

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :D Jeannine, your dogs are beautiful. My dogs are "northwest dogs" and don't like hot weather. They will walk in snow, rain, drizzle, but demand to come back in the house when the temperatures go above about 65. Fortunately where I live in NW Washington, that doesn't happen much. Right now they are waiting for their after breakfast walk. They've already been out once for about 20 minutes each to "do business".

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! It's been a musical morning here. First we were serenaded by hundreds of geese sitting on the ice (and what little open water they could find) about 100 feet from our bedroom. Then, the dogs were doing a little impromptu sing-along. So, our sleep was cut a little short. We will have breakfast, do the dishes, then head back home. This afternoon I'm taking the kids to the pool at the Y, then to our house for dinner.

    Meg, I hope you get done relief from your knee pain!

    Jeannine, your dogs look so sweet! I love border collies! What is Butters? Is there some lab in there? I had to look up Eureka. It's so close to St Louis! I'll wave as I go by next time we drive to North Carolina.

    Diana, did you try putting a frame on your painting? It's like magic. When you put a frame on anything it suddenly looks like art.

    Sharon, that dance party sounds wonderful!

    Gotta go make the breakfast. Have a great Sunday!


  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    edited January 2015
    What cuties barbiecat! Dogs....they are always with me. I call them my ducklings, lol. Unless I am cleaning, then they run for the hills.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Barbie~ love the picture of your babies they are adorable....
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Beautiful rainbow. And a great page marker.

    I get over 3,000 steps most days. Just want to bring it up to 4,000

    Yannie Jannie
    You think -25 is cold. -37 this morning. No I'm not going out for a walk.

    Good luck with the yoga. You can do it without a partner. Sometimes waiting for a partner we never get there.

    Glad your enjoying the cottage. Ours take a long time to heat up at this time of year so we just don't use it.

    996 calories for 5.5 miles has to be wrong.

    Now going to next page try and do it also.

    LInda in Northern Ontario brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr -37
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding

    Good Morning, ladies. It was up to 32 degrees when I got up this morning. By Tuesday it might get near 60. Woo hoo

    * Robin, congrats on how Bodi is getting along. Also on your successful oatmeal. My DH makes it, but wont' measure, so we never know how it will turn out.

    *Sylvia, please keep the jokes coming! If someone is in a hurry they can skip over them.(or something else LOL) They always brighten my day.

    *Linda, I had chicken low mein for the first time in months today. I love it but don't normally devote that many calories to lunch. Trust me, I savored ever bite.
    I had to smile thinking of you and your fit bit going in a 6 foot circle around your living room until you got dizzy and had to sit down. :)

    *Jeannine, beautiful double rainbow!

    *Kim, thanks for the clarification. I read faster than my brain operates sometimes. What can I say? They sound like great kids.

    *yanniejannie, I thought that might be what a cuppa was, just not sure. We do find things that aren't our cuppa tea, here in the US. lol

    *Sylvia, the dance party sounds great.

    *Katia, I hope you enjoy the new yoga classes. Glad the thermal undies not only kept you warm but helped pad your rear. The horseback riding sounds like fun.

    *Heather, that is a great outlook on food. I used to say, you can quit smoking or drinking, but you can't stop eating. You just have to do it right.

    *Lesley, I hope Mildred is okay and it was just an booboo. Was she okay by the time you got home?

    *Margaretturk, I like the frog, too but he looks like he may have eaten a few too many flys. ;) lol

    *Joyce, I really understood when you talked about Charlie and his talking on and on and on. My DH will talk about anything and do the same. Sometimes people are trying to carry on a light conversation and get impatient waiting for him to wind down. Oh well, he is a dear, so I just grit my teeth and wait.

    *Meg, I'm cringing just thinking about your knee pain. Let us know how it goes. Sending healing thoughts your way!

    *grandmallie, I can't believe your insurance doesn't cover your ultrasound. Too bad you are such a young chick, cause Medicare covers almost everything. I hope it's an error and you don't have to pay. Be sure to check with your doctor and make sure they coded it right. Good luck.

    *Jeannine, I love your doggies.

    I seem to be at a real stand still. I had lost weight so well until Jan 1. Then the next day I was up a pound and it is still with me. I've been eating under calories and increasing exercise every day, but still not even back to my Jan 1 weight. I'm trying not to get discouraged but I'm on the verge. I may go back to exact ally what I was eating the first two weeks of my journey. (Not that I'm eating much different now.) What have some of you experienced that hit a wall? How long did it last? Any words of advice??

    Greetings to any new ladies. I wish us all the greatest health and happiness. I love this group and look forward to our visits daily. You are the best!!

