

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    morning ladies~
    we are getting some much needed rain..I am still in a funk slept ok last night,but am an emotional eater. very upset about conversation with my brother, my DH leaving for florida, and the girls being mean to me at work, i am sitting here gorging myself on chips and dip
    I know this is just a bump in the road, and I have let myself down and will get back on the band wagon ,but it is just depressing.
    but on a better note.. just want to remind everyone to think pink as it is breast cancer awareness month
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,776 Member
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
  • lesleychev
    lesleychev Posts: 56 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    September Goal Report:

    1. Log every bite and swallow: I did an excellent job. I’m motivated because I know this is the core of my discipline and keeps me from going back to bad old habits.

    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week: I could be more aggressive with this, but managed to get in at least a half hour of cardio nearly every day.

    3. Have fun every day: Some days were more fun than others. Even yesterday when DH had surgery I was able to have two pleasant meals out with my son.

    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more: There is ALWAYS room for improvement, but I did better in September than I have in the past.

    This morning I look forward to bringing DH home from the hospital. I’m sure he is looking forward to coming home, too. According to DS, who had similar surgery early in the summer on a different section of spine, the first week is pretty comfortable due to left over surgical painkillers, but the second week will be tougher. There will likely be some muscle soreness at the surgical site because the doctor doesn’t cut through the muscles to get to the spine, he shoves them out of the way. They don’t have to heal from an incision, but they’ll be swollen and sore. We’ll just take it one day at a time, and I’ll try not to murder DH when he is demanding and whiney.:noway: :wink:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • loruddy
    loruddy Posts: 46 Member
    Nice to see people of a similar age, great idea.
    My October goals are:
    > get to target weight, *8lbs* to go.
    > log all food, good and bad
    >live life in the present, there is nothing that can be done about the past
    > do the splits, nearly there!
    Lorraine I live in Kent in England
  • krissygee1
    Hi everyone, New to this group. My name is Kristina, I'm turning 50 this year. I have a goal to lose 50 pounds by my 50th. I believe building a community of like minded individuals with the same goals is a big part of weight loss success. So, with that in mind... my October goals are:
    1) Join message boards, communicate in discussion, build relationships.
    2) continue to log food, calories everyday. Staying within calorie range.
    3) go for a walk everyday, to refresh my mind as well as my body.
    4) stay motivated, and positive!!!
    Kristina, from Oregon, in the beautiful pacific north west :flowerforyou:
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    I will be turning 50 in December. It can be a struggle to keep a positve outlook, so I truly enjoyed reading the positive posts. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis about 1 year ago, so my goal is to keep moving (which is a daily struggle), and to eat healthy. Not gaining weight is a plus for me, so if I am able to lose - that will be even better. When my co-workers get "salty', i return to my desk and say "Love the people who treat you right - Pray for the people who don't".

    Terri in Milwaukee Wisconsin
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 457 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies,

    Happy October, thank you Barbie for the new thread. My goals are the same, maintain, keep working out and stay vigilant to hold my successes.

    I had a great NSV yesterday. Hubby took me shopping after my flu shot, he got me trying on jeans with blingy pockets.. I got into a smaller size without my beloved Spanx on.????. This was my first pair, just a small touch of bling, not a lot.

    Keep up the hard work ladies, it pays off!

    Katia, I'm so glad DH is doing well and will be home soon.

    Alison, don't let the mean girls ruin your success. Perhaps they are jealous, that's been my experience with mean women.

    Heather, welcome to this side of the pond. Enjoy yourself. Love your pic in TS.

    I must get up and start my workout.

    Welcome all new ladies. Huge to all I missed.

    Cindy in OK
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    How did I do?

    My SPIES goals for September were:

    Social - to log everyday, to see my sister twice this month, to contact friends who I've lost touch with recently with the time spent with my dad;
    I logged everyday - saw sister once only (but I have had a bad cough so missed one that had been arranged) - met up with one friend carry forward

    Physical - to log at least 70,000 steps on my fitbit, to make use of the gym membership I've taken out by swimming 4 times a week, to start to use the gym itself by the end of the month, to weigh less at the end of the month than I did at the start;
    fitbit - ok walked 100 miles in September - gym ok but with cough not allowed to go swimming (in rules) 4lb down - not enough but only basic exercise done.

    Intellectual - to read a classic novel instead of/as well as my favourite murder mysteries;
    This is a carry forward... But a thread here on mfp has given some great ideas.

    Emotional - to stay chilled even when life gets crazy, to support dad as he is no longer housebound, to have a drink of water instead of emotional binging;
    ok ish but carry forward - still too many biscuits.

    Spiritual - I'm starting a pathways to ministry course at the end of the month, so to prepare myself for studying for the first time in 7 years.
    Day one of course was good - prep was ok. Lead an evening service for the first time.

