

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Good morning from sunny Hampshire UK! :drinker: (coffee DH is bringing me:happy: )

    Still getting organised. Have various piles of clothes I need to whittle down. Done my toiletries and meds - that's the one that takes more time. Got to pack things like converter plugs, chargers etc. These days there are so many plugs and wires! I am taking snacks for hungry late afternoons and I must not forget my 65 Today badge and candle.:laugh: :laugh:

    Yesterday I tried painting my fingernails all different colours to see which one I liked best, but I've decided to just go with a natural see through pink. Got to do that.

    Meg - I had a look at the thyroid, thank you, but I don't think that's it. It's not particularly noticeable and I might even be imagining it, but it does seem thinner and my hairdresser commented. It's probably an inherited thing as I remember my grandmother with thinnish hair and I had thin hair as a young person, but it seemed to thicken up when I went grey.

    Katla - you have to so firm with those pesky hairdressers! Any chance and they'll hack away.:tongue:

    I have lost another half pound so I'm feeling nice and confident in my body image for NYC. I remember when I went to Menton and was 19 lbs heavier than I am now, but had lost 37 lbs. I felt so skinny! ! ! !

    Sylvia - how lovely that you felt so good at the concert.:flowerforyou: Your new long dress sounds fabulous. It's a grest achievement to have lost so much weight!:flowerforyou: I remember feeling so embarrassed at my brother's 60th that I couldn't go in fancy dress and sat at the back. When I tried to dance my knees protested. Now I love to strut my stuff!:drinker: :laugh: Now that the thinnest woman at yoga has gone off for a gynaecological op I am the thinnest person in the room! ! ! ! Most of them think I am far too thin and gossip about me! With a BMI of 23.13 I don't think so ! :tongue: So glad you got those compliments!:flowerforyou:

    Must drink my coffee!

    Love Heather x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    morning ladies~
    wow yesterday was a whirlwind... but the party went off with out a hitch, ate pretty bad,but logged it. I think I worked it off, because I was running non stop most of the day... had way to much food, sent some home with everyone..my DB woke up sick yesterday so we had to let the cat out of the bag and tell him about the party.. but it was just small , maybe 12 people.. and everyone enjoyed themselves..
    the weather is supposed to be 84 today so maybe take a ride to the shore for a bit... then home and back to work tomorrow. DH leaves thursday for florida for 10 days so it will be up to me to get things done here..
    well off to make breakfast... talk with you all soon
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: I’ve been an Audible user for many years, but haven’t been to the site recently. Audible is owned by Amazon now. Maybe you can get in through Amazon. I listened to audible books while commuting an hour or more twice a day. Since I retired, I listen less. I have never had mackerel. It is likely an east coast fish. We do enjoy salmon and halibut regularly. Both of my parents were chain smokers, so we evidently have that in common. Mom died directly because of it, of emphysema. Dad had congenital heart problems that were certainly not helped by his smoking. I am rabidly anti smoking.:flowerforyou:

    Roliph96: Welcome to a great group. As to advice, count calories, drink water and exercise. Be patient. It took a long time to gain the weight, and will take time to get it off. To get it off and keep it off, you will have to change your eating and exercise habits permanently. Hang around with us for moral support and advice.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: It sounds like you and your DB really enjoy the gag gift tradition. I think it is a great idea.:flowerforyou:

    Mimi: We all fall short of meeting our goals and following plans we know to be right for us from time to time. Why do we give in to temptation? There are so many reasons. The good news is that we can compensate with exercise, and/or get back on track asap. Sending hugs your way.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I enjoy hearing about your travel preparations. You don’t look too thin in your pictures; you look beautiful. A number of people “worried” that I was getting too thin, and I can’t recall how many times I was advised that I’d “lost enough.” I haven’t heard those comments lately. I think most of the people I see routinely are used to the “new me.” The people who make me most uncomfortable are those who ask me to help their wives. No way am I going there.:noway: :noway: :noway: :wink:

    Three days to DH’s surgery, counting today. I’m hoping and praying that he’ll get significant relief from pain and be smart enough to work hard at physical therapy once he’s able.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    afternoon ladies
    not feeling so hot.. have given into the sugar bug and with eating yesterday just not feeling up to par... did mow the lawn DH did a little bit and I finished it off, didnt make it to the shore ,just not feeling up to it... have the chills, so maybe go take a nice hot bath and relax a bit.. then make DH dinner.. he usually eats early on sundays, he is only working 3 days this week and will be going in early get some extra overtime in..
    well off for now. hopefully check in later:sick:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Alison - take care! Sounds like you have a bug.:sick: Rest, rest rest.:flowerforyou:

