnamwebb39 Posts: 315 Member
    I haven't posted in a while, but have kept up on reading. Congrats to all with those great NSVs - avoiding the high fat/carb snacks at bowling alley, zipping coats, etc. It is so wonderful to hear and share in your victories!

    I have been busy running around getting DD#1 ready to go to JobCorps. She leaves tomorrow and I hope it will work out well for her. We leave at 5am to get her to the airport by 7am for her 8am flight. Normally, the drive to the airport is only around an hour, but it will be morning rush hour, so am allowing extra time. She will be going to Curlew, WA, which is usually much colder than here, so needed to get her outfitted. Thank goodness for second hand shops! After that, I can focus on getting DD#2's paperwork for financial aid completed for her start in community college in January. With the holidays approaching, I think I can relax a bit in January, LOL.

    Prayers and warm thoughts to those with physical and personal situations.

    Donna in Western Washington
    Goals for November:
    1. Take an outside walk at least 3x per week - (Not quite keeping this one up - usually only two times {I want to blame the cold, but... nah, just not getting myself out there.)
    2. Continue to log everything that goes into my mouth and print report daily for notebook - (This one I am succeeding at!)
    3. Only weigh in once per week (Mondays) - (So far, so good on this)
    4. Find and contemplate 1 new thing everyday that I am truly thankful for and write it down on the back of each day's printed report - (I haven't done this every day - but make up for the days I skip by adding extra to the days I enter)

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Katla – great job on taking care of your sleep

    Countscalories, Iz , Yvetterobins, and any other newbies I missed!- welcome

    Cynthia – thanks, I miss you all when I can’t get here.

    Heather – so can you get Parmesan rind from the super market, or a specialty store? Do you buy it just the rind or the whole thing? Do you buy a wheel or wedge? I would love to find it over here… anyone else know where I could get it for a good price… *Later* “ I sometimes think I am crazy at my age to be doing all this, but I know the benefits are enormous in health and mobility, not to say how I look. I do moan a lot though and poor DH just laughs at me. Also it means I can EAT, which is very important to me. ´ you inspire me!!!! I am so glad you do all you do!!!!

    Yannie jannie – talk of chili makes me want to do some! Have to figure out when will work..
    *Later* when I participate in drawings of things I am not keen on, then I try to figure out what item I could use as a gift.

    Barbie – I love my trees too, but sometimes they get planted in the wrong spot. Lucky for me the two trees that were in the wrong spots when I bought are gone now and better choices made.

    Alison – just 4 for Thanksgiving will be easier on you.

    Sue – hope you heal up fast!

    Diana – 1000 miles of driving in a weekend! Wow!! That is the gift in it’s self.

    Pamala – Keeping the 6lbs off is excellent! Give yourself credit for that. As for why you sabotage… this has been a learning process for me; learning about nutrition, exercise and more importantly about what makes me tick or not tick… My guess is some of my weight is tied to my self image/worth… and maybe others share that.

    Toni – great NSV!

    Sally – Wish CA could have some of the nasty weather… still stuck in a drought!!!
    And pretty nice weather it was CA cold (45 ish) and dry last night and in the high 60’s today. Right now (8:30pm) on my covered protected back patio it is 51

    Michele – tough decision, but mature from Jess - I have had to make that hard decision for my pets more often than I would like – while I was working out of the home I only adopted older dogs that were well past puppy stage, so when the start out at 9-11 years old you are making tough choices every 3-5 years… I always figured quality of life was the top consideration.

    Joyce – hang in there ! the holidays and weather changes seem to be getting many of us in the indulging mode… I will stay in control and exercise to make up for my choices

    I have to share --- I am in love (hahaha) with a new tea flavor the brand Bigalow comes out with holiday teas each year and each year I try them.. every so often there is an amazing one, and this year they did it – for me at least – it is salted caramel tea; no salt, no caramel, no calories – but with a splash of non-fat milk it is perfect! Wish finding a date was so easy – ha! Never happening.

    I have been busy with work and family commitments; last Friday was the last football game of the season and while I love them; I will not miss the commitment of time – every Friday from 3:30pm until midnight was committed between driving there/ home and the game. So just the awards banquet and that season is over. But I know it means a ton to my nephew that I come; his DDad only made it to ½ of the home games; the bleachers are not comfortable to sit on…. Really what a jerk.

    I had a long time girlfriend share some really personal challenges with me today; and it was so interesting to hear as she is always someone who is in such tight control and seems to judge others; I have a new perspective…. And felt honored that she felt she could talk to me.. I tend to share about my struggles and past freely and am still surprised when others are so closed about theirs. When I started sharing(result of counseling) I was amazed how many women have the same or similar experiences and how many have just set it aside. (for those that don’t know I am a domestic violence survivor)

    Well last night was our first really cold night (33 degrees) so tonight I made a fire in the wood stove, the house is toasty and really cozy! I only have a wood stove for heat; so it is sometimes it is hard to decide fire or not – as it is a commitment of heat, unlike the furnace you can run for a bit and turn off.

    November Goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday

    Kim from N. California
  • henseybrown
    henseybrown Posts: 7 Member
    ok, so~ I'm having trouble staying connected to my daily goals, let alone my long term goals... I start off good then, after dinner, (like now) I realize I have lost myself, and just ate and drank and ate again.... over my calories for the day... ugh :\ like my awareness goes away... do I need to hang a sign around my neck to remind myself... or what :o !!!!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just an FYI about the HRM. If you are on a beta blocker, medicine that keeps your heart rate abnormally low for a medical condition, a HRM probably won't do any good. You aren't getting an accurate reading of what is going on at all. I rarely get above 80, and that is some pretty extreme excersize