    October's goals

    Social - to log everyday, to see my sister twice this month, to contact friends with whom I've lost touch recently;
    Physical - to log at least 100 miles on my fitbit, to make use of the gym membership I've taken out by swimming 4 times a week, to start to use the gym itself by the end of the month, to weigh less at the end of the month than I did at the start by sensible eating patterns, to lose this dratted cough and sore throat;
    Intellectual - to read a classic novel instead of/as well as my favourite murder mysteries;
    Emotional - to stay chilled even when life gets crazy, to support dad as he is no longer housebound, to have a drink of water instead of emotional binging;
    Spiritual - to keep on track with my 'pathways to ministry' course - including the reading and assignments.

    Happy October everyone!

    Maryann in UK
  • Katpet3
    Katpet3 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! My name is Kathy, and I live in La Palma, CA. (It's a small city about 7 miles Northwest of Disneyland). I am 54 currently, but will be having my 55 th before the end of the year. I have been a yo yo my entire adult life, and an emotional eater. Had lost a bunch of weight after my son was born, but got into a car accident when he was about 18 mo. old, and ate my way up to the highest wt ever for me. Then spent the next 17 years with the yoyo game. I've decided its time to get stronger and end that cycle of behavior. I've just recently lost 30 pounds. Although MFP gives me credit for slightly less, because I'd had a little gain in there. Still have more to go to reach my goal, but I'm on this. I love reading all your stories of inspiration and motivation! :happy:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! I felt a lot better this morning, so I'm happy about that. Walking to school with the kids was especially nice this morning because the sunrise was just amazing! Pink and gold clouds with rays of sunshine. Afterward I went to WallyWorld to get two keys made for the studio. I want to give one to my new "intern" so she can come and go as she wishes, and another one for a wrist band that is easier to walk with. Anyway, only one worked, so I had to go back. I was seriously craving a candy bar, so I parked behind the store at the Auto Center and went in that way so there wasn't any candy at the register. Much better!

    Came back to the studio and the new key worked, so I locked my purse inside and went for a walk along the rails-to-trails. I walked all the way to Georgia! It's Georgia street, but I like the way it sounds. Almost four miles round trip. It took about 49 minutes. So walking the dogs tonight should put me over the goal.

    Last month I did NOT hit my 100 mile goal, what with the poison ivy and sprained foot, so this month I am going to try again.
    Will try to make it a habit to post my daily walking totals, like Barbie does, but much smaller numbers, plus the cumulative total at the end of each day, just for my own information and to keep me on track.

    Patty, I hope you are better today too. It's awful to be dizzy. My husband very carefully asked if it might be hormonal. Who knows. But it's all gone today!

    Welcome to all the new ladies! Please keep coming back and tell us how things are going for you. We love to chat.

    Bye for now.

    In Pittsburg, Kansas, USA

    ps: I forgot to post the joke of the day yesterday, so here it is:


    A small 1 SEATER plane crashed into a cemetery. Police have recovered 102 bodies so far and will continue to dig throughout the night.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here is today's joke of the day:


    "Dad, where did I come from?" asks this 10-years-old. The father was shocked that a 10 year old would be asking a question like that. He was hoping to wait a few more years before he would have to explain the facts of life, but he figured it was better a few years early than a few days too late, so, for the next two hours he explained every thing to his son. When he got finished, he asked his son what prompted his question to which his son replied, "I was talking to the new kid across the street and he said he came from Ohio, so I was just wondering where I came from."

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Welcome to October, my favorite month of the year. The cooler temperatures usually inspire me.

    I am turning 60 on the 27th. This birthday, for some reason, is making me feel old. My daughter is planning a get-together for me at our house, so I will have to clean for it! That's okay. At least I won't have to drive to her house in Atlanta.

    Have you ever heard of a migraine without pain? My doctor told me a few years back that I was probably having them when I described episodes of blurred vision to him. I think I had another one yesterday. My vision became so blurred that it made it uncomfortable to do much of anything that required using my eyes like computer, reading, crossword puzzles, even Candy Crush!!!!!! It is much better today after a good night's sleep.

    Take care of yourselves, sweet MFPs. I am thinking and praying for many of you with health issues of your own or of loved ones and especially for those of you who are grieving and helping to comfort your loved ones who are grieving.
    SUPERSUE42 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi! Happy to be here!

    My goals for October include:
    Keep on teaching horse stuff until Mid-October and then use the Tuesdays after that to work with Dash (the baby horse!).
    Bring grandson to barn at least one Sunday. Drive my pony at least twice
    Lose 4 pounds
    Go visit my Mom
    Have a positivie attitude!
    Make a new vegetable dish.
    SUPERSUE42 Posts: 45 Member
    Love the SPIES idea. Social, Physical, Intellectual, emotinal and Spiritual. Keeps a balance view. Thanks! I will work through that and see what I come up with!!!
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone! It's been a while since I've been on this thread, but I have a question and thought I'd like your opinions...

