

  • Losing weight can help, but here is a great link to explain posture... Good Luck and Enjoy the journey!
  • Just keep doing what your doing if you are losing inches, I had the same thing happen to me, then finally I started losing weight rapidly! When your losing inches and building muscle that scale isnt going to budge, but really for the long run that is a good thing! Why?.... Because Muscle burns more calories per day just by…
  • That is Awesome!! Keep it up! Hope you have a seamstress if you arent married yet! That dress just might need some alterations! WAy to go! Enjoy the journey
  • Whoohooo! I hit that ten pound loss too! Amazing too if you look up pictures of muscle next to fat how much difference in density between the two! I have a weight loss goal, BUT as long as I am tone and in the clothes size I would like to be I dont care what the scale says! Way to go!
  • You should be soooooo proud of yourself!! That is awesome! Keep it up!
  • LOL, They more you feel better about yourself, the more that will increase!! You look great, your face is the first thing i noticed! Plus I am with you, my scale didnt budge for months as I was losing CRAZY inches! so DONT give up, its a journey, enjoy it! NOTE: i was referring to the sex portion! my fingers didn't type as…
  • And not to mention then your body burns more calories in its daily activities! Double yeah!! YOu look great keep up the good work!
  • OHH you look sooo great!! And your hair is just adorable! You are doing awesome! Keep it up and know that it is ALL worth it!
  • Thanks so much! Now I now where my goal inches should be as well with my weight!!
  • I dont have a gym membership and two kids at home with me all day, My best form is Workout videos! You can even rent them for free from the library! hope this helps!
  • First of all, You need to dig within yourself and ask if losing the weight is worth the effort! Its not easy to take off what was VERY easy to put on! Ask yourself, "Am I trying to use food to make myself feel better? (like a drink or smoke ect.) For me that is what I was doing, and then of course when I did bad I wanted…
  • The band size is pretty easy to figure out with a measuring tape, measure just below your boobs, as far how to determine cup size like watermelonstarfish suggested victoria secret, or lane bryant (all depends on what size you are currently in, in store VS I believe only goes up to DD) BUT remember that each one that…
  • This looks like an awesome recipe! I'm also curious how you figured your body fat percent, what the formula was?? Thanks!!
  • Yes its so tough to find a true measurement of you success with using jeans. The best way to keep track is to take measurements. I was struggling with the fact that I had been working out for over a month and lost only 4 pounds! But when I looked at my change in measurements, I had love over 8 inches! Keep your chin up, 30…
  • I would say that NO one is too tall for riding, I've riden with some females that were 6'1", and guys well over 6'2" You just need a bigger horse!! I myself am 5'9" and have no problem with riding, just need horses with bigger bellys! I am and always will be a horse lover! No horses currently have been riding in a year or…
  • Rumblin Rose rolling in! lol
  • Nothing will be quick or easy :happy: sorry not going to sugar coat it. BUT for me personally to see the best results the fastest, I had to do Strength training along with my cardio. Been doing Jillian Micheals 30 day Shred and in two months (injuries sickness delayed from completing it all in 30 days) I have lost over 5…
  • Yep, any fabric store, or wal-mart, target...My scale number has hardly budged, but i've lost over 5 inches, been gaining muscle and losing fat, muscle weighs more then fat... Keep going and dont give up, its as much about getting healthy as it is losing weight! You Got THis!!!!
  • Hey Ya'll Its Sugar Night Thong! hehehe, or if we go by the other guys one about pets and road names its... Casey Frenchline, LOL
  • I didnt have 40 to lose but my goal is 25, and to be competely honest since i've started (some before this site) I have only lost 7 pounds, BUT I've lost some amazing inches! So that even though I havent dropped much weight, It looks like I have!! My "secret" which is just worked for me and found by trial and error (much…
  • lol, thats good, the part about the portions! I find myself too wondering just how much 4 oz of this or that is! I will be investing in one as well so that I learn just what it looks like! Good luck on it I'm still working through I havent lost much weight, but I have toned up sooooo much!! In just a week I lost 4 inches…
  • This is true, in part. But we must see the bigger picture for exercise! Exercise is not just a way to lose weight, its a way to improve our health!! Just because someone is losing weight does not mean they are getting healthy!! Exercise helps your heart a main problem in todays society! In my weight loss journey I have…
  • You beat me to asking!! Now I know too! This place is so great, it makes me realize that I'm not alone in anything!! Ditto on the bump, I have my idea's I think it might me I agree or something like that,
  • I've used gum. They have this new dessert gum that s only five calories a stick. It gives you that need to chew on something without ruining all the hard work you've put in! And yes its an addiction, but one you will win over! Just keep pushing through, it will get better!
  • Thats awesome!! What an encouragement! And way to stick it out! Its great to hear it from others who've gone through this and landed well on the other side of it! THANKS!
  • I agree with the other's, HANG IN THERE! Its so easy to watch shows like the biggest loser and expect our weight to just fly off as soon as we get on track and do whats right. But in reality they are working out most of the day. So take a step back and know that the weight will start dropping, and also make sure to take…
  • 30 Day Shred is AWESOME!:happy: But of course she kicks your butt! I'm still on level 1, but with the push-ups (girly ones) I feel my arms getting soooo toned! I personally dont have any other dvd's by her, but i would get more in a heart beat! To answer your question about any recommendations, I dont have a lot of her…
  • I just bought one of those, and I look at it this way, Its better then having nothing and having no clue as to where your heart rate stands. I've checked it against doing it the old fashioned way of using your fingers to check and to that it was accurate. I plan on saving my pennies and getting the Bodybugg, (its the same…
  • That is awesome!! Way to go!! You look great and I'm sure you will reach that sooner then you think!!