    Sorted out my jewellery this afternoon. Some of it was horribly grimy!:frown: Never know whether I should take stuff that has any value.:ohwell:

    Still got to sift my clothes.:tongue::laugh:

    Heather, relaxing in warm Hampshire UK
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Heather, make ornaments out of those ugly pieces of jewelry!!! I haven't actually made any yet but I have the one my sister made and I know it will mean a lot to the ones I give them to.Or let the grand kids use it as dress up.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 457 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    Popping in to wish everyone a nice Sunday. Today I did yoga and treadmill. I admit I've let my yoga slide a bit as little Brian seems to want to "help". He sits by me, under me, in my lap depending on which pose I'm in. He also has definite sign language when he wants something. He wil rear up and down like a horse. Around 9 am he thinks it is time for his walk no matter what. We are enjoying him so much. ????????

    Heather, you look beautiful. I know you will enjoy NYC! Congrats on your total pounds lost!

    Alison, I hope you feel better soon, take care and rest.

    Katia, fingers crossed for DH's surgery. I hope it gives him relief. I am also major anti-smoking. My whole family smoked except for me. I hated cleaning ashtrays as a kid. My Mother was a very heavy smoker and had COPD, horrible disease. I'm glad my oldest brother stopped several years ago. Hubby doesn't smoke now. He did in college, not much even then. He stopped when we got married. Love my smoke free home!

    Mimi, I've been there with the self sabotage. You are not alone! For me, it was feeling like I had no control over my schedule. My job was demanding and I allowed my working out to be the first thing to go. My weight went from 118 to 140. I lost about 12 pounds 6 years ago then started the bad habits again when my job changed. One of our HR staff resigned and I inherited most of her duties along with my own adding about 10 more hours to an already long week. Stress got to me, I had a glass of wine in the evening when I got home, then one with dinner and sometimes another after. Needless to say my healthy diet didn't compensate. I tried to get back to jogging then tore my meniscus. I regained some balance in my schedule after about a year, but had to start over again losing the weight. So glad we can start again! I may have a bad day now and then but MFP and Hubby keep me on top of things and back on track. Katia is right, you can get back to it!

    Michele, You've inspired me to make some chocolate muffins this week. I see them on your diary a lot and now want some. I intend to share them with my neighbor, he just had hip replacement surgery. I think they will brighten his day.

    I must get busy and plan the dinner menu.

    Hugs to all I missed.

    Cindy in OK
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 457 Member
    Hello again, I just uploaded a photo of Brian to my profile page. We've had him for a almost 5 weeks now. He is looking so good!????
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you, Katia and Cynthia, for your encouragement. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has been there and done that. Actually, I know that we, pretty much all, have been there (and done that). :laugh:

    Katia, your DH is in my prayers. I pray the doctors will work with skill and the results will be all that he hopes for.

    Eating on track has already been challenging today - but I'm hanging in there! My SIL's vehicle broke down a few blocks from our house on his way to some extra work today. This is the third vehicle to turn toes up in the last couple of weeks. :noway: I drove him, along with my two DGDs, down the hill (about 20 minutes away) to the place where he planned to work. Nobody was home. :ohwell:

    Back we went. When we were a couple of miles from home, he pulled into the parking lot of the local diner. What could I say? No thank you? Errr. Didn't work for me as he was trying to do something nice in return for my driving him. So I said, Thank you. :ohwell:

    I ordered a small sirloin steak, most of which I gave to my DGD who has celiac. I got a side salad and ate very little dressing with it. (DIdn't actually eat much salad either as it consisted of just lettuce and two cherry tomatoes :tongue: ). I did eat two of my other DGD's french fries and half a slice of bacon from her BLT. I tasted the garlic bread then gave it to my SIL.

    The best thing I did was log everything when I got home. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: (I'm sharing the flowers with you as you are a big part of my hanging in there.)

