

  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    Diane - I do hope your sis gets a car. Without one right now, how does she get around? Happy early birthday. Where are you going for dinner? I've heard so much about a neti pot -- all good. Just never used one myself. Yup, I know the cats are marking me. It's just sometimes a pain when you get them under you. Then again, the time goes by quicker because you're concentrating on the cat and not your discomfort. To all cat lovers out there -- we get these very light balls at WalMart and many times we'd find them in the food or water dish. What we subsequently found out was that an indoor cat will bring their prey (the ball) to their "nest" (food dishes) and that's why they do that.

    This is a good pub in that it serves water!


    Sis has had a number of accidents. They were not her fault. She was rear-ended 5 times in 4 years. The last one totaled her new car. It has been 2 years of driving her to and from work. We didn't go car shopping today because "she knows I hate it, and didn't want me to do it on my birthday." She told me this at 5 p.m.:grumble: She has seen hundreds of decent cars.(I know, I cleared at least 300 from my emails) She won't BUY one. I am ready to smack her. Preferably with a 2x4. :laugh: :sad: I should start charging her for oil changes and mileage. My life revolves around her schedule. Four adults, one car. She keeps asking "how can I help you?" My answer. BUY A CAR.

    Have your ever tried ping pong balls with your cats? Especially in the bathtub. Noisy, but funny. My cats also like those kickapoo, toys.

    We went to a steakhouse. The first place we went to was closed. So we went further down the road. Had a nice dinner. Came home and Sis made a cake for me.

    Michele and Joyce -congrats on your low cholesterol!

    I found some dried cherries in the pantry. I think I'll make oatmeal cherry nut cookies. I can tweak them with added fiber and lower sugar.

    Well, I'm walking in the a.m. Time to get some sleep. Diane in TX
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Good morning all!

    Done my exercises. I'm going to take a band with me to NYC, but I doubt I'll do much.:ohwell: Walking will take care of the calories, but I don't want my biceps to shrink!:laugh:

    Margaret - what a lovely fun picture! You are good at enjoying yourself.:flowerforyou: That is a gift.:flowerforyou: Not everyone knows how to do it and it is so important.

    Rori - I'm with you on the wine.:noway: My consumption has been creeping up and I have to watch myself. I try to stick to one drink per day in the week and two on Friday and Saturday. If we have company or it is a special occasion that goes out of the window. I nearly always regret that.:grumble: If I stick to the one I feel much happier.:smile:
    I really admire you for the way you manage your eating and drinking with all the travelling you do. I hope your arm feels better soon. Whenever I am travelling my eating goes to pot - air travel being the worst. Yesterday I ordered a selection of Quest bars which should arrive on Monday. I have a fear of going all hypo when I am travelling, but don't want to grab a cookie or something. They are 170 calories and low sugar, high good fibre. Apparently they are quite filling. I think it will just make me feel better knowing I have one in my bag for emergencies. I always have nuts with me. I have also discovered small bags of mini pretzels for 98 cals a bag. If I don't eat regularly I simply shut down and can't function, so I hope this will help, even psychologically. I find you get to the airport with time to kill, you don't want to have a meal as there will be a meal on the plane, which could be delayed, so you eat something anyway because you are hungry. :sad:

    Going to have a nice soak in the bath and give myself a pedicure. I fancy purple varnish.:bigsmile: Not that anyone is going to see my toes - I even wear socks in bed!:laugh:

    Love Heather in brighter Hampshire UK
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Still dealing with tiny fonts. Going to Apple Monday.Pat
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Margaret -- "Here we are at the Music Man Museum" -- I can just hear it now: pick a little, talk a little, cheep, cheep, cheep cheep....eegads!...Watch your phraseology!... Marion, madam librarian...Grecian urns...The think system...Oh, the Wells Fargo wagon is a comin'...... Goodnight my someone, goodnight my love... and so many more! One of my DH's favorite movies and I know we'll watch it anytime it is on TV. Also, John Wayne in The Quiet Man, which was recently on TV,