    Last year I finally gave in and gave UP Diet Soda for two reasons. First, the aspertame findings and Second, I found water quenched my thirst just as well...

    Now the news continues to beat us over the head about the findings for ALL artificial sweeteners. This gets me because I still use it in my coffee and iced tea....

    What are your thoughts? Have you given it up entirely and just switched to an occasional sugar? What do you put in your coffee and how do you feel about artificial sweeteners?

    Tammy in Virginia Beach
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good morning ladies. Well today is the start of a new month. I did my measurements this morning and down 1 inch in the waist. So that made me feel better. I am working a 12 hour shift today instead of my short 8 hours. Tonight our CMA group is having a Bible study I would like to go to. I get off at 6 and it starts at 7. So have to see how the day goes.

    Allison--Sorry you were having a bad day. Remember you are a very good person and I am proud to know you. Hugs and prayers sent. Can't your brother see who posted what on the internet?


    Joyce--Hope you are feeling better today.

    Heather--Glad you have arrived safe and sound. You look so happy in your new picture.

    Patty--Take care of yourself.

    Rori--I agree writing down goals for the month helps us be more accountable. So working on mine.

    Katla--Glad to hear DH surgery went well. How long does he have to be in the hospital?

    jb--Happy 60th! Hope you have a very Blessed day!

    Lesley--Glad to hear the good report. Hope the BP and heart rate checks goes well also.

    Lorraine--I am going to borrow number 3 from you. That is a real good one! thanks

    Cindy--Congrates on the NSV. I know when I got my first pair of jeans with bling, I kept showing DH.

    Kathy--Welcome. Come back often this is a fantastic group for fellowship and support.

    drkatiebug--Happy early 60th. the 27th is my DSS and DGS birthdays also. I was doing cards for the month last evening and I do think this is one of our busiest months.

    So far today has been a very STRESSFUL day. The hospital I work at dicided to let Subway open a shop here starting today. They will be open 10-10 Monday-Friday and then 7a-8p on weekends. Our cafeteria will now only be open 6:30a-2p Monday-Friday. Ok so when I went down for lunch they have no sandwhiches. For months for lunch I have been having an egg salad sandwhich. Not anymore. First off Subway does not have egg salad and I can not eat all that bread. Then the person I am working with does not do her work as it comes she stacks it up and then rushes when it is time for her to leave, which results in errors. Also she play candy crush on her phone most the day. I did tell her if she did not turn the sound down I was going to throw it away. Then I had to go to this safety huddle this moring with dept managers. One guy like to mess with me and ask if I was ready for the fish bowl drawing. I asked what that was as never done that at any others I have been to. He just laughs and says Oh don't worry they only do that on Tuesdays. So then after the meeting he follows me to my desk and tells me on Tuesdays they draw two dept names out of the bowl and then they have to act out a safety issue. So I will just make sure I do not go on a Tuesday. Well thanks for listening and have a great day! I understand the weather is beautiful outside today and I work until 6p. I am off tomorrow and they are calling for rain.
    Blessed. Vicki GI NE

    October Goals

    1. Log everybite--Good & Bad
    2. List 3 postives each day
    3. Start work on 3 Christmas stockings for new grandbabies.
    4. Drink more water
    5. Live life in the present, There is nothing that can be done about the past.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy oct 1st!!
    thanks Barbie.
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member

    Looking over my September goals, I see I did pretty well with some and others...not so much. So, will keep my same goals and add one more for now.

    Oct. goals:
    Exercise daily - use the Bodyblade and purposely walk at a minimum
    Get to bed by 10:00 so hopefully get more sleep
    Regularly doing stretching exercises (3 x 4 times a week)
    Back to logging food daily
    Use my camera more on a manual setting than automatic - this last one comes because I just finished a photography boot camp where we learned the various functions so I want to continue to use them so I don't forget. :laugh:

    Weather here is beautiful! Wish I could spend more time outside but trying to get out for short walks during breaks at work.

    Just a quick note:

    Vicki - The Subway shops around here will make any type of sub into a salad if you ask. They fill a bowl with lettuce and then add all of the toppings you want just as if you're ordering a sub. That way you can eliminate the bread and still get a filling meal. Hopefully, they will do the same there and it helps a little. Hope the weather forcast is wrong and you're able to get some nice weather on your day off.

    Katla - glad to hear your DH is able to come home and hope his recovery goes well with the minimum amount of pain.

    Carol - any word on the cost to fix the crack in your home? Has your realtor said any more about the couple that was interested?

    Jb and drkatiebug - Happy October Birthdays!

    Heather - I saw on TV this morning that New York is celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness by lighting everything up in pink. Hope you're enjoying your day.

    Gotta run...back to work.

    Tina in MD