
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    Leslie & Kiki - Thank you both for the information about activity trackers. I really appreciate your help! Now, I'm off to research!

    Take care everyone. Stay warm to all who are in areas being affected. California folks, hope you get the rain you need. To everyone, praying that you will be blessed with all that your heart needs.

    Barb from South Louisiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,052 Member
    well, here are my stats for the day.. all over again tomorrow:
    Ride hm 2 gym- 12.43min 13.9amph 3mi
    Ski Machine- 25min, 25-40resist. lvl5-10 1.92mi
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.44min 11.5amph 1.5mi
    other- jump rope fast- 6min.
    ride dome 2 hm- 18.02min 8.9amph 2.7mi
    have a good nite all
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,970 Member
    CynthiaT60 wrote: »
    Katla: my aunt called weeds "volunteers". :D

    I've heard that term used to describe flowers that pop up on their own, usually from stray seeds.
  • michelegreen99
    michelegreen99 Posts: 28 Member
    edited November 2014
    Well, its a sign how crazy insane my life has been when I saw this post and thought, wow, this sounds like a fun group and will help me set some goals for November. It was only until I started reading more posts that realized that we were ALREADY in November, in fact, almost 3/4 thru. How did that happen?

    So my intention for November and December is to not gain any weight during these two months and already, I'm up a pound :blush: That's ok. I'm staying focused and not going crazy and I think reading your posts each day will help me. Thank you!

    Michele from California
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,970 Member
    Barbie, super cute house!

    The cactus is beautiful, Pat. Mine bloomed 4th of July. Bless its heart. At least it chose a holiday!
  • Quick Question: I am searching for an activity tracker that will count steps/activity, monitor heart rate without a chest strap, and monitor skin temp/perspiration. I haven't used one before. If you have any experience with any of the brands, can you please tell me from your experience which are the good ones and which ones to avoid?

    Check out the Basis http://www.mybasis.com/
    I have the first version, and like it. Only issue is you can not connect it with any 3rd party apps like Myfitnesspal
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Jen, another Hoosier! From the sound of your weather, it sounds like you are from northern Indiana. I am from Evansville which is extreme south western.

    I am also one that doesn't get a lot of sun in the front yard. We live in a bi-level which is taller than a ranch but not as tall as a two story. The sun takes care of the back yard but we still have about 3 inches of snow in the front yard. The homes across the street from us are almost bare today. I feel like taking my shovel and giving them some of mine!!!

    I can't believe how much snow is in Buffalo now, It is just now on the news. But I hear you have some fantastic snow removal equipment.

    Sylvia, so sorry about your shoes. Bruno is just being who he is and I think you gave him the right name. It was when one of our dogs ate the skirt off of our couch that we knew anytime we weren't at home he had to be in a crate. We had previously thought it would be cruel but how wrong we were. He really enjoyed that crate. I agree with the others about taking the other Grandma to places. We all have to learn, insert me pointing my finger back at myself, that we make choices for ourselves and must also take the consequences for those actions. It's terrible that people take advantage of others. Sorry about your back. I did that Sunday just by standing up! Yep, stood up in church and my back went into a spasm. All better now with Advil and heating pad.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    I've caught up, finally!

    Terrimom. Don't know what kind of salmon steaks you get. Are they the horseshoe shaped ones? I agree with you those have lots of bones in the middle. I normally now buy the steaks that are cut across, so they are skinless and boneless. I grill them wrapped in foil, but not tightly wrapped. I put some slits in the fish with the point of a knife then pour on some maple syrup to soak in, then grill it.

    Cynthia, if it is the Fitbit plastic that caused the problem, try painting the back with nail polish. I do hope it isn't radiation burn.

    Sylvia, I'd made a note to say that when I was a kid my mum would never let me wear them until they had been cleaned and polished with shoe polish to avoid getting scuff marks on them. I guess now Bruno has chewed them it is probably a bit late for polish. I hope they aren't as bad as you fear.
    I'm going to get some new boots tomorrow, the store I'm planning to go to has a 15% discount this week. The 2 pairs I looked at yesterday were $240 and $345. The last pair I bought were also quite expensive but I've had them for about 15 years. I take size 11 ( 9 in UK) and have very wide feet, so I don't get a lot of choice. When I'm in UK I like to go to Hotters.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,970 Member
    Sylvia, I am so sorry about the shoes. My cat loves to claw leather shoes and has ruined many an expensive pair. He leaves my walking shoes alone, thank goodness.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone

    Cynthia - they withdrew the last fitbit due to allergies / rash issues in the band, but this is the first time I have heard it about fitbit one. Hope the Dr clears you quickly. Hope your mums gets better

    Katia - I am from Perth, Western Australia, our climate is the direct opposite to you, when you are hot, we are cold and vice versa. I am sure you will find an app - there seems to be one for just about everything except winning the lotteries :)

    Carol - hope you are feeling better soon

    Michelle - I am hoping that the puppy's mass reduced, it is sad to put animals down :(

    MollyWhippett - I have somehow lost the Left shoe of my good work shoes - the mystery is that we can not find it where my BC would normally leave it after sneaking them out for a chew - I will need to go and buy a new pair this week

    Terri - How did the acupuncture go?

    Lesley - can you please let me know when the Kogan HRM arrives and what you think of it?