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: I looked online for foods that are rich in HDL. Here is the list I found, which includes one item that is not food: nuts; fish such as salmon, mackerel, albacore tuna and halibut; olive oil to replace butter; avocados; oatmeal, rice, barley, dried peas & beans; and exercise. I already know that you’re an exercise queen. Maybe a few more of the foods on the list will help.:flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I love your picture at the Music Man museum. You and DH both have very attractive faces.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: Many of us could use a “wicked woman” like your coworker in our lives. I agree that many of us have occasional times we fall off the wagon. I sure do. I ate two half gallons of ice cream in the last week and a half. Yikes! The trick is to jump right back on the wagon and do a little extra exercise, too. I hope you have a good chat with your mom. :flowerforyou: PS: No more buying half gallons of ice cream for me! :noway: :laugh:

    Barbie: I have a laptop and DH has a desktop. When we travel he shares my laptop. I work hard to be a good sport about it. :tongue: :wink: Now that he’s got an ipad, maybe he’ll stay off of my laptop when we travel. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Stay in touch when you can.:flowerforyou:

    Rori: I’m sorry that your shoulder is giving you pain. I hope you’ll get it worked out quickly.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I love your compliment to Margaret about knowing how to enjoy herself. My mother didn’t enjoy much in her life, and was never a happy woman. I work at finding ways to enjoy life. Enjoy your purple toes! :flowerforyou:

    Pat: Going to Apple can work wonders. They have excellent customer support. I speak from very recent experience!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Garden Gail: Perhaps you could get a Music Man CD so you can watch commercial free whenever you want. DH bought me a CD of one of my favorite movies and it was an excellent gift. The movie is Lucky Lady, starring Burt Reynolds, Liza Minelli, Gene Hackman, and a whole bunch of old sailboats. It is a little too risqué for TV viewing on most public stations and isn’t seen often. I love the boats, and the movie is hilarious. Now I can see it whenever I’m in the mood.:bigsmile:

    Looking outside I clearly see that “Fall has Fell.” One day it was summer, and the next day… It reminded me of an old poem, or maybe limerick. Here it is:

    Spring has sprung; Fall has fell
    Winter is here and it's colder than....

    I don’t know if the forecast for the season really fits, but my mom used to recite it and it always made me laugh.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 495 Member
    Happy Saturday Ladies!

    Today I walked Brian, which is always a very brisk pace, did weights for upper body. Next I will be on the treadmill. Thank you for the compliments on my drawing. I'm glad to be able to share my Grandmother with you. She was wonderful!

    On wine consumption, I am with Rori and Heather. I try to have one glass at home, I will allow myself a second sometimes when we go out, but it is not easy when you love wine like I do! Lately it has creeped to two glasses on the patio enjoying the cool weather. Thankfully the scale hasn't creeped up yet.

    Heather, I love that you do your toes even though no one will see them. Love the purple color too! Enjoy NYC.

    Carol, fingers crossed for the wonderful condo!

    Diane, the cookies sound yummy!

    Renny, hugs for you after the tough week.

    Congratulations to all with successes. Hugs to all struggling.

    Cindy in OK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! It's another great morning here. Sunny and not too warm. My idea of perfect.

    Last night was MAGICAL! We drove an hour and a half to get to Iola Kansas, which is a teeny-tiny little town in the middle of nowhere. They are really big in the arts though, and have a really nice theater that is celebrating it's 50th anniversary. The first act to perform in that theater was the Kansas City Symphony, so they invited them back for their 50th anniversary. They had a family trust that subsidized most of the cost, and so they sold tickets for $4, which was the same price as 50 years ago. So, the place was packed. There were several people attending who were actually at the very first show 50 years ago! I thought that was nice.

    As we walked up the steps to the main doors, there were two men in tuxedos and white ties and white gloves opening the doors for us. I wore my new long dress and felt very comfortable. Not overdressed or underdressed. Nobody stared at me because I was so huge, small children didn't point at me, and nobody averted their eyes and pretended they didn't see me. People I didn't know even SPOKE to me! Our seats were in the middle of a row and I was easily able to squeeze through with no hassle at all. And I fit easily in the seat, too! I'm really learning to love feeling "normal".

    I ran into a lady I had not seen for a few years and she was stunned. She said "Where is the rest of you?" The bathrooms were in the basement, so we had to go down a long staircase to get there. I tripped on my dress a couple of times going up before I figured out I needed to lift it up a little. This was the first dress I have worn in MANY, MANY years, and I felt a little naked at first, like my pants were missing. It was a strange feeling. I took your advice and got the little footie things to wear instead of nylons, and that worked out well, but my shoes were a little loose. Those shoes used to be way too tight so I didn't wear them much.