    My word for the rest of the month is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning everyone...

    the Weather Network says you are going to get warm weather soon... ha ha sure!! It also says the prairies are going to be at 0 to +1 Celsius by Wednesday. Well I am not going to wait for it... will do my walk this morning (only -30 C) because DGD is coming over this afternoon while her parents go ice fishing.

    I like the jokes, keep them coming

    I don't know what I would do without my dog to walk.... I haven't thought about that. I think I will just enjoy him as long as I can.

    January is paper sorting time in my house ... I do the books for several small organizations so getting that all caught up and ready for tax time. I am also trying to purge the "buildup of treasures" that have accumulated in the house. Oh wait ... it is called downsizing or maybe de-cluttering!!

    Take care everyone and enjoy your Sunday.

    West Central Saskatchewan
    (Had to change that from Northern Saskatchewan.... someone may think I am at Uranium City)
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    What a great idea for a tea party. I guess I would have brought my tea cup of the queen and king back in 1939.

    You must take care of your health. No matter the cost. Take care.

    Beautiful picture of your dogs.

    Well all caught up. Working on having a great day. Munching on a humongus apple. Yum. Getting often and getting steps in. Aiming for 4,000 today. Going to have to find some dancing to get it. To cold to walk outside.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Happy Sunday to Everyone! I am in the middle of preparing a beef roast and a pork sirloin roast in my electric pressure cooker. Son and family will come for lunch after church. Will also make egg noodles and baked broccoli. My broccoli has not come out to my taste lately. A little too much olive oil I think and not as crisp as I would like.

    Love the beautiful pictures so many are posting.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member

    My d
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Thanks to Kim, I'm now addicted to AARP magazine. Today there is a terrific article on nutrition and food choices that can improve health. I am hopeful that this link will take you there if you are interested.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    stuffing my face with a few cookies, geesh thats just what I need.. im in a great deal of depression and really want to have a talk with the DH.
    I feel that all I do is for him,and his family, he could really care a hoot about my family, in my honest opinion he would make a better bachelor that a husband, he wants everything his way,he will dote on the dogs, but screech at me.....I know he doesnt want me having any outside interests,and when I do go out he lays a guilt trip..
    just went to see DFIL, he was still in bed, and had refused breakfast. but got him some coffee and he had that and a couple of cookies ;) at least even with a foggy mind I know he loves me.... and the doggies love me, and my grandaughters love me, and my family loves me, so thats good, I am thankful for that...
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Katla ... good article!

    Alison... you are loved! Hold on to that!

    I have a long list going ... and while the colonoscopy isn't scheduled, the number for the center I'll use is on the list! (*)

    Jan ... 3 feet of snow this time ... a good storm, but not like the historical Snowvember storm!

    Should not have made seeded artisan bread yesterday ... a calorie bomb ... but so good on cold days!

    Sylvia ... northern girls handle the cold by wearing shirts! :D And good coats, boots, hats,etc. I am always on a quest to find extra warm mittens. My now deceased MIL gave me a pair of authentic sheep skin mittens that were unrivaled for warmth. My DH bought me something this year with thinsulate ... not liking them at all.

    Beth in Western New York

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: My Yoga teacher used some moves from Hatha Yoga and some from other disciplines. I will be starting sessions with a new teacher on Monday. There is a gym in the next town that has yoga offered morning and evening at least three days a week. I’ll be going to the morning sessions. I’ve been offered a program called Silver and Fit by my supplemental health insurance company. I’ll get the gym membership and classes for free through the health insurance provider. (The supplemental health policy is definitely NOT free.) My DSIL and DBIL have been using a similar program called Silver Sneakers and are getting a real boost in health and fitness. DH will not be able to join me in this activity for an unknown length of time. He’s still getting PT after his back surgery.

    Kim: I would love to have you as my exercise buddy. We’ll have to settle for encouraging each other online. I don’t plan to move to Northern CA, although your mild weather seems to have taken an extended trip to Western Oregon the last couple of years.

    Meg: Sending good wishes for your knee. Ice, elevation, advil and rest are best for now. I wonder what the MRI will reveal. You’re the nurse with all the training so I imagine you have all sorts of mental scenarios pictured. I know that a lot of people get knee replacements but I hope you don’t have to have surgery.

    Heather: I am in awe of your fortitude and willingness to confront your fears. Most of my fears are social. I’m an only child who was brought up by a shy mother. I have no fear of speaking in public, sailing in the North Pacific in a relatively small boat, or riding horses, but inviting someone over for coffee, tea or dinner is another matter.

    Jeannine: Your border collie mix reminds me of a dog I had as a teen. He was lovely. Same markings pattern, but Spooky was mahogany where your dog is black. He came to us on Halloween night and had obviously been mistreated. He stayed with us. I was heartbroken when he passed and I think my parents were, too, but they wouldn’t let me get another dog.

