

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :D It's snowing this morning.....I love it but the dogs didn't want to be out in it at all....when Jake gets up, I know he'll build a fire in the wood stove...sounds like a perfect Saturday.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member

    this is my yogi (aka yogurt) on his first day home. the other pic is his present stage, 11 months old now. the 3 in my profile pic are rocky, bullwinkle and floyd. rocky the back right is gone now, bullwinkle is 9 years old (girl in the front with the sexy pose) and she is slowing down, and floyd is the back right, he is 5 now, kinda young there. IT'S SNOWING IN TACOMA WA!!! YEAYYYYY
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2014
    Anamika703 wrote: »
    Beautiful pictures everybody! Why is Black Friday so serious? All the kids are super cute
    God bless all you lovely people
    Anamika from Mumbai

    Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. We take it as a four day weekend and spend time with family and friends. Unfortunately, the retail world has turned it into the biggest shopping day of the season. That means a lot of workers do not get to spend time with their families.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    BUT, it hasn't affected some of us... it doesn't mean and never has meant anything to me. black friday is just friday to me
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! Thanksgiving day is over, but I am still so very thankful for all of you! Wishing you all much health and happiness!

    Jb: I’m so sorry to hear about Mariah. She is so beautiful! I’ll bet that she is the apple of your eye! Mariah & Jaxson are precious! It must be so difficult for all of you to watch that precious little girl go through so much. Prayers going out to her and to all of you

    Heather: The grandchildren are precious!

    Piccd34: Beautiful dog!

    Anamika from Mumbai: How do I explain Black Friday? It’s like shopping on steroids! There are tons of ads that you have to go through, but some of them come up at the last minute. Most of the time, there’s a really good deal that you want at one store and then you have to try to figure out how you’re going to get to the next store that has something you want before it’s all sold out. I’m so glad that now you can shop online as well. I was able to get a FitBit flex for my DH & I for Christmas for $69.99. I got free shipping, so that in itself was a savings of $60. Most of my shopping was done on Thanksgiving online, but unfortunately we had to pick up one item at Bed Bath and Beyond that we had put for store pickup. Online, it was 29.99. In store, it was 19.99, but I had a $5 coupon so it ended up costing me $14.99. It just takes so much time and it’s really frustrating because the stores are FULL of people trying to get that special thing that someone on their list wants. A few years ago, my DH and I were standing in lines at midnight for a couple of hours. Now the stores are starting Black Friday on Thanksgiving! I would love to just not shop Black Friday, but I have 4 children, 3 have spouses, 7 grandchildren, DH’s parents (mine are deceased) that we have to buy for. Plus this year one of my DD#3’s friends moved here from another state. She and her family were living with us at the same time my DD#3 was with her family. (We had 12 people living in my 1500 sq ft house at that time…but that’s a whole other story! ) They are struggling as well, so we are buying a present for them and their children as well. It gets to be very expensive if we don’t try to get the best deal we can. I used to totally enjoy Christmas…now, not so much! I keep telling my children that when my DH and I retire in a few years, Christmas gifting will definitely be downgraded. I seriously wouldn’t buy so much, but honestly with the exception of my DS who is a dentist and his wife my DDIL who is a veterinarian all the others are struggling financially so I have a tendency to overdo it by purchasing more than one gift because it’s things that they need. Ok, enough rant! Sorry! Black Friday is a zoo. I’m glad the merchants offer deep discounts on some items, but Heaven help me, I am so glad when Christmas shopping is done!

    Off to clean house! DH and I are trying to pack up the stuff the DD#3 & her family left from when they bought their home and moved out! She's in school and getting ready to go into finals and doesn't have the time to help. DSIL, her hubby, is offshore working. He came in for all of one day and was sent out again. At least he has a job! Thank you Heavenly Father! My house looks like something from hoarders! Ugh! I could use a few prayers! :smiley:

    Hugs to all! Have a wonderful day!

    Barb from South Louisiana
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 495 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    Happy holidays! I just popped in to say hello and wish everyone a wonderful holiday season. I enjoyed all the great pictures! Black Friday is the day I stay home and do not go near a mall. I survived Thanksgiving at DSIL where there were few healthy dishes. That aren't big on salads and veggies. I am still maintaining my weight loss as well.

    Here is a pic of our little Brian. He is a wonderful little addition to our family!

    Best wishes to all of you!