    By the way, when did they rename Panty Hose as "Tights"? At the store all I saw were tights. They even had control top tights, so I figured they were the same thing.

    The performance was wonderful and included a couple of my favorite pieces from "Carmen". We just about floated home, talking about how much we enjoyed it. They did an encore, but it still didn't seem long enough.

    I'm at the studio now, but obviously have not done anything worthwhile yet. I'd better try to do something. We are going to the lake this afternoon and I have a clay club meeting tomorrow.

    Here is the joke of the day:


    A young woman went to her doctor complaining of pain.

    "Where are you hurting?" asked the doctor."You have to help me, I hurt all over", said the woman.

    "What do you mean, all over?" asked the doctor, "be a little more specific."

    The woman touched her right knee with her index finger and yelled, "Ow, that hurts." Then she touched her left cheek and again yelled, "Ouch! That hurts, too." Then she touched her right earlobe, "Ow, even THAT hurts", she cried. The doctor checked her thoughtfully for a moment and told her his diagnosis, "You have a broken finger."


    Have a great Saturday!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.
    just a quick Hello.Homecoming tonite.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, you painted such a beautiful picture of your concert and while night. Very romantic. How wonderful to feel like you do about yourself. I just love reading your posts because at the end I always see that huge weight loss.

    I had 2 coupons and 5 different store I wanted to go to for my errands today. My Kohl's cash expired tomorrow so I went there. I really didn't want to buy much, just use my coupon. They always have wonderful jewelry so the first thing I looked for was a ring that had some kind of berry color that would go well with so many of my fall clothes. But I couldn't find one. There was some things in the jewelry department that wwith the sale prices they would be less that $10 but I couldn't find them. I don't like my sunglasses plus I like a sun glass I can just slip up to the top of my head like a head band and my present one doesn't. So I found one and with the sale price it paid $2 for them.

    Then I went to Michaels to see if I could find my clear ornaments. all they have right now are really small ornaments that would be used like in a wreath. So I went to Jo-Annes and they didn't have anything. I did find a lot fo strings of beads that can be used to wind around filling up places that aren't filled in on the balls because jewelry isn't always even. I had a 20% of at bed Bath and Beyond. My sister always uses a 'Forever comfort' which is a gel foam cushion that is part of the 'As seen on TV'. It wouldn't hurt me to use one in my office chair and it will make it mush easier for her when she is hear. So I got that. I thought of going to Hobby Lobby to look for the balls there but I was tired and it was getting close to the hour Charlie likes his supper. So I came on home. So intention on going to 5 stores, only went to 4 and bought only 2 things. If I have found my balls to make the ornaments and I haven't found anything for my sisters DIL I will hand over the task to her. I started this process to make one for y 2 daughters and the one adopted son on my brother and then she added Stacy. So if she wants to make one for Stacy then the job is all hers. I love her but.....

    Supper time, another coupon being used!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,224 Member
    Hi all. I posted yesterday but now cannot find it! Hmmmm! I posted before going to the dr. Oh well. We went to NE City to a couple of orchards today for family day Of course Tanya and Dalton were late so I sat them down and had a little chat with them. No more being late. Period. We decided not to go hand pick ourselves because the only thing they were picking today at both places was red and golden delicious….not my favorites, so we just bought some already picked, plus some jams, habanero stuffed olives, blue corn for popping, an apple pie which I will slice up and freeze, apple donuts to take to dad tomorrow and some other goodies. We went to a lodge at Arbor Day farm and I had a cobb salad with salmon. Oh yum! I’m glad we didn’t go last weekend; they had Apple jack festival and 100,000 people Saturday and 80,000+ Sunday.

    DD#2 had low serum calcium, so we had a serious talk about her eating habits. I feel that having taught her well, at this age, I shouldn’t have to police her, but apparently someone does. She doesn’t eat breakfast or lunch at all. We keep telling her after being so horribly malnourished, nutrition has to be a priority for her. Osteoporosis……etc. She was stunned when the dr told her the same thing about nutrition then her calcium comes in low.

    DJ only went to the dr because of our employee health screen; he is slightly overweight and cholesterol was slightly high, and to get the money off our insurance premium, you have to see the dr and get a form signed. I took our dr. some diabetic-friendly-ish pumpkin bread. I always bake for her and the nurse. So I get there at 3 and my appointment was at 2!!!!! All the front desk clerks were laughing at me (they know me well) saying “where were you? Lila (the nurse) said she talked to you this morning!” So I had to make another appointment because SHE had an appointment at 3:30 and had to leave. But she got the bread anyway!