    Thank you again for the encouragement. I am grateful for this forum and for each of you.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good eve.
    Wow,what a busy weekend.Homecoming was fun,seeing my daughter all dressed up,taking pics with her friends.Violet wanted to be part of it,later asked what she thought of pic taking,boring.lol
    Violet spent the night and was up bright and early at 645.
    Going to her house tonite.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Sorry, not much time to chat tonight, and I just managed to skim the posts. I needed a reminder on when Katla's DH's surgery is. I was afraid it was tomorrow. Katla, keep us posted!

    Here is the joke of the day:


    There was a student who was wanted admission for a course of study.

    He was smart enough to get through the written test, and was to appear for the personal interview. Later, as the interview progressed, the interviewer found this boy to be bright since he could answer all the questions correctly. The interviewer got impatient and decided to corner the boy.

    "Tell me your choice;" said he to the boy, "What's your choice: I shall either ask you ten easy questions or ONE real difficult. Think well before you make up your mind."

    The boy thought for a while and said, "My choice is ONE real difficult question."

    "Well, good luck to you, you have made your own choice!" said the man on the opposite side. Tell me: What comes first, Day or Night?"

    The boy was jolted first but he waited for a while and said: "It's the DAY, sir."

    "How???????" the interviewer was smiling ("At last, I got you!" he said to himself.)

    "Sorry sir, you promised me that you will not ask me a SECOND difficult question!"

    Admission for the course was thus secured.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    4th day on Duromine and 3.08 lbs lost since Friday morning. Doctor will be pleased on Thursday. I am VERY happy
    Still printing my daily meals and exercise for dietition on Wednesday.
    Woke at 6.30am full of beans this morning, Monday, and put washer on and now blowing on line. Sleep effiency was 91% last night.
    Can do day 1 of BFFM 2 day split weight today and walk dog after lunch.
    Sunday we went for a lovely drive out and ended up at Leven canyon to walk the doggy on one of the paths. Was a littel breathless going uphill so reported that on my spreadsheet
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Well ladies, I need your help, you all have such great ideas about things, I have
    a problem that is so heavy on my heart that I can't think Cleary without getting
    emotional. So bear with me. Two months ago my dear daughter Amber lost her
    husband in a motorcycle accident, he was on his way to work on a unfamiliar road
    because it was a new job. Anyway he ran a stop sign and hit a big truck and died
    Immediately. The stop sign was overgrown with foliage and he didn't see it in time.
    Her 1 yr anniversary is coming up in Oct. My anniversary is the 27th, this is our 35
    Yr anniversary. Her's is the 26th. So hubby and I decided not to celebrate but I want
    to do something for her, like a getaway where her and her husband has never been.
    I'm thinking just her and I. She's really struggling emotionally and on top of everything
    she needs to move by the middle of Oct. They were renting and she can't afford the
    house on her own and her job is too far away for her to stay here. As her mom I am
    struggling big time. I want to fix everything but I can't. All I can do is listen to her and try
    to provide a safe place for her to express herself. I'm rambling, I'm sorry I really need
    Ideas right now on how to help her.
    Brenda from Md
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :flowerforyou: The reason people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    I read this on someone's post on MFP soon after I joined in 2009. It has been an important thought for me since then.

    If it is important to you, you will find a way, if not, you will find an excuse.

    I read that a few months later.

    The book I am reading now, starts with "Something needs to change, and it's probably me"

    I have learned to look at the world in a different way with the help of these words. They keep me focused and get me back on track.

    :bigsmile: Cindy, Brian is darling.

    :heart: Katla, thinking good thoughts about your DH and his surgery....and for you as his caregiver

    :brokenheart: Jake's older brother died today after having a massive stroke yesterday. Jake has been on the phone for awhile talking to his other brothers and his children. He probably won't go to Ohio to be with his family.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Barbie- so sorry for Jake, I know how hard it is to lose a sibling.

    I like that saying too. Thanks for sharing it with us.
    Brenda from Md
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Did a hour of balance games/training games on the Wii today. I found that for most of the balance games, you get only 1 minute at a time, then there is such a long time betweeen when you workout while the Wii is telling you how long, how many calories you burned, etc. etc. so to combat my boredom I did some training games. Also, the balance games don't burn very many calories, so I did the running.