    Cindy in OK

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Love the photos .... I am a sucker for Black Lab puppies! Our lab, Zeke, is almost 10 years old and is "recuperating" from his 48 hours in the kennel and a basic grooming ... poor baby ... :)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. I suppose it's good, anyway. My mood is a little bad today. I have a multitude of little issues to deal with this morning, but I'm sure it will all pass. Someday. My weight is up almost 2 pounds from Thanksgiving, even though I tried really hard not to let it. My nose has been bleeding on and off all morning. We went swimming laps and the pool was packed with over-achievers. I really don't like swimming in choppy seas. I have hemmeroids. BAD. It hurts to walk, sit, stand, cough, laugh, poop or pass gas. And my poor fingers are cracked so bad that it hurts to type. And to top it all off I've lost my credit card when I need to be Christmas shopping. (I suspected that hubby hid it, but he swears he didn't.) So, I've been retracing my steps for the last few days trying to figure out where I might have misplaced it. Boo hoo, poor me.

    Enough of that. It's supposed to be a beautiful day here, in the upper 60's, but tomorrow only a high of 30! This is nuts. I just hope we don't get snow or ice. By the way, has Buffalo recovered yet, or will it be springtime before you can get out again?

    I think my favorite thing about the upgrade to MFP is the ability to see pictures. I'm loving all the photos of kids and dogs!!!

    I do not do black Friday shopping at all. No price is so good that I would risk getting into that frenzy to get it.

    I came to the studio this morning with money to make change, because it's Small Business Saturday, but nobody has come in. Last year I got a few shoppers. Oh well. It gave me incentive to straighten up the gallery a little bit. I'm afraid I'm not terribly neat so things were a little dusty. Now it looks much better.

    Well, I'm going to crawl back into my hole of self pity. I hope you all have a wonderful day where you are.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat!
    Love the pics,thanks for sharing.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, all,

    Quiet day yesterday. Tried to watch the Va/Va Tech game last night but went to bed at 10pm. Finally put the flannel sheets on yesterday and they really felt great last night!!! Made it to both tai chi and yoga this am. Very cold, couldn't even break the ice early this am on the birdbath with my usual stick, had to get a garden tool---it was about a half inch thick!!! 28 degrees when I reached the gym at 8am. LOL, DD had morning feed duty for the horses at the show barn for 6am. She called about an hour ago to let me know she had gotten off whatever horse she was riding and was heading to the city library down there to get warm before heading back to the barn for 4pm.

    Heather.........OOOHHHH......they just get cuter and cuter!!!!

    jb.......Thanks so much for providing the update and adorable pics for everyone; we are all pulling for Mariah!

    piped34..........Very handsome fellow!

    Cindy.......Your Brian looks so alert and smart!!

    Sylvia..........Hope you day improves in a BIG way!!!

    Someone here likes herons???? Got caught up on newspapers and there was a pic of a blue one with two little fish in its bill (beak??).....whatever. Anyway, it was a really neat pic.

    Stay strong, ladies!
    mid-Atlantic..........where it's supposed to be warmer for a few days

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good Afternoon Friends,
    welcome.gif Newcomers.



    This was in my garden last summer. Planting Kindness is always in season.

    I spent the day digging out the Christmas decorations. It brings happy memories of those who gave me some of the decorations.

    Love the dog pictures. smiley-love063.gif

    Mariah is a gem.

    2014 word:contentment



  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Sunday here and my Rest and Re-feed day, still only 1840 cals for the day. GOOD! Walking is 317 cals , so 1400 remain
    We go for a drive and walk Mildred Beagle and enjoy Sunday Brunch (cooked by Stan ) and roast pork dinner.
    I LOVE Jeannette's 15 week challenge. Forgot to weight this morning but weigh/tape/BF% day tomorrow for my spreadsheet. I LOVE Jeannette's food and the training as I have all her DVDs
    Nice she gives me a rest day. Need to write shopping list for next week when she posts the food.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    edited November 2014
    Well, it looks from Facebook as if DH'S family have succeeded in rescuing the child from the Philippines. Judging by a photo of a very happy daddy with child and DH'S niece. We have yet to hear if they are home safely. What a business! ! ! !