    Anne: I too saw the news report about skirt sizes

    Heather: thyroid problems can cause thinning hair

    Yanniejannie: I agree with you about the story of Jessie Matthews!

    DeeDee: Benny keeps licking this same stupid spot on his left front foot for no apparent reason. He’ll lick it until the skin splits open, which only takes a couple of days. Then when we put the cone on him, he gets fungal ear infections! He had another test for cushing’s disease but after spending all this money, I’m willing to be he’s a compulsive water drinker. We have been limiting his water and he never gets into the cat’s water. However now he’s constipated! What a dog! I bet Noel was cute!

    Sylvia: omg that joke!!! What a great story about the capes at school.

    Barbie: I love that the dogs keep their eyes on you while you hold your plank!

    Joyce: remember when those “fat blocking” drugs first came out? I had a student who was very fit and athletic and got a prescription for them and then started eating like crap…French fries and all the garbage he wouldn’t eat because he was an athlete!

    Kim: we are glad to see you whenever you feel up to posting!

    Mimi: so glad your nephew is doing better; sometimes it takes a hit in the head (figuratively) for our patients to listen!

    Amanda: hpe that pesky drain can come out!

    Cynthia: hooray for good blood work!

    Patty: sending you hugs; it sounds like quite the stressful week!

    Margaret: happy birthday to mom!

    Vicki: it was warm here today…low 80s!

    Carol: that’s frustrating about your class!

    Lesleychev: how are Arthur and hubby doing? Your mom’s ideas of health food put a smile on my face; bless her heart

    MA; your dogs sound lovely. Our Benny Beagle was probably 7 when we got him from a pound. He is the most docile dog in the world, so we didn’t feel like it was important to really train him but did want him to know some basics. So we hired a trainer to come to the house. Her opinion after working with him for a while and not getting him to do one thing was “My isn’t he stubborn!” Our last dog had fear aggression and after two years of “naughty doggy school” was exquisitely trained. We would not have been able to keep her otherwise. She lived until 11 and was happy and so were we; that training for aggressive dogs made a huge difference.

    Michele: I have a list of foods to eat to bring up HDL….it includes beer LOL. Othewise my list is the same as Katla’s. 112 cholesterol is great!

    Renny: best wishes for mom

    Rori: those calories from alcohol do add up! DH has a mortons neuroma and was advised not to have it taken off because it only hurts if he wears the thong type of sandals. So he doesn’t wear those and it doesn’t bother him, but I know they can be quite painful.

    Sylvia: your symphony night sounded wonderful including the compliment and being comfy!

    OK all off to make dinner. Have a good evening! Here’s agreat quotation from my yoga tape: “Have more observation and less determination.” For some reason that really speaks to me. Take care, Meg from warm Omaha
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Dropping into the pub for a few minutes to read and get caught up. Lovely sunny day here today. Eating is back on track. Tomorrow is our day at Busch Gardens with my tri athlete friend. One good thing , today she's competing in a century (100mi.) bike ride so maybe we won't be covering quite as much in walking tomorrow---I'll tell you, a day with her makes my pedometer reach Barbie numbers and exhausts me.

    Public service announcement: Anyone or your DH on niacin? According to a blurb in the Sept. AARP Bulletin: "Two new large studies show that niacin not only doesn't reduce deaths from heart disease, it puts patients at risk for serious side effects, including diabetes and infections. This drug is no longer a drug for routine use, says Northwestern University preventative cardiologist Donald Llyod-George" Called my cousin in Philly when I read this as he has a top-notch cardiologist and he said that his niacin had already been d/c'd by his dr. My DH has been on it about 4yrs. AND has developed diabetes; had him email his dr. and bring it to his attention and the dr. d/c'd his also immediately..................so, why are we in the position of pointing this kind of info out to our drs????.........if we are even lucky enough to read about it on our own.........makes one wonder just how much we've missed.