    Tomorrow's plan is to do one segment of this 10 Minute Solution Butt Lift DVD, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    Before exercise class I need to go to Lowe's foods. They sell the low sodium cottage cheese I like. Normally I wouldn't go, but I do want the cottage cheese. then in the afternoon we have senior bowling.

    roliph - welcome and congrats on the great loss. Come in here and you'll get lots of good tips.

    Joyce - I didn't know that about the expired Kohl's cash! I can totally understand from the store's perspective. But if you have just one? It's a real shame that they won't take it. Good for you using another ornament!

    Allison - bet you were the "hostess with the mostess" at that party! And bet your brother really appreciated it. Hope you feel better fast

    Katla - it's interesting, my mother was a big time smoker. At my young age, even tho at the time the American Cancer Institute hadn't associated smoking with death, I associated the two. It just had such a big impact on me. Guess it was for the best. Today you won't catch me near a cigarette. Don't ask me why I live in NC because that I can't answer.

    Cindy - I'm so glad you have someone knowledgable to show you how to do "downward dog"....lol

    In the past, I'd usually put some vinegar on my salad. The other day Hungry Girl recommended "dijonnaise" and she said how it made for such a creamy salad, good instead of mayo in a chicken salad. Well, tonight I put that on my salad instead of the vinegar. Boy, is it good! Really creamy consistency.

    Jess sent the invite to Bryan and Diana (I think I told you about that) to her place for Thanksgiving, knowing full well that they weren't going to come. Anyway, Diana took herself out of the conversation (I didn't even know you could do that). That hurt Jess a lot. Then she told me that Bryan took himself out of the conversation. That I really don't know, but last night I sent him an email saying that I saw that Jess had invited him and Diana, check with Diana she might have responded (even tho I knew she didn't) and he should at least send her an email saying "thanks for thinking of us, we can't be there". Well, I see he sent a message (I saw it, did he just send it to me? I don't know how that works) saying that they won't be there but they'll be thinking of us. I just hope it also went to Jess.

    mimi - great way to make lemonade out of lemons. Good for you logging

    Sylvia - great joke

    Lesley - so great to read your posts. I always look forward to them

    Brenda in MD - sounds like you have a lot of great ideas for your daughter. I especially like you and she going away. since she'll be moving, you might want to tell her that you will take her (maybe on a Caribbean cruise in Jan) after things have settled down somewhat for her with the move and all.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh Brenda, my heart breaks just reading your story. You want to be happy for your own anniversary yet you want to honor her grieving. What does she want? She may just want to go to your home for a week and go to the comfort of her bedroom knowing that her parents are there to comfort her. How is she in the grieving process? A lot of people do things like set off helium balloons or butterflies from the site of the accident to finally say goodby. I don't know what the relationship is with your husband and your daughter but she may want to be with him at this time. Plus he may be hurting just as much as you are and needs to by her side like a Dad would feel like. I guess I am saying that I don't have any real suggestions for you. Let your Mom instinct take over and love her. Also she is an adult and needs to be treated as so but in the comfort of you as hr parents.

    I just had an epiphany about my ornaments. I was sitting here in the living room. We have a small table at the top of the stairs and some of my husbands things he likes to collect are there. He loved the eggs that are made of rocks or wood. But they sit in this decorative round stand. That could be the solution of what to do for my sister's DIL and also something unique for my brother's adopted son. He loved my Mom so much and has a shelf with some of her things on it. This ornament in a holder could be used like that instead of just used at Christmas. Also my youngest daughter has always liked to arrange, rearrange and sometimes play with those eggs. I could do that with all of the ones I make. My youngest daughter rarely puts a tree up. Doesn't work well with 3 large dogs!:laugh: I think I got the stands at Hobby Lobby. My sister could also use it for her DIL. I'm so proud of myself!!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    I decided to make a couple of changes. I've started back on my vitamin supplements. I started riding my exercise bike. Today I deliberately walked more at the grocery store. :bigsmile:

