Post Food-fest Strategy

Yesterday was an all day birthday party and I ended up clocking more than 3,000 calories when all was done. What's your strategy for the next day when this happens? Do you think it's better to get right back to regular eating or should the "day after" be a little more restrictive than usual. I imagine the best thing to do is get in a lot of extra exercise today, but I'm not sure I'll have a chance to.

So what's your strategy for the day after a "bad day."


  • caat1rules
    caat1rules Posts: 25 Member
    Just get right back at it. DO NOT be restrictive the next day. You will find yourself chasing your tail. If anything, just spend a little more time in the gym. Don't feel bad, it happens to everyone.
  • snusp
    snusp Posts: 93 Member
    I would eat my regular calories but do an extra workout. Would make me feel good about it all.