    Michele..........The three Caribbean vet schools are Ross, St. Matthews, and St. Georges and while the tuition may be manageable for some families, there are other expenses too like housing (very high because they are all resort islands) and everything else you need to buy (also very high because it all has to be imported), and the fact that the student is probably not going to want to stay there w/o coming home for literally years (plane fare). If you google Caribbean vet school debt, you'll get an idea what I mean. One woman the NY Times interviewed owed over $312,000 between loans and interest.. They do have good pass rates, but, I don't have that kind of money available and ,thankfully, DD isn't willing to take on that much debt. I thought they looked good when I first heard of them but, now, not so much. So, for DD, it will have to be instate or in US, at least, possibly Canada, which seems more reasonable.
    Sylvia..........which one does your friends' daughter go to? How far along is she?

    Kim........Glad to hear your roomie is working out so well. Sorry about the family stuff---you are in a difficult position there.

    Cynthia.......I do accept what DD is doing; but I'm still sad and miffed that she isn't using this year to better financial advantage. She's at the barn right now, 3p to 6p has become 9p..........just hope she gets paid for those extra hours. Not nearly as stressed over this job as that last truly awful one. Give your dog a hug and a pat from me; he's really been through a bad time of it.

    Margaret and Gail..............My favorite old musicals are Fiddler on the Roof and South Pacific. Songs from both of them are never far from my mind.

    Heather........Took your advice yesterday to "look after myself" -- fell asleep and never got started again yesterday; just wanted 10 min. with my feet up---woke up 3hrs. later! Your new clothes sound absolutely beautiful and we expect lots of pics from the trip!!!

    Sylvia............Your evening sounds very memorable; glad you had such a great time!

    Best to everyone else!

    Still working my way through Upstairs Downstairs.............on the last season now.
    Have a good evening, everyone.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    3rd day on Duramine and 2 pounds GONE in 2 days. It is revving up my metabolism again.
    Doctor thinks still being affected by the Statins I stopped taking in 2005, oh my!
    Spreadsheet is going well and added temperature today.
    Slept better last night between bathroom visits.
    Sunday and had Sunday brunch, may have to cut oat toast and marmalade as only just managed it. Roast dinner tonight NO dessert.
    Going for a drive out and doggy walk after shower.
    Lovely sunny Spring day and my gaden starting to look good.
    I can start weight again tomorrow. MUST have breakfast and 1 hour on computer. Doggy walk afternoons.
    I take Lipidil now and it suits me. Mum was on Statins and Niacin, she died 2 years after breast cancer diagnosis
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I’m happy for your great evening at the symphony, with a long list of personal triumphs. Marvelous NSVs! Congratulations!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: I love this comment, ”…maybe we won't be covering quite as much in walking tomorrow---I'll tell you, a day with her makes my pedometer reach Barbie numbers and exhausts me.” Barbie is such an inspiration! I’ve never come close to her steps. :flowerforyou:

    Lesley: I’m happy that your numbers are improving so quickly. Congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    I had a call back from my prospective riding instructor this evening, and I’m set to start lessons October 10. It would be sooner, but I wanted to wait at least a week after DH’s surgery. I’m looking forward to the lessons. She even thinks she has some ideas to strengthen my bad knee. I’d love it if that turns out to be true. We’ll go weekly for a while and see how the weather treats us.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jake is on the phone so I grabbed the computer for a few minutes. I've read all the posts but won't try to reply individually.

    :bigsmile: This has been another super day. I am always happy for Saturday because I don't have to be anywhere too early. I met a friend for a walk and talk in her neighborhood today and we filled two hours with conversation.

    :bigsmile: our exciting afternoon included watching TV (shows we recorded on DVR) while I rode the exercise bike, a short nap, and a trip to Costco so Jake could buy cashews for a snack when his friend comes over tomorrow to watch the last baseball game of the season. The cashews look very tempting but I think that as long as I stay away from them, I'll be fine. If I eat one, I'll soon eat many handfuls.:laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 32,000 steps and an hour on the exercise bike

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    YannieJannie, it's St George's in Grenada. These people are not wealthy and are fanatical about avoiding debt at all costs, so I don't know the particulars but I'd bet there are some scholarships or something. I think she shares an apartment with some other students, but it had better be a big apartment because she took her Bull Mastiff with her. Also, I think she works at the school. Maybe work study or something? Not sure. She's been there two years, I think.