    LinC: I agree about the wisdom of going ahead with the yoga that is available to me. I may never find a partner, or may meet someone in class. I told DH where you live, and he wonders how close you are to the arctic circle. Now I wonder, too. The need for exercise in adverse weather is one of the reasons I just joined a local gym.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach: Keep doing the right thing. I had more plateaus than I care to count. They seem to be part of the process. Drinking more water helped nudge the process along several times.

    Alison: Sending hugs. You are a wonderful woman and your DH is blind to his blessings. Despite his health problems, DFIL is clearly smarter than his son. Remember Jackie Gleason and the Honeymooners? This was a TV series in the 1950s so you may have been too young to have seen it. Your DH rather reminds me of Gleason’s character that I think was named Ralph. Ralph was always mad & yelling about something. The wife was named Alice and did a lot of eye rolling. My parents & I all thought it was funny back then, but we didn’t have to live with Ralph.

    The fog is back this morning, but it isn’t thick. I’m trying to think of a way to have fun today. Taking the dog for a walk in the cold isn’t exactly fun, but we'll both enjoy it and I‘m putting it on my list.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited January 2015
    Beth, you made me laugh!

    Alison, the more I hear about you husband, the more I appreciate mine. Kick him to the curb so you can have a happy life! And he should be the one getting the second job.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Katla~ oh I remember the honeymooners, Pow to the moon Alice....
    Sylvia, easier said than done.... alot invested alot of years money and time.. I dont know would love to have the DH really listen to me and deal with issues.. dont know if that will happen or not..
    I would love to go and take a nice long nap.. and maybe I will..
    a little laugh this morning.. when we went to see DFIL , he was sleeping and he told us to get off the bed, told him we were not on the bed, told him I was putting his clothes away, and he yapped at me ,well at least your doing something.. I said out loud gee sounds like someone else I know, with Tom right behind me..
    did go get him some coffee and some water, so at least he listens to me....
    have to go for bloodwork in morning, and not looking forward to when we get that bill
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good afternoon,

    Sylvia well said. Reminds me of the student who stood up to a bully in a class I was in she said that was rude. My reply was I couldn't have said it better my self.

    The abusers I see have fine self esteem. Their targets tend to be those who are struggling to find their voice. I tell the students who are hurting DO NOT let that person have your power. It belongs only to you. You cannot control that other person the only person you can control is you and how you react. There is a reason my quote of the year is "Just because you see the hook does not mean you need to bite." The abuser relishes they have you on the hook. I use this quote to guide me and those students who are struggling with power issues.

    Alison you cannot control DH. You can only control how you react to him. I believe if you DO NOT let your DH have your power you will see a dramatic change in him. It is not easy to change patterns but it is well worth the effort. You have all of us cheering you on to do this for yourself. You have a right to your health and happiness. Much love, MNMargaret
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 495 Member
    Popping in to wish you all a great Sunday!

    Cindy in OK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :D One great thing I learned from Gretchen Rubin ("The Happiness Project") was a technique called "Make the positive argument." Instead of listing all the reasons your husband is a pain (or something else negative), list all the evidence that he is caring or helpful or loving and you'll see him that way. It works, it really does.

    :D Katla, I followed the link you shared from AARP and watched several slide shows and read a few short articles. It has helped my journey to read more about health and less about all the things that are wrong in the world.

    :D LinC. you get an amazing number of steps living in a place where you can't go outside easily for a walk. I set a step goal for the month and then increase it by 500 for the next month. I can walk more steps because our weather has allowed me to walk outside every day even when the roads are icy. My husband has 5000 steps as his daily goal because of his health.

    :D Beth, I don't allow bread in my house because I cannot be moderate with it. I have to walk by a great bakery between the parking lot and my Wednesday line dance class and when I think of buying their bread, I realize that what I want to do is eat the whole loaf.

    :D Jake is making chili for lunch....we're going to watch the Dallas-Green Bay game (we recorded it so we can start watching when we're ready) to see who our Seahawks will be playing next week.

    :D I walked 14,000 steps partly with the dogs and partly alone this morning. I used my old corded headphones to listen to music and a podcast about happiness. I was glad to have stereo again but am eager to get my new headphone with no cord and no earbuds.

    <3 Barbie from foggy NW Washington
  • Nancy82144
    Nancy82144 Posts: 5 Member
    Greetings ladies....
    I just wanted to share my joy. I know you do not know much of me nor me of you but I am trying to read and learn a little about you all.. Today was my first weigh in and I lost 8 pounds! Have had a good day, great worship service with some great friends and good lunch. It is cold here for Ft Worth Texas but not as cold as what I have seen in several of your posts.

    Hope all are having a great Sunday, full of life joy and health. Stay the course and you shall reap the benefits of your labor. :)