    I went to the family dinner and enjoyed meeting everyone I hadn't seen for ages. Luckily the food was of mixed quality so I only ate the good bits and came in for the day just under calories. I had done 620 in exercise in the morning. :bigsmile:
    I got a few comments, like, "Have you lost like a shedload of weight?" and "Did you mean to?" :laugh: plus, "Don't lose any more." :laugh:
    DSIL'S mother asked me how I had done it and I said counting calories. She said "Oh, I wouldn't do that, I don't believe in it, I just eat what I want." I just nodded sweetly and said, "So do I, I just exercise like mad so I can eat." As always a look of incomprehension came over her face. She is a big lady. :tongue:
    Most people just said I looked very glam and very well. Most of my relatives are very overweight, even the teenage girls. It was great to see the new babies I hadn't seen before and catch up with my favourite nephew. I got a lift back to the station so I left early.
    Now to lose the 2 lbs I have gained from all my socialising. Could be worse and I think 1 lb of it is sodium. Got to hold the line before the Christmas nonsense starts.
    Tomorrow we will be clearing the bedroom as much as possible for the painter. We will each sleep in our respective studies for a week until the new carpet is laid next Monday. :ohwell:

    Love to all. Hope to hear tomorrow that the family has landed safely back at Heathrow. :love:

    Sylvia - sorry you are feeling down. (Hugs)

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Evening friends - I'm taking a break from some closet cleaning for a quick post. It sounds like many of you enjoyed some quality family time over the holiday. We had a nice dinner and visit with all of my DDIL's extended family. Got to see little "Blueberry's" nursery. It is darling. Daddy even painted a mural to match the crib bedding. They are so looking forward to their little blessing.

    I only ate 300 calories over my 1200 for the day Thanksgiving. I eat 1200-1400 calories a day, workout six days a week and don't eat back my exercise calories. Doc wants me on 1200. With that said I am losing only about .I've only lost 12 lbs since the middle of July. I forgot to ask her about this at my last appointment. Do the rest of you find it this hard to lose after 60ish?

    Heather - so glad about the news from the Phillippines.

    I am praying for Miriah.

    I've enjoyed all the pictures!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I don't keep up with this group because I don't have the time, but it's a great group.

    I just want to report that I went to my first workout in 6 weeks after breaking my leg. It was an aqua fitness bootcamp class, which is really rigorous, but easy on the joints.

    Next weekend I'm taking the exam to get certified as an aqua fitness instructor because I teach Aqua Zumba and want to expand my reach.

    Hoope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I need an injection of Christmas spirit! I look at my lonely tree in the family room and know that I only have a very small portion of my shopping done. I see so many people out and they look like they are doing their Christmas shopping. Last year I did so much on line and I just don't have any ideas this year. I don't like that my husband gives the girls a substantial each year. It's not personal at all and I know they use it for paying bills. I think Christmas should be about getting gifts that they normally wouldn't get for themselves, maybe they just don't have the money. And I know that both my girls really need the extra money to pay those bills and it takes a lot of pressure off of them. that should mean a lot to them but I still like to get something personal for them.

    Heather I am so glad the kids were able to get rescued!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :D Heather, I am amused by people who want to have the success I have had with weight loss and fitness but are totally unwilling to do any of the things that I have done to accomplish my goals.

    :D Lesley, I admire your consistency with your eating and exercising plan. Staying with a winning plan is the only thing that has ever worked for me.

    smiley-bounce016.gifWe all enjoyed the snow here today....by tomorrow it will be mostly ice since temperatures have dropped to way below freezing. I took the dogs out this afternoon and they loved playing in the snow. It was challenging to keep up with all their energy. I finished the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers for lunch (turkey and cranberry sauce) and the last of the dishes are being washed in the dishwasher.

    smiley-sad017.gifWe are expecting guests tomorrow---a long time very dear friend of Jake's and his much younger wife and five year old daughter visiting from out of state. They will be here from about 10AM to late afternoon. Sasha will bark at the little girl, Brandy will want to kiss her, and I will have a challenge making conversation with the wife. I am not looking forward to the visit. I will be the charming and helpful hostess because Jake adores his friend and hasn't seen him in about two years. I will remember one of the great lines from my favorite meditations "I can do anything for 12 hours that would appall me if I had to keep it up for a lifetime." Also, "Act the way I want to feel". We'll take them out to lunch so I won't have to deal with cooking. This is one of the very rare occasions when I prefer eating in a restaurant to eating my own cooking.

    smiley-happy020.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washingtonsmiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    What a crazy weekend! :p Thursday was dog walk, 1.5 hour drive to Thanksgiving dinner just 4 of us as these friends did their “big” thanksgiving on Friday; so on Thursday we had Ciopinno! I love love ciopinno, salad, and a light cranberry dessert - spent the night –

    Friday about 8:30 am- I headed out to home; there was a ton of “tulle” fog which is a ground fog not near the ocean… thick and very hard to drive in… so the 1.5 drive took about 3 hours, :o got home played with the dog, made coleslaw, then off to pick up my Mom (1 hour drive the other direction) and we went into the mountains to a Christmas tree farm and cut two trees – dropped off Mom and her tree at her house; then grabbed the coleslaw out of her fridge and then another ½ hour drive to a birthday party… by about 8:30 pm I was headed from the birthday to home!!!! Crazy day.