    We walked across the dam this evening and saw a white pelican! Now, that might not sound too impressive, but it is only the second pelican we have ever seen at our little lake in over 10 years. We were excited. The Mosquitos were awful tonight, so I didn't do any extra walking. I swam laps today though, so at least I did something. I made tostadas for dinner, and also brown rice and black beans. I mashed the beans and added salsa and olive oil, trying to make refired beans. It was ok, but not delicious. Needed salt. And lard. :sad:

    So now I'm sitting in my recliner with a little dog snoring on my lap. He's so cute when he's sleeping. I can almost forgive all his naughtiness from earlier in the day. There was a snow storm under the puzzle table (gutted a stuffed toy) and I still have to clean that up. But it can wait while I soak up some sweetness while he sleeps.

    Well, that's it for me tonight. Good night. Sleep well!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Hey there Vit. F's!!!

    Did an hour of the Supreme 90 Day System (2 DVD's). Next time I'll do some others (next time that's in the rotation). The plan for tomorrow is to do some balance games on the Wii

    Joyce - I hear ya about all the treats at the door to Aldi's. Last time I went there what I did was have some dried edamame (which also makes me want to drink a lot) and had them in the car before I went in the store. I know where there bathroom is :) You are such an inspiration how you've changed your eating. It's hard when you go out, but you do it! Does your sister have the insurance info from the person who hit her? They might very well cover the fact that she can't use her scooter.

    Just made another batch of the wheat bran muffins. Actually, I want to use up the rest of the wheat bran that I have because I might start using oat bran in them instead. Hopefully, that'll help my HDL

    Renny - so sorry about your mom.

    Does anyone use audiobooks? I'm talking about their web site. The last two times I've tried to login and for some reason I can't seem to. I wanted to read the reviews of "Grain Brain", but I couldn't get to them. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

    Rori - I'd never heard of Morton's neuroma so I looked it up. Looks like it must be painful.

    Diane in TX - after those accidents, your sis might be afraid to drive but not want to tell you. I can see how hard it must be for you

    katla - thanks for looking those foods up for me. I don't know why, but I can't remember the last time I had mackerel, I tend to have the dark tuna rather than the albacore, I like nuts (just not in foods), I eat oatmeal (maybe I'll increase that), dried peas & beans. Maybe it's in my genes??? You are so very right when you say that the trick to falling off the wagon is to get right back on. I know whenever I fall off, I try to get back on asap or it's going to be all downhill How wonderful ou got those lessons!

    After checking in here will probably go outside and string some more popcorn. I popped three bags, now I'm down to two. I'd like to get down to just one.

    Sylvia - that theater sounds so wonderful and you sound so great

    Joyce - glad you found those sunglasses. You know, Kohl's is so very good, maybe if you asked them if they'd extend the expiration date of your Kohl's cash they'd do it. It certainly can't hurt to ask, all's they could say is "no". But many is the time that I've taken in my percent off coupon and it's expired but they've taken it just that time.

    Meg - guess you'll just have to make more bread for those nurses! The other day there was a a cartoon in Dennis the Menace where he's saying to (I think it was) Joey "see, vegetables are yukky because they grow in the yukky dirt"....lol Unfortunately, I don't like beer at all. I think a lot of that is because my father owned a tavern and I constantly from a young age smelled it. Isn't it amazing how your childhood molds you? I don't smoke because my mother died and she was a big smoker.

    Loki had another mini-seizure tonight. We called the vet earlier in the week and he said that since they only seem to occur about once/month, he felt that we should stay with the same amount of med and just keep an eye open. When he had the seizure tonight we realized that they're usually around the same time, right around dinner time. He didn't have any food right before then, so I don't think it's brought on by any preservatives, etc. So what does? Fortunately, he doesn't lose control of his bladder. but he was on the third from the bottom step when it occurred and you could see that he didn't have control of his legs, he kind-of flopped to the step below. His head was shaking and his ears, by now we can tell when it's over. Afterwards, as usual, he wanted attention and to eat.

    Jan - the next time Jessica mentions about the Caribbean vet schools, I'm going to mention to her that in reality they wind up being more expensive.

    Strung more of the popcorn. Listened to more of "salt, sugar Fat" while stringing. Then went to church, came home and had dinner, made fish for later in the week and then I tried this recipe that I got for brownies for Vince. They seem rather thick, hope they bake well. Update: Vince calls them "finger lickin' good" but I think for one thing the marshmallow should be more in the center, not so much (if at all) on the top and probably in a 9 x 12 pan since they were so thick! Well, next time, and I'm sure Vince won't mind being a "guinea pig" for them

    katla - how wonderful that you've got those lessons!

