Calories eaten vs. Calories burned...does this sound correct



  • jen2bhottie
    jen2bhottie Posts: 48 Member
    It depends on how much excess weight you have. Obese people can eat less than 1200 net calories and not worry about going into starvation mode. Use the Tools tab to find your BMI and weight classification.

    When I started 2 months ago I weighed 274.8 and now I'm at it's safe to say I have a lot of excess weight. My weight loss doctor actually had told me that as long I'm eating 6 times a day, even if I'm under 1200 calories, I should be ok for awhile. He explained that when you're not eating often enough, your body doesn't know when it's going to fed again so it starts storing everything it gets. However, if you eat frequently, your body knows it's going to be fed soon and won't sense the need to store as much.
    I know I need to eat, but don't I have plenty of extra fat that my body can burn? When I lose weight and don't have enough as much fat, then I can start eating more. (I'm kidding about this part)
  • jen2bhottie
    jen2bhottie Posts: 48 Member
    wasn't adding my comment as a licensed physician or anything, just sharing what i'd read on other posts.. didnt think i was applying for a position as a health advisor :)

    the people i was quoting were obviously wrong and i'm glad to have learned the right way to do the calorie counts!

    No, I appreciate any input people can give me. I've read so many different ways people should eat their calories. One person said something that made sense, but I have no idea if it's correct...he said when you exercise, your body is actually using stored energy (fats) not what you ate that same day because it hasn't been completely digested. So shouldn't I eat today according to how much I'm going to exercise tomorrow?
    Other people talk about the zigzag approach where you eat 1000-1200 calories for 2 days then eat your BMR calories on the 3rd day (which mine would be 1862)
    No wonder so many people are confused. I listen to what everyone has to say, but I tend to go with advice from people who were close to my weight and have successfully lost weight according to how long they've been at it. I think it would make sense that someone weighing 260 lbs would lose weight differently than someone who weighs 160 lbs.
    Again, I appreciate everyone's help!