    Today was 3 hours of embroidery, a memorial service for a friend that passed in August (not sure why they waited so long but they did) and a dog walk –

    Tomorrow is work! Got to fit it in somewhere!

    But great news it is raining – really raining! Love it!!!

    Every year for all of my life my family goes to the mountains to a tree farm and cut our Christmas tree; as we have all grown my Mom and I still do it sometimes my nephew joins but not this year… my Mom is 85 and walks for hours up and down the hillside picking the perfect tree but I cut it and carry it to the truck (I borrow a friends truck) – Every year I wonder if it will be the last one - It is probably the only tradition that hasn’t changed since I was little and it will be a very hard one to give up. I am so lucky and thankful that she is in good health. Her mom ( my grandmother) was still living on her own until 95… so we’ll see!

    Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

    Alison – take care of your self!

    Michele – the first time you did a plank you held it for a minute!? 60 seconds!!! I got up to 6 seconds after have been doing the plank for 3 days…

    Heather – it sounds like you have a great plan to see the grandkids! Later – they are adorable!
    2nd later (LOL) I am with you discretion is always a good idea; facebook is awfully public

    Yanniejannie – It is so sad to hear some have to be abusive; but so impressed that you see the humor in it.

    Joyce – sounds like you made a new great tradition!!!

    Diana – I think I am with hubby on the boa idea…. Sounds cute but not Christmasy

    JB – Mariah is so cute in her new jammies! What an amazing girl and family. Great second picture too!

    Yogi is so cute!!!

    Barb –from s. Louisiana – sending good thoughts your way, and all the stuff in the world while nice is not as important as a welcoming place; so don’t let yourself get too caught up in the shopping stuff, as the fact that you care and open your home means much more!

    Sylvia - I am tossing you a ladder so you can climb out of your self pity hole! And if you think there is even a 1% chance that you lost that credit card you better cancel it before someone goes crazy with it.

    Heather – it is so interesting to hear the comments! You are very glam indeed!!! And a great example to them and to all of us.

    Joyce - I like to do a personal gift for folks too; but having in the past been very short of funds, sometimes cash is a very special gift in itself.

    Barbie – when I have difficult folks I love it if they have a kid with them; just focus on the kid and it is hard to go wrong.

    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday

    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kim, I didn't like it when our family made the decision to draw names for couple gifts. But we are the only ones who can really afford to give to everyone. And I must admit that I can spend more on the couple I drew names for. I have memorized the drawing so I know when my sister in law asks me to pick a number, I know her system. I generally pick one of my siblings as all the others live far away. The only ones who live close is my sister's son and they only want gift cards. We do give to our own children but some couples will use one of their kids as the couple gift they choose. I can't imaging not giving to my own children. Not having the choice to give my siblings a gift was bad enough.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member

    Friday I used the stairmaster at the Y in Reston. How I wish we'd get one back! I was going to use it on Saturday, too, but after walking there from the hotel I found that the Y doesn't open until 7. There was no way I was going to wait an hour so I walked back to the hotel and just used the treadmill there. The incline wasn't working right so I just walked on it at 4mph 1% incline.

    Juanita - how I wish we celebrated Thanksgiving like you guys, in October. It just gets lost in the Halloween and then Christmas rush.

    Toni - how cute about Blueberry.

    Well, Petey called late Thursday while we were eating dinner (Jess pan seared chicken, made corn (unfortunately, canned, but I didn't say anything, just took a little bit) and butter noodles (didn't have any). He said that he thanked Vince for being willing to pick Denise up but they were going to come, although he was concerned that he'd be called to work. Actually, they were playing some sort of game (I was helping in the kitchen cook) and one part was where you had to read off the cards. Petey and Denise had trouble with some of the words. Well, he isn't real well educated. They left around 7 so that he could get home and "do some laundry"? Whatever.......

