allisonlane61 Member


  • Turkish Pide or Afghan. Sourdough is great too. And I'd have to say brioche, if that's even a bread.
  • I had an orange, grapefruit, and nectarine...and coffee.
  • Well I am getting in on the ground floor of this thread and really going to try and keep up: genealace: I'm imagining the lace in your profile pic is your work. It is absolutely lovely! I can only imagine what your other stuff looks like. What beautiful artwork it must be. I'm hesitant to use the word "craft" with lace,…
  • Good morning everyone! I've been gone from this board a few months, although checking in regularly. I've pretty much stopped logging, but ONLY because it's working for me. For some strange reason, I don't feel "obligated" to eat my daily calories + exercise cals if I don't log my food. I mainly eat when I'm hungry or when…
  • When I was young, I could play all day outside running, biking, and swimming, no matter the heat and humidity, with no effects. At 51, walking to the car in this weather merits a shower and lay-on-couch break.
  • Hi, I'm 51, post-menopausal, one job but also have a 15-year-old daughter living with me. I run and train with weights for strength and endurance (if training for a race), and hike fairly seriously, and managed to whip myself into the best shape (almost) of my life--but I've still got a way to go to be where I want to be,…
  • I do an active warmup: front to rear leg swings, 20 each leg, then side to side leg swings (for the IT band), 20 each leg, then pull my knees into much chest, should be 20 each leg but usually get as far as 10 each leg (all three stretches done standing)...doesn't take quite 10 minutes, then I start out running very…
  • Definitely do the gate check at the running store. I've a neutral gate so I run in the Nike Pegasus 29, which are like strapping wonderfully cushy marshmallows or clouds onto your feet. Some people hate that and want to feel the pavement. I'm not one of them.
  • I make Tvorag (Russian "pot" cheese) all the time using a gallon of 2% milk and kefir. I've used yogurt, lemon, and the other things, but I like the taste and texture from the kefir. I mix them together in a pot, heat on low heat maybe 45 minutes or around there, and sit it in the oven (not heated up) or somewhere out of…
  • Anything under 6 and I don't eat; anything 6 or over I try to have something 30 minutes beforehand. Anything long (10+) I try to eat 400-500 calories 2 hours before, so obviously that's reserved for a weekend, lol. As a side note, I never drink anything with caffeine before running.
  • I had my only child at the age of 38. I worried throughout the pregnancy because she didn't move very much, although her father told me she kicked a lot at night. I didn't have any issues due to age, but I will say it would've been way better had I lost weight before I got pregnant. I went into the pregnancy at 192 pounds…
  • Wow, another new thread yet again when I hardly could keep up with the last! On the shoe shopping, I try to go out now that the weather is better with NO SOCKS on under my Vans or sandals--all in an effort to not be tempted to buy shoes (I'll seldom ask for one of those ped things). On the spinach and feta: The Greeks have…
  • Bring a rice cake to work with you. When she comes to you next as you described pull out the rice cake and say, "Oh! You reminded me. I brought this for you! I noticed you look like you put on a few pounds and I thought this may help."
  • Hi Ladies, I really haven't been around here very much. Just a note on the mice stories. I had gone down to do laundry several years ago, when perched in front of my dryer was a teeny baby mouse with the biggest ears. It looked terrified and froze. I yelled for my husband, "MOUSSSSSSSSE" and my husband came down armed with…
  • I have been MIA for a bit on this board because of other responsibilities, including my primary goal of running the Broad Street Run. By April, I recognized I could only have one goal and it was: My goal for April: continue training for the race, including my twice a week 6 a.m. Personal trainer appts, and 9 miles by end…
  • Maybe you "know" your dogs are safe, but the poor sap the dog is charging and barking at certainly don't. I live by an immensely popular area for hiking, running, and walking, and when you see a pit bull racing toward you barking and the owner smiling saying "he won't bite"--I don't want to hit the dog--I want to punch the…
  • You may only be thinking someone is giving you a dirty look or stare. Last Saturday, at the end of my eighth mile, the wind was about 25 mph, it was freezing, my eyes were not only tearing from the wind, but from the moisturizer I had put on my face, including forehead (which I generally don't do for this very reason) was…
  • As part of the control group, I will confirm the results.
  • Hmmmm. So it's misinformation to eat before bed and it's misinformation to not eat before bed. That clears things up. I eat a snack before bed because I'm hungry and like fruit before bed. And I ain't pullin' the article to prove it.
  • Geez, take a chill friggin pill or a steroid reducer. I said I heard it. I'm not inclined to get in a whose balls are bigger timely thing with you. It's what I heard, right or wrong. I also heard veggies are better for you than potato chips--ain't gonna provide you with documentation for that one either.
  • I would so love to see this when I run! I'm always fretting how crappy/sweaty my hair gets (and quickly too) and shudder when someone takes my pic. The best gift waiting for me at the end would be food.
  • I use Tastefully Simple's Garlic Garlic for a lot of things--even my chicken salad, but on a lot of my vegetables.
  • I've heard that too about keeping the metabolism going from having to digest what it is you've eaten. I eat a snack at night mostly because I feel like it, but it's always fruit. I love fruit. I keep at least 10 different types in the fridge, so I have a bowl of mixed fruits. BUT, if I have a substantial amount of calories…
  • I have this exact same memory. My mother told me the same thing and it pacified and relieved me. Regardless of my current personal beliefs, I was not an atheist (nor am I now) when my daughter came to me, and the Heaven part really helped and she's fine even today about it, at 15.
  • Good day all. Bumping. It was under 40 degrees at the Phillies game last night, and it's supposed to be around 70 or 75 degrees at the Phillies game tomorrow night. Honestly, weather and "stuff" tends not to bother me, but I admit I'm getting a little sick of Spring not quite stepping up to the plate yet. Jackie in Cherry…
  • Check out for running bras--someone recently sent me there, and I bought one I loved so much I just ordered another. I run in Skins A400 compression pants. My jiggle had gone away a while ago, but the compression pants help my hamstrings and IT band too, so it's a win/win. Nothing's moving anywhere in A400's.
  • Jodios: What GREAT news about your aunt. I think when I'm 80, I'll probably care less about the relationship part of it. And it's really good to know I have a good 30 years left so I don't have to hurry now! Jackie
  • Happy Monday Ladies! I see this board is picking up even more. I'm going to try to address some of you later today. I have a new work computer, and went from Windows 7 to, like, Windows 950,002 or something. I cannot believe how different this version of Windows is, so now, instead of actually doing my work, I have to…
  • Poerava: the vitamix is worth every hot, red cent. I use mine every single day and have never regretted paying the bounty, lol. Jackie