    Jessica sent a message via Facebook to Bryan and Dianna and some others inviting them to her place for Thanksgiving. Honestly, I didn't even know how to get that message. anyway, it seems that Dianna took herself out of the conversation (I didn't even know that you could do that). I sent Bryan an email saying that I noticed Jess sent Dianna and him an invitation, he should check with Dianna and see if she responded and if not he should sent Jess an email saying "we won't be there, but thanks for thinking of us". Just spoke to Vince and apparently bryan also took himself out of the conversation. That's not something that an adult would do. I was thinking that Dianna may have thought that by taking herself out of the convrsation, she was saying that she wouldn't be there. Well, we shall see what Bryan does.

    Michele in NC
  • roliph96
    I'm 52 and gained 56 pounds when I quit smoking and began menopause seven years ago. Losing weight has been impossible for me until I learned to change my eating habits and to adopt a healthier lifestyle. I began a 1200 calorie a day diet (low in carbs and fat and high in protein) I would like to lose weightore quickly than what I presently am, but I'm very happy with the 13 pounds lost do far. Any tips or advice is welcome.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Diane, what would your sister say if you recommended leasing a car, or if you just plain said no and you had other plans for a rime she needed you.

    Michelle, one day I was using an expired Kohl's cash card and the check out person told me that as of a certain date they would no longer be able to accept expired ones. She said that there were to many people coming in with 20 or so expired ones and getting $200 worth of merchandise free. I was just glad that they sent me an email reminding me it expired tomorrow.

    Tonight I went got my Christmas decorations out to see if I had any clear balls. I HAD 2!!!! But I need three so I thought to myself that with all the jewelry and ribbons, beads filling all the spots why do I need a clear one. So I took a very generic decoration out of my box. It's white with a Christmas scene on it and I think says JOY but it will do. Then I called my sister and told her she was on her own in finding something for her DIL.

    Every year for Christmas I give my brother a gag gift. It started the year the rest of the family, every one except me and my brother, decided that it was time to draw names. So I started gag gifts. That year I emptied my shredder container into a box and wrapped it really special for him. The next year I took I took some pieces of styrafoam that were already around the house and my husband cut out cars, airplanes and dinasours out of them. So the nest year he created a Survivor type of immunity necklace for me out of those stryfoam. So we never spend anything on each other, just have fun. Oh, one year I raided my alphabet blocks and made the word bath. I have it in my bathroom and you never can tell what some one is going to make out of those 4 blocks. If some one is in the bathroom for a long time you know they are making a funny word for me to find. So this year I finally found something. I took a picture of all my 'destroyed' jewelry and posted it on face book. So everyone wanted to know what I was doing and thought I was going a little loopy. But al I said was that I was destroying things. So that got Paul in the mood of what I was getting him for Christmas this year since he knows I don't have their name. So I took all the jewelry backs, little clasps, etc and put it in a pretty box, put in a bigger box with tissue paper and will wrap it. This time I think I will use some sort of patch work wrapping paper instead of making it look special.

    Oh, my sister told me today after I went to 4 different stores searching for these clear balls that she bought 12 of them last year and only used 4 so I could have used them. This after we spend 3 hours together yesterday destroying jewelry. Now I will really let her find her own thing to make for her DIL.

    Enough of the rambling, Joyce, Indiana
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Grrr. Not on track today. :angry:

    I will not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. :noway:

    Right now, that seems like the silliest thing I could say, as nothing about my day approached perfect. :grumble: But, I am dragging myself, resisting all the way, to the awareness that I have been on a good track, I do feel happy when I'm eating well, I don't feel happy when I'm not and it takes only a couple of days to get back on track. Those days seem huge - like tall mountains to climb - but they are, seriously, only days.

    Does anyone else ever wonder why we do things that don't make us feel good when we KNOW the result ahead of time? I know it's biblical. But, why?! God must be laughing. Or crying. I don't know which. Maybe both.

    Here's to a better day tomorrow. :drinker: (p.s., that's water in the cup,)

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Just a wave from here. I have to work today. And today and tomorrow we have to clear out my home office for the wallpaper removal, painting and carpeting, so I'll be displaced until the 10th. Happy my guy is so good at helping. We've been together for a while, but sometimes I still think, "How am I going to do this or that" before realizing I have help.

    Crashed and burned yesterday. Going to make it a better day today.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou: