caat1rules Member


  • Great post, but I don't totally agree with #7. You can make muscle gains without eating a high calorie diet.. If you are in tune with your body, you know the tipping point. Once you find this fine line, you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.
  • Sugar is sugar regardless of the source. Yes there are different types of sugar but your body can’t tell the difference. People dismiss it because it is from fruit, why? because it does have other nutritional value, however, it is easy to overdo it with fruit.
  • Sugar is sugar regardless of the source. Yes there are different types of sugar but your body can’t tell the difference. People dismiss it because it is from fruit, why? because it does have other nutritional value, however, it is easy to overdo it with fruit.
  • My dogs eat yolks every morning, sometimes raw but usually cooked
  • I have 2 words, Hemo Rage. Go get some.
  • Just get right back at it. DO NOT be restrictive the next day. You will find yourself chasing your tail. If anything, just spend a little more time in the gym. Don't feel bad, it happens to everyone.
  • spandex as underwear works for me. BTW, I am not even near fat, and I still get chafing.
  • If you want to build muscle you got to eat, and eat BIG. Make sure your eating about your body weight in grams of protein and you must not be in a deficit. During your building cycle you can’t worry about putting on a little fat. You can always cut that after you are satisfied with your bulk. “gotta eat to grow”
  • I have the hand held one. I use it the same way described above. I find it very consistant.
  • It is super easy to use. I m sure you will like it.
    in polar f4 Comment by caat1rules May 2011
  • It is very close. usually within 40 cal when burning about 800, give or take.
    in polar f4 Comment by caat1rules May 2011
  • 30 / 40 / 30 works great for me.
  • I have one. Love it!
    in polar f4 Comment by caat1rules May 2011
  • No particular exercise is going to target that. Your body is going to lose fat the way it wants regardless to what exercises you do. Go to GOALS tab and change goals to manual. From there you can change the % of proteins, carbs, and fat. Try lowering your carbs to around 30%, Protein at 50% and fat at 20%. This, with a…
  • I totally agree. Try a 3 day split. 3 days on 1 day off.
    in PAIN Comment by caat1rules April 2011
  • Very well written. I know the type of person you’re talking about. I have a family member just like that. Over the years my other family members have achieved their goals. This is the best way to “Detox” from those types of people. Make progress and don’t give up. You will be the winner while they will look for someone…
  • Yes, of course running will speed up your metabolism; however, don’t stress about your metabolism and just eat a good diet and exercise and it will all come together for you.
  • Try Whole grain products, just be careful, there is alot of carbs that kind of stuff.
  • I like the Greek yogurt with 0 sugars; I mix 1 equal and a hand full of granola, Yum! I too prefer the texture as well.
  • Good luck! and don't quit.
  • Be very careful with nuts, they are loaded with calories. Not much bang for your buck.
  • Try Greek yogurt. It’s lower in carbs and sugar and higher in protein, and yes, they do have some with 0 sugar.
  • Ok, this is how it works; your body will burn carbs first, then fat, then muscle for fuel. First thing in the am before you eat you have no Carbs left in your system (Glycogen stores); therefore, you will start burning fat immediately. If you eat first you will have to burn those carbs off first. Some studies have shown…
  • In 1 months time you would have lost a descent amount of weight before you would have gone into “starvation mode”. You must be complete and honest about your entries, including your initial set up. If you are diligent, complete and honest, you will lose weight. Good luck and don’t quit.