jen2bhottie Member


  • Well, it's not phone service with rollover minutes! Sorry, i couldn't resist. Calories are a day to day thing...whether you eat them all, not enough or too much. the next day you just start over.
  • i'm going to see if I can find some of them today! i'd love to get away from the frozen dinners but i just don't have the time, or the skills of a good! thanks!!
  • Well, I'm a 35 yr. old, overweight college student---->translation----> the fat, old lady who always has pencils and class notes you can borrow. lol Anyway, I'm actually having kinda the same problem as far as stressing over submitting final papers and then studying for exams....but I've been studying so much, I forget to…
  • I think it's good that you feel bad about Sunday, it means you're holding yourself accountable! However, it's one day... a holiday at that... time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and jump back in the saddle. If losing weight was easy, none of us would be here. I agree with everyone else here in that you shouldn't…
  • Yep, I too can tell a big difference all over! You may not be able to tell yourself, but I know you've had to get some smaller clothes! I wish I would've taken some 'before' pictures because I can't tell a difference in myself either. I find myself telling people that I've lost 20 lbs, then explaining how 20lbs isn't…
  • I also like the turkey slices,10 calorie jello (strawberry-kiwi), baby carrot sticks, and veggie straws. If I have to stay up most of the night (like tonight since I have waited til the last minute to complete my term paper) I keep pre-measured baggies of mixed nuts or trail mix.
  • I've been struggling with my calories too. I started out at 1200 calories and lost approximately 18 lbs, but that was before I started exercising. Now, I'm up to exercising 5-6 times a week for at least an hour, but stopped losing weight. About 5 days ago, I upped my calorie goal to 1700 but have had difficulty getting…
  • MFP tends to overestimate calories burned for those of us who are really overweight, then it evens out in the middle and underestimates for smaller soon as I find the article here I'll post it. But your heart rate does make a difference...if I do 30 minutes on the elliptical, the harder I'm working, the faster…
  • yea, I don't think it sounds gross either even though I do not like some of the ingredients. I don't think I eat anything gross, but others sometime think it's gross that I love (loved) tacos de lengua...beef tongue tacos... once they try it though, they normally like it too. I always thought a former coworker had a…
  • I don't have a HRM yet either, so I'm kinda in the same boat with you on not knowing how much I burn exercising. I think the more you weigh, the more 'off' MFP's calculator is. I personally weigh 257... I use the elliptical machines at the gym which have HRM...yesterday I did 35 min, maintaining 4.8-6.2 mph (best for me…
  • I'm not 100% whether we're suppose to or not, I've been trying because I wasn't losing weight when i didn't. I think it depends on how many calories you're eating in the first place. The general consensus seems to be as long as your net calories remain at 1200 or above, you're good. If you're exercising a lot, you're…
  • Well, you sit up in your bed, get something with a little weight and start lifting, twisting, turning. They even have chair boxing for extremely overweight or immobile people. you can also do leg lifts with your other leg. Don't give up...just get creative! A little is better than nothing.
  • you tore your ACL and that sucks but there are plenty of other exercises you can do with your upper body and core. You also said you gain weight at 1500 and lose at 1000, why not stay at 1200-1300?
  • Even though i was sick yesterday, I went to the gym last night and had a great workout on the elliptical, maybe the best to date. I ended up burning more calories in a shorter amount of time.
  • No, I appreciate any input people can give me. I've read so many different ways people should eat their calories. One person said something that made sense, but I have no idea if it's correct...he said when you exercise, your body is actually using stored energy (fats) not what you ate that same day because it hasn't been…
  • When I started 2 months ago I weighed 274.8 and now I'm at it's safe to say I have a lot of excess weight. My weight loss doctor actually had told me that as long I'm eating 6 times a day, even if I'm under 1200 calories, I should be ok for awhile. He explained that when you're not eating often enough, your body…
  • Okay, I just checked my BMR again and it said 1862...Under my goals MFP has me burning 2510 from daily activity so in order to lose 2lbs per week has my calorie goal set at 1500. For activity level, I chose lightly active because I became unemployed last summer and now go to school full time. Most of my time is spent doing…
  • Thank you! I came up with this analogy regarding my use of prescription weight loss meds: ' The medication has helped me hold my head above water while I learn how to swim'.
  • I take prescription medication but it just suppresses my appetite. It still comes down changing your eating habits and exercise.
  • Whether I'm having a bad day, I'm tired, or just feeling pissy, I know that when I'm done working out I WILL feel better...less stressed, more relaxed, etc. Exercising has been very liberating for me this last month...I always hated it before, it seemed like a chore so I just didn't do it. i don't know what's different now…
  • I gave up soda about 8 years ago but even then I didn't like dark sodas, only Sprint or Ginger Ale. I started drinking fountain coke about 3 years ago and just kept going. I haven't had soda for about 6 weeks but I took a sip from my son the other night (I was eating pizza!) and it tasted horrible again! Amazing what…
  • So, what you are saying is that because I chose to go to a weight-loss clinic 2 months ago and am now taking phentermine and 5HTP, that I'm weak and looking for the easy way out? Wow, you couldn't be more wrong! It certainly has helped me not feel starved all of the time so I'm not reaching for the first thing I can get my…
  • I know exactly how you feel...2 months ago I reached 275 lbs and chose to visit a weight-loss clinic where I was prescribed medication, an appetite suppressant and a craving suppressant/mood stabilizer. I knew I needed help because I had no willpower...some people on MFP have posted that weight loss meds are for weak…
  • Yea, the plank is a lot easier said than done! I've only managed to get up to 45 seconds, I start cussing about halfway through because that's when the sweat starts dripping in my eyes! lol But when you're done, you will feel it!
  • This has been my biggest question too...until i get a HRM, I use the number the elliptical gives me, then subtract 50-100 calories depending on how much I did...when I walk in my neighborhood it's usually at 3 mph but half of the 1 mile is uphill so I use MFP's calculator for 'walking- 3.0 mph' and log that result because…
  • I think your best bet is to talk to a gym trainer. Most gyms provide a personal trainer for free for at least 1-2 sessions, I'm seeing one on Wednesday. I worked with a trainer briefly last year and she has us doing a lot of core exercises with medicine balls. Examples: sit-up position, knees bent, upper body halfway…
  • I do have the same problem when I walk around my neighborhood, that's actually what made me ask...I walked 2 miles outside earlier today and have not been able to stop sneezing since. It doesn't start until after I stop working out, but if I would resume the exercise, the symptoms go away until I stop again. The harder I…
  • I also went to McD's this past week and ate what I shouldn't have. I went to the gym with my son at 7pm and burned approx 480 calories and was famished afterward. I still had 250 calories remaining for the day plus this additional 480. I kept reading that we have to eat back our exercise calories and was told to raise my…
  • I used to love Applebees!! After I made the decision to change my eating habits, my best friend and I went there for lunch as we had so many times before, but this time we looked up the nutrition info of our favorites on my phone and were horrified!! Riblets Platter: 1600-1820 cal, 88g fat, 29g sat fat, 130g carbs, and 99g…
  • Well you've come to the right place for support...welcome!