rlengland2014 Member


  • Seen many people gain from depo. Many fewer women gain while on nexplanon. Even fewer women gain while on mirena. The hormones are very similar (progesterone)
  • Feel free to add me; friends always help!
  • I'm not sure who you're asking to explain, but I'll assume you're talking to me Go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aiHSPoto_YqsNTDvL-g60nytMnyH-CJcCbiAx1IEUYM/mobilebasic?pli=1 It explains keto.
  • I know I'll get bashed for suggesting this, but consider keto for a lifestyle change after getting diagnosed with PCOS. It really does help.
  • Not niddm, but yes! It's a common occurrence. Congratulations!
  • Busywaterb, why do you come to the forums if you don't want to participate in the discussion? I am really curious because I have done a lot of research and haven't heard that before. I don't think it's odd to ask where you learned that and expect at least a cursory answer. Thanks for the info.
  • Some people think that you need to add carbs back at some interval. They call it refeed. Look up TKD or CKD, it's a similar idea.
  • Wow. You know that she's our of control, in your mind at least. It's hard to not feel it on your heart. Hold your head up, you can do this!
  • This is the first I've heard this; do you have any references you can share with us please?
  • Our Red Robin will give you unlimited broccoli instead of fries. We order the burgers and just remove the buns. The green mill, don't don't if it's just a regional restaurant, but it has free refills on Powerade zero.
  • If you did not mean to be offensive, then I retract my statement. There are so many trolls on MFP that just love to pick fights with low carb people. Your initial post sounded exactly like one of those trolls looking for a fight. If you're truly interested in why low carb, let me point you to this page…
  • What's the point of this post? Nobody is forcing you to do low carb, nor are they denigrating you for not doing low carb. I am offended by your willful ignorance and aggressive attitude about someone else's diet.
  • Can you tell me where you got this graph please yarwell?
  • I measure fasting once or twice a week because the darn strips are so expensive. Ive heard your numbers will be higher later in the day, especially if you do it before meals. I figure if I'm at 0.5 fasting, it'll only get better from there.
  • I'm loving keto, so far. Someone posted in another keto thread that there is a study which shows it works well for insulin resistant people. If you're not insulin resistant, low fat high carbs works better. Food for thought. Sorry I don't know anything about Jaminet. :)
  • Leonidas, what happens if you don't get enough calories? Some people have said, your body just makes up the calories you're lacking from your fat stores, but other talk about lowering your BMR because youre not eating enough. Do you know of any evidence for either thought? I have such a hard time eating on this diet, that…
  • I love bread and that recipe is so easy to make fresh bread daily....
  • There is a common misconception that the body has a preference for glucose. In fact, when one says that glucose is the preferred source biochemically, one means that the body will burn available glucose prior to protein, fat, ketones. If you look at it, alcohol is preferred over glucose, because the body will use alcohol…
  • Mother Earth news has a recipe for no-knead artisanal bread on their website, http://www.motherearthnews.com/Real-Food/Artisan-Bread-In-Five-Minutes-A-Day.aspx#axzz2zLNS3wUY
  • Keto since early February. Feel free to add me!
  • Thank you for such a good discussion. I have a really hard time getting my protein, do you have any secrets, frob23?
  • Frob23, can you explain what is the ketogenic ratio? I'm not familiar.
  • Tablespoon of chia, soaked for 5 minutes in 8 oz water. Throw in scoop of protein powder ( I use ON 100% whey cause my doc says whey is better than other protein powders for weight loss, shrug) and 2 cups spinach. Blend on high until smooth and pour into opaque cup. You won't like the color, especially if your protein…
  • Some people don't like it cause its not real food, but I just make a protein shake, add a tablespoon of chia seeds and 2 cups of spinach and whirl it up in my blender. Pour it in my travel coffee mug and I'm good to go. 10 carbs (from the spinach) and 30 grams of protein. Super quick too!
  • I am under care with a bariatric physician and he is always pushing me to get more protein. His argument is that it's easier just to keep the muscle and lose the fat. Of course, he told me to get 1.5 grams of protein for each pound of LBM, which is a ton and assuming you work out 5-6 hours a week. He says that ideally,…
  • Facial hair in women is due to androgen excess and insulin resistance, at least in women with PCOS. Losing weight will help both those things as well as help you get pregnant. I don't understand why your doc won't test you, but you're already doing the right things. Metformin can also help with insulin resistance and…
  • You should be getting .8 to 1 gram of protein per lean body mass, not total
  • My understanding is that the number of carbs is a limit (don't go over 30 carbs, eg) and the number of protein is a goal (you want to eat at least 100 grams of protein eg). The rest is just filler, ie fat. The problem comes that if you eat too much fat and not enough protein, your body won't go to burn the fat from your…
  • I can't help you, but I'm curious what responses you get. I understand that this diet was used to manage diabetes before insulin was available...
  • Congrats! Love that woosh!