    Sis can't lease a vehicle because it is too many miles. She did well on Saturday while we were out. Most dealers only have one or two cars in her budget. But we have been to the local guys so often, they are refusing to help her. I bought my car through a rental company. They have rent to buy programs. I think/hope she'll try that. She has a tight budget and that price range sells fast. I can tell she's getting closer to the decision. (not fast enough for me) I know she was really traumatized by her last accident. She originally had a rental car for a while. But her job wouldn't give her time off to find a car. They would give her Sundays off, when the lots are closed. She just had two weeks off, but had surgery on her foot. She spent some time looking online. We agreed before the surgery that we would go car shopping on the second week. Then she pulls that stunt about not going.:mad: When we did go, she got upset that a dealer sold a car before she got there.:noway: She didn't get off her a** until 6 p.m.
    At this point she's all talk and no action.:explode: :grumble: :noway:
    I've told her that she's losing her independence. That without a car she's trapped at home. She can't join her friends for dinner, go to a movie, even go to the grocery store. This is a woman who rode in a glider on her honeymoon. Who packed up and moved from FL to Philly for a year by herself at 18. Who has bought and traded cars for years. She's owned at least a dozen cars over the years. I'm on my third car. I am so fed up.:grumble: :sad: OK, Rant's over. Thanks for listening.

    Brenda - Joyce has a good idea. Just have a girls' day. go to the movies, have a nice lunch. Have a getaway some time later. She needs her mom to be there.:brokenheart: I love the idea of a balloon ceremony. Maybe you could apt. hunt with her. But no lifting boxes for you.

    on the day-glo footprints - I was thinking of spray painting contact paper with fluorescent paint. Then cut out the shapes and stick it to the walkway. I have giant cat eyes that I post in my front windows. I put a lamp behind them to make them visible. I plan to make a couple of ghostly mice for the front yard. Maybe a giant paw print just outside the front door, or some claw marks. I have a t shirt that says Catfood Giver Person.:laugh:

    Sylvia, did you take a pic of you in the blue dress? I'd love to see it. Sounds like a great evening.

    it is 1 a.m. and i need to crash. G'nite all. Diane in TX
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    morning ladies,
    well I went to bed at 3;30 yesterday afternoon, except for getting up to use the bathroom, slept until 5:30 this morning:noway:
    guess my body needed it..
    im having a bit of pain in my kidneys, and I dont want to mess with that.. so I dont want to try anything to strenuous today..
    Cindy- I sent you a friend request, would love to see pictures of Brian ...
    DH got up at 2 this morning, and went in for 4 am, will work until 3:30 and come home
    I have to see if he will leave me some cash while he is gone..
    I am going to a fund raising event this saterday for my friend that lost her house.. she has an event every year and raises money for breast cancer research and free mammograms, she lost her mom in 2007 to it, and the family has raised over 1/2 a million dollars for the fund,which they donate to 2 local hospitals, this event is a big money maker because they raffle stuff off.
    I am going to dinner at the event before so I have to pay for that and then would like to do a few raffles.
    and my dads birthday is saterday so I want to get him a AAA membership since he wont give up his car,at least if it breaks down he cant have it towed or jumped.
    Barbie~ so sorry to hear about Jakes brother, give him my condolences, I only have my one brother and almost lost him earlier in the year, sending your family love and prayers
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Brenda from MD: My heart breaks fro your DD, and for you as her mom. I have no advice but will send prayers and good thoughts her way.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I’m sorry to hear about the loss of Jake’s brother. I’m sending good thoughts Jake’s way.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: From your comments, I gather there are a lot of smokers in NC. Over the years the situation has improved for nonsmokers here in Oregon. People can no longer smoke in restaurants and bars, or in workplaces. The law went into effect in 2009, and I’m still not taking it for granted or forgetting how uncomfortable I used to be. I can go out to eat in comfort now and workers are not at the mercy of smokers in the work place. I appreciate the freedom from secondhand smoke so much! I got out of the bar/tavern habit years ago and still don’t go to either place very often. I looked for dijonnaise in the grocery store and didn’t find it. Is it a product from the shelves or do you make it yourself? :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Congratulations on the great ornament idea! :flowerforyou:

    I thought my computer problems were solved when I went to the Apple Genius, but I need to go again. Some of my old apps no longer work, and I can’t access itunes properly to get the job of reloading them done. I am not as skilled with this computer stuff as I want or need to be! DH thinks I need to take classes. Maybe so.

    Tomorrow morning we report to the hospital at 5 am. I am praying for good results for DH. My son is coming to wait in the hospital with me. I am very grateful for his company. The last time DH had back surgery, I waited alone for hours before the doctor came out to tell me he was okay. They had bleeding problems that slowed things down dramatically. I was a very anxious woman by the time the doctor came to talk to me.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!