Wondering if I am looked at differently on MFP because I had



  • Kebennett1
    Wildflower3475, Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I am as strong as I need to be to get through all of this, GOD see's to that! I appreciate all the support I can get just like everyone else!
  • MeggieMae22
    I think you where really brave and still are for doing what you did. I'm terrified of needles and surgery, and if I had to make a choice between staying healthy by doing the surgery, and not being healthy. I would get the surgery done. I wish you good luck on everything. I don't think what you did was easy. Your a very strong person just keep reminding your self that.
  • Kebennett1
    taosan, Wow, I love your attitude and how you explain what we are all going through! Thank you so much for the support. The place I came from was a few people have already told me that they thought I took the easy way out to weight loss and I guess it just made me feel really bad. I see so many people striving for the same goals as I have, without the aid of the LB and fighting to keep their portions small and not feel hungry, and I guess i felt maybe I would be looked at, as a cheater so to speak on here too! I have struggles just the same, they are just a little different:wink:
  • Kebennett1
    MeggieMae22, Thank you for the kind words of support!:flowerforyou:
  • jen2bhottie
    jen2bhottie Posts: 48 Member
    I know exactly how you feel...2 months ago I reached 275 lbs and chose to visit a weight-loss clinic where I was prescribed medication, an appetite suppressant and a craving suppressant/mood stabilizer. I knew I needed help because I had no willpower...some people on MFP have posted that weight loss meds are for weak minded people looking for the easy way out and I have felt the need to defend my choice and others like myself.
    What the medication has done for me is make it so I'm not starved all of the time and reaching for whatever is in sight or going to the closest drive thru, instead, it has allowed me to take a moment and think about what I'm putting in my body. I still have had to change the way I look at food and for the first time in my life, I 'get' it!
    I went from having a sedentary lifestyle 2 months ago, to joining a gym, starting out on the elliptical 15 min, 2x per week and working my way up to 45 min on the elliptical 4x per week and walking in my neighborhood 2 more days a week. This past Thursday, I walked 3 miles (half of which is uphill)...In the end I was dripping with sweat, legs burning, huffing and puffing and I had never felt better or more proud of myself in my life! I have gone from someone who would wait 10 minutes in order to get the parking space closest to the store to someone who feels like crap whenever they don't get to exercise everyday (I almost feel like I'm addicted to exercising) My next step is weight training which starts this week.
    The medicine does not make me want to exercise, that's all me. The best way I've been able to describe it is that it is helping me keep my head above the water while I learn how to swim.
    If this would not have worked, my next step was going to be surgery. So if you see negative comments, try to ignore them or put them in their place, but do not let them get you down! They don't know you or what you've been through to bring you to the point of, what I'm sure was, one of the hardest decisions you've had to make. We're all on here for the same reason...to be healthier...and some of us are going to have a harder time than others,but at least we've recognized that there's a problem and are trying to do something about it.

    We are all brave and so very strong...
  • sjmartinez
    Who cares what other's think! You did what was best for you, what you had to do! You will succeed, if you yourself know that you will.
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    I had weight loss surgery almost five years ago. I had gastric bypass. It helped me get to a point that I can battle my issues in a healthier body. All of the mental issues are still the same but I don't have any of the medical problems associated with being morbidly obese. My blood pressure is 108/65. I have cholesterol rates that make my very healthy doctor jealous. I am no longer pre-diabetic and my back is strong. So while for me it was a quick way to get down to where I am it is still a constant struggle that I will live with for the rest of my life and it is similar to many people here. My surgery no longer defines me and most people would never know that I had it. Continue with your journey and try not to let anyone with prejudices affect you.

    Smiles :)
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    Nope. I haven't had it, but there's no way that's an "easy" way out. I've had a breast reduction surgery, but that doesn't mean I took the easy way, because 1/2lb was surgically removed!! :laugh: Rock on and hold your head high. Who cares what others think of you! :flowerforyou:

    I agree with this...Each person has to figure out what works for them. Some people experience great results with just diet and exercise. Some need a little medical intervention. Some have to have intervention for quality of life and health. You have already dealt with the effects fo being overweight, I pray that you will now see the benefits of this measure and that it works for you.

    Like every other process be it surgical or natural, you have to continute to make wise choices and stay on track. Good luck in your journey!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    I think it was a easy way out that is not easy, probably worse than trying naturally.....
    im not a fan of any weight procedures ... thats just me though cuz I and many others try very hard with out medical help... but good luck to you
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    i have issuses with some (not all) people that use weight loss surgery. i don't think that dealing with the restricted diets etc afterwards is easy at all i would find that to be etremely difficult. it just bugs me that here in the uk we often get stories in the press where someone says "i've tried everything to lose weight but nothing works so i'm going to have this or that procedure, but the doctors say i'm too heavy to risk the anesthetic so i have to loose x ammount of weight before i can get it done". they always manage to lose that bit of weight and its never a small amount or needed to be done in a ridiculously short ammount of time, and you hear them talking about how they ate sensibly and started exercising to loose the weight,then they go and get it done and moan because they can't eat as much or feel sick because they have gone back to eating rubbish and not following the doctors advice and end up back at square one, but then they want the nhs to pick up the tab to get the excess skin removed as well. it just bugs me that if they had continued to do what they were doing to loose the weight it would have been a win win situation as they would have learnt how to modify their diet. sometimes i think that they could do with more counselling than surgery.

    but on the other hand if someone has weight loss surgery and does everything properly and busts a gut (not literally) to stay on track and seize the new oportunity with both hands and become fit and active and a role model for others then yeah go for it.

    some of the people who get these procedures on the nhs with no financial cost to themselves may consider it the easy way out for them as they have not considered the impact on their lives beyond the initial weight loss.

    we all have our reasons for being on this path and i am not going to judge anyone here as it shows a commitment and determination to do something, it may take longer for some (its taking me forever, but i know when i started i wasn't overly serious but that has now changed) than others but if you are making an effort to change your lifestyle for the better then its all good as far as i'm concerned
  • Twylyght
    Twylyght Posts: 224 Member
    I hope after reading all these replies u know that most of us are behind u 100%!! As many have said b4 me we all take different routes for different reasons but it is never easy! We all have to work hard and change our life styles to really achieve our goals! Good luck to u in the rest of ur journey!
  • missvics
    missvics Posts: 112
    I have absolutely no regrets for having my surgery. I truly feel it saved my life. Just because it didn't solve my weight issue for the rest of my life doesn't negate the very positive effects it's had for me. I don't feel hungry all the time, no more than a normal person does anyways. It had opened up so many doors for me and given me so many more opportunites in life. I know some people out there have negative feelings about weight loss surgery, and have had negative experiences, but for me it was truly a life saver!!!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    . All of the mental issues are still the same but I don't have any of the medical problems associated with being morbidly obese.

    I know a few people who have had gastric bypass. I think its a great tool if you deal with all the emotional reasons that got you to that weight. A few people i know, have stayed a great weight and got a new lease on life. A few people are just as heavy as they were when they had it done, with just as many problems. I think any major life change involving surgery and pounds lost so quickly should bring counselling along with it. Just my opinoin after seeing friends suffer almost worse after.

    That being said, I don't see why your journey is any different from this point on, than anyone elses, we are all deserving of support and friends and to have our questions answered and for people to be helpful!

    I have never been morbidly obeses but have been considered slightly obese at my highest weight. I have my own hangups with emotional eating, being undermotivated physically (lack of cooridination and confidence accordingly) and that every present need to reward happy moments in my life with junk food. We all have a big battle to do this as a life change and i think there is space for all of us on these boards!

    Wishing you luck along your journey!