"Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin" - NYTime Article



  • Brianvera28
    Long term success requires a commitment to both healthy eating habits and a sound excercise program that includes both cardio and weight training. If you try to fool yourself into thinking that you can maintain a healthy body & weight without both those components you will eventually end up gaining back any weight loss obtained by either dieting or hitting the cardio hard for a few weeks. The other important part of exercise is that it raises your metabolism for hours after you are done working out, so the benefits of exercise really do carry with you throughout the day.
  • Philbobaggins
    Exercise WILL HELP you lose weight, fact. But Nutrition is very important. The diet side of things is crucial to body fat loss, cutting out trans fats and refines sugars frim your diet is what will make the difference, carbs are needed if you're exercising, and even elite athletes will have chococlate, sweets ect after trainign or events! there's good in everything. Body fat is the real enemy not weight so much, all women are gonna haaaaate this, but they carry more body fat than men do naturally, around 25% compared to 15-20% for men.

  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Great read.. very interesting.. thanks!
  • Gr8_body4life
    This is true, in part. But we must see the bigger picture for exercise! Exercise is not just a way to lose weight, its a way to improve our health!! Just because someone is losing weight does not mean they are getting healthy!! Exercise helps your heart a main problem in todays society!
    In my weight loss journey I have noticed that exercising has helped me tone muscles, which is making my body look better, but so far not a lot of weight loss. Since i have measured in a matter of three weeks I have lost 4 inches!
    Take it as it is and do what works for you!
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I completely disagree that exercise alone isn't enough to lose weight. I don't know if anyone has read this article http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/index.html but it is possible to lose weight eating junk food. I am sure it is not great for overall health though.

    I put on a lot of weight through college, sitting in a classroom most of your day and living off of fast food and vending machine food will do that. After college I got an office job, hardly exercised and continued to eat out for most meals. However a couple of years after college I moved and got a job as a waitress in a really busy restaurant. On average I was working 10-12 hour shifts 6 days a week and was on my feet and usually walking that 10-12 hours a day. I was also living off of the food there, primarily anything and everything deep fried and greasy and I was also going out and drinking heavily every night! I lost about 50lbs in the first 2 months, without trying, only because I was burning a lot more calories a day than I was consuming. I kept the weight off for years, while I was working as a waitress and had the same activity level. I didn't start gaining weight again until I got another office job where I was sitting at a desk all day and I still didn't change my eating habits. Obviously then I was eating a lot more calories then I burned. Even if I worked out I wasn't doing 10-12 hours a day of walking. So over the next few years I gained most of it back, but if I had changed my eating habits to match my new activity level I could have kept it off. Now there are other health problems that can come with eating like that long term, but when it comes to losing weight it really all comes down to calories in vs. calories out.
  • mrk34
    mrk34 Posts: 227 Member
    I agree with the article.

    We don’t have to exercise to lose weight. I can state that because I have lost weight without exercising.

    Shortly after I started my weight-loss program, I got injured and any exercise was out of question. I was desperate and thought that my chances for weight-loss were reduced to zero.

    Concerned if I would be able to lose any weight without exercising I researched this subject and found the TIME 2009 article quoted here. The article gave me a little peace of mind. I continued with eating habits changes I implemented.

    Guess what. The scale continued to show lower numbers at the unchanged rate.

    Exercise is very important to our health and for this reason alone we should exercise and remain active. The importance of exercise and physical activity in prevention of Coronary Artery Disease can’t be overstated. CAD is the leading cause of death in the United States for both men and women.

    Also, the issue of muscle loss must be a concern to anybody who achieves rapid weight-loss. I experienced it myself when I was losing weight fast. Maintaining intensity of exercises may contribute to prevention of muscle loss while dieting.
  • misslyssx
    misslyssx Posts: 87
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I've loss over 30 lbs since I started and have not done anything but give up empty carbs and watch portions. If you want to exercise for your heart or to look better in a bathing suit then go for it. But to loose weight you need to watch portions and lay off the JUNK>
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    That article has an interesting point, which is, "Exercise won't help you lose weight if you keep eating 700-calorie muffins afterwards." But it was clearly an editorialized article. I didn't see too much research in there.

    I strongly believe that you can lose weight by eating less, exercising more, or doing a combination of the two, which is ideal.

    Eating less is the short-term solution to losing weight; exercising is the long-term solution for creating an active lifestyle that allows you to maintain a healthy weight once you get there.

    And, you know what? If exercise lets me enjoy treats like muffins or lattes without going over my calories, then I'm all for it!
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    I found this out all on my own. I joined a gym Jan 2010 but did nothing with diet pretty much stayed the same or gained not quite sure because I wasn't weighing myself anymore at that point. Jan 2011 I found MFP and starting eating healthier and watching portion size and low and behold I have lost almost 25 pounds:smile: So I have to say that this is so true I am proof.