    I am having a lot of up and downs at the moment, the company that I work for is going to drop 25% of its workforce (just over 550 people). People are being tapped on the shoulder all the time - last night 3 people who I have known or worked along side for 24 years were tapped. Last night's eating was bad, but I recorded it all in my food diary so that is a plus and a bigger plus is I am back on track this morning eating a healthy breakfast instead of going to the bakery as I really really wanted to do

    Keep smiling


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I made the sourdough bread! It is delicious, but not as pretty as yours. I need a basket for letting it rise. I am happy! Maybe my next effort will be pretty and tasty. If I had to choose, tasty wins. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Katla - So pleased for you! My basket comes from Amazon. I have just bought a slightly bigger one as mine was a bit too small. :flowerforyou:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Beth: stay safe!

    The last day has been a real roller coaster. My guy was burgled two days ago; they took his Mac and his big tv. Of course, losing your computer is what you're really worried about. Long story short, the computer tracking software we had installed (not the pre-installed Find My Mac) WORKED, logging the ip-address where the Mac was plugged in, taking photos of the guy in front of the computer, and making screenshots of what he was doing. The police had no experience with this (!), but when we explained it (!) and gave them our login information so they could follow it themselves, they got in gear. This morning my guy got a phone call that they'd found the computer and made an arrest!!

    Around the time we were trying to get the police in gear -.- my brother messaged me that my mom was in the hospital. He didn't know what the story was. Again, long story short, it turned out to be dangerously low blood sugar. Hope the doctor will be able to work with her on that. They said she "should" have been in a coma; they were amazed she was speaking in full sentences. After an IV and a big lunch she was allowed to go home again. It does worry me that she apparently doesn't eat well at home, but downs a big lunch at the hospital. (It's not financial, luckily.)

    I did treat myself to a tiny dose of Mother's Little Helper. ;) I was so stressed out.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    morning ladies~
    didnt get home until after 6, so I didnt check in last night...
    I have a 8:45 appt at the drs this morning, both kidneys are bothering me and it is hard to sleep, think I might have UTI, bladder or kidney infection ,so im sure they will be giving me antibiotics..
    well I dread getting on the scale at the Dr's I havent stepped on mine in awhile and I know from January I am up about 15 lbs,I havent been diligent about eating and exercising ,and I need to be...
    I have to get with the program again...
    im feeling it for you guys getting the lake effect snow.. my great aunt lived in syracuse (sp) most of her life she lived to be I think 99 god bless her..
    got up at 2:45 this morning and started the first of 2 loads of laundry,getting the DH lunch and dinner ready..
    will take a shower and get to the drs ,then stop and see my DFIL, they did regulate his meds and I hope he is able to get back on his feet, as of right now he cant stand anymore,and that is within the last few weeks of amping that med
    Im sure if I wasn't there daily,something worse could of happened ,but all in all they really do take great care of him,much better than other nursing homes I have seen..
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    OMG everyone from New York. I have never seen so much snow at one time. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • TriciannT
    TriciannT Posts: 58 Member
    Today is my birthday!! I consider each birthday as the start of my personal new year. It is a time to reflect on how I have grown over the last year and also to set goals for the next year of my life. I use this time to get organized and focus which is hard for me to do. My goals for November are to stop drinking alcohol for happy hour and log my exercise and food religiously.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Didn't have to scrap the windsheild this morning. it was a balmy 36 degrees Farenheit. Bodi and Ritter weren't too unhappy to go out this morning.

    take care all.
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Acupuncture last night was nice, but not amazing. It was hard to relax and trust him after he said he does not think I have RA, but eventually I was able to relax. He focused on both knees, right thumb, and lower neck. All those areas are about 50% better. Then he tried to sell me a bunch of "herbals" (I bought 2, but not all 5). I will only go back if I win another gift certificate. But I will go back to deep tissue massage - that always makes me feel better.

    As for the salmon steaks, they were the horse-shoe cut. I have never tried them with maple syrup, so I will try that next. Usually I put them skin-side up on the Foreman Grill with a little garlic salt. I bet DS will love them with maple syrup.

    DS is sad today, but taking the news better than I expected. He was cut from High School basketball try-outs. Some of his taller friends were cut, too. He will now switch his weight-lifting to focus on baseball and football, and play Park/Rec basketball with the friends who also got cut. He also told me Michael Jordan got cut from his High School team, so he will keep trying out every year. I, on the other hand, am thankful to be "only" spending 4-6 days/evenings a week in a bowling alley, and saving several hundred dollars for basketball uniforms and shoes (but of course did not tell him that, and will continue to be supportive, shhhhh). And I keep repeating that he should be proud of being the only Freshman on the Varsity Bowling Team.

    Terri in Milwaukee

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,052 Member
    woah... it was 36 riding to the gym this morning! we're having a heat wave. by the time I got to work, it went up 4 degrees. stay warm out there. iz from the pacific nw!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    The sun is shining and it makes the scenery outside just breakthtaking! We are still under travel bans and we have a lot of digging to do this morning as another onslaught is predicted for this evening. Potentially two more feet! We are seeing snow totals in the area that are more like season totals ... not a 3-day storm. Does not bode well for the rest of the winter ...

    Terri ... I have watched my son get cut from favored sports over the years. The basketball team is especially competitive. It's good that he has another interest. I used to use the Michael Jordan story too! :)

    TriciannT ... Happy Birthday! May this be the start of a great year!! :D

    Have a great day ladies!