    Jess, Kris, friends of Jess', Jess and Krister, her neighbor, were there for dinner. Ryan (her old landlord) and his gf came later. I didn't have the heart to not eat most of the food that she made. So I had a little, not much. She made these hors duerves which is a tortilla with mayo on it and then lunchmeat with either lettuce or cheese rolled up and then cut up. She got the recipe on Pioneer Woman. I used to watch that show, but she uses so much butter and fat! Well, I had two of the appetizers. Jess also made these deviled eggs only they were stuffed with lobster meat mixed with mayo, mustard, pickle juice, celery. I would think they'd be a bit better with dijonnaise. I brought up a sweet potato casserole, (just me and Jess' friend Jess had it), she had mashed potatoes which I didn't have, a green bean casserole (which I only had a little of), she made these rolls (yes, from scratch) that she'd gotten the recipe from Pioneer Woman. There's so much butter! But I guess she likes it that way. If it had been me, instead of butter in the muffin tins, I would at least have used spray. She also had cranberry sauce (didn't have any), a salad (I can get that any time at all), I made cornbread muffins (made with kefir) and sweet potato muffins. You know, I really wish she'd tell me the menu ahead of time, I'd brought up my appetizer tray, which we didn't use. Had I known the recipe for these rolls, I would have brought up one of my large bowls and some sort of basket for the rolls. Well, I'll ask her ahead of time next year. Her friend Jess brought a cherry pie. I remember Jess making the crust one time at our house and I was amazed at how much oil went into it. When I saw that this was the same crust that she had, I tried to take only the center. It was really just cherry pie filling. I made wine cookies and brownies.

    Meg - Since Denise and Petey came, they probably left that dog at their house. Jess was dog-sitting one of her frined's dog. That dog got along pretty well with Shadow, it was more a mutual ignore-each-other. A pretty small dog and not a yapper. If it hadn't been so cold, I probably would have taken it for a much longer walk.

    Vince laughs at me when I "take" food from the hotel (I took a few apples, so that I'd have them to munch on before exercise and before the breakfast opened). Well, I took a tea bag and I'm glad I did. Went to Jess' place this am and just had a cup of tea. Yesterday Vince and Kris got her a dining room table (I told Vince that we should bring up the card table but he knew better and decided to bring up the 6' banquet table, I convinced him to use the 4' table too. So we put the 4' table next to the dining room table and put the food out on the 6' table. Luckily, I brought up tablecloths, too.

    Kind-of skimming the post, got so many to catch up on. So sorry if I miss anyone

    Jan - sound like you handled the race problems as best you could. Next year....

    Poor Lance just laid in the bedroom the whole time we were there. The look in his eyes was so "understanding" when I went in by myself to be with him for a while. Ryan always liked Lance so I know that he was coming to say "goodbye"

    Bought the farmer's cheese for Christmas, so Vince and I will be making the pierogi in the next week or two. Also bought some whole wheat panko. Harris Teeter is the only store where I can get whole wheat, but they don't sell Farmer's Cheese so I had to go to Giant for it. I probably should have bought more, but we'll have what we'll have. Fewer leftovers. I still have two packets of pierogi from last Christmas in the freezer.

    Cynthia - hope hubby is better fast. Men can be such babies. I know when Vince gets a cold you would think the world was coming to an end!

    Vince kept telling me how very cold it was going to be in VA so I packed sweaters. Now I really wish I had packed either 3/4 length or short sleeved shirts. What I think I'll do next year is wear a short sleeved shirt UNDER a sweater. It was just so warm in that kitchen. Admitted, she has a small kitchen so I was constantly washing and drying dishes and putting things away. I wound up washing some plates for dessert and forks.

    jb - I just want to give Mariah a big hug. She is one very very brave girl. What an infectious smile she has !

    pipcd - I love oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Jess doesn't care for raisins in hers, either, so I use chocolate chips

    barbie - what kind of phones did you finally get?

    Heather - the kids are just adorable!

    Love all the pics

    Sylvia - are you going to put a stop on your credit card?

    Heather - yea for the rescue! You ARE glam!

    Tina - only 300 over for Thanksgiving! That's wonderful. I know I went more than 300

    Kim - when we live in Stroudsburg, we went to a tree farm where they'd cut the tree down for you, put it in their tractor. The kids thought it was great because they got to ride in the tractor, too. The first time I did a plank, I admit I was much, much younger, doing 60 seconds probably didn't seem like all that much to me

    Better get to bed.

    The plan for tomorrow is to do one of leslie Sanson's DVD

    Michele in NC