I had SVT with added atrial fibrillation. Have you asked your doctor about a catheter ablation? It reversed mine completely and I'm free from that annoyance!!
I hope you still check this topic and all. In 2007 I was initially diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. I was taking flecainide and toprol. I had heard about cardioversion, but it doesn't help those of us who arent in an abnormal arhythmia all the time. I chose to have a "catheter ablation" which will destroy that abnormal…
Azdak... well if that's true, that is dissapointing :-/
Well, if your hitting a plateau, I just read in the "fitness" mag that Jillian Michaels suggests taking a day off, so that your body gets rest, something like that. Its in the most recent fitness mag, I can't remember exactly what it said.
Yep, not much hope. I suppose you could use some lotions meant to make the skin "taut" but thats my only suggestion.
I'm thinking about trying this. Good question, looks like we got the answers we needed.
Thanks all!!!!
^ This
I actually read about a 24 hour water fast tin the most recent addition of Marie Claire. It said that one 24 hour fast will increase the human growth hormone... I can't remember the rest. Although it didn't give any direction as to how to complete the fast. I just tried to do it and I caved 6 hours prior to finishing my…
You know, a butterfinger called today and I answered very quickly. Bad bad bad!
What is the taste difference between a regular brownie and a black-bean brownie?
Back in the days where I could eat a whole pizza to myself and not gain a pound, I never thought twice about my arms. Now, I cant stand the way they look in pictures. Arms I'm sure will be just as stubborn coming off.
Nice! Is that red dress from fredericks?
I think that will be my biggest goal is going from obese to overweight. I never considered myself obese, and don't look like i belong in that category, but well, im init!
Major difference ;D
Thank you so very much for your tips. My calorie diet right now is 1400, and I'm learning to work with that first. I don't have time for a gym at this time, but will in the summer. I have a full time job, full time school, my husband has full time job, and I have a toddler... So besides for the chance I get sometimes…
I sent you a friends request. Please share details on how long and what you did to get where you are now! My SW: 188 my GW: 130.
I got offered free pizza and free wendy's while at work yesterday. So hard, but I knew it would stunt my weight loss! I didn't take any of the offers!
Fantastic! I got to 202 at one point in my life about 3 years ago, but for the past few years I stayed between 181-190. Your are an inspiration!
I don't know why, but after working out, I feel like running to mcdonalds and grabbing a big mac, LOL!
Great advice, thank you.
I havent really gotten the hang of getting it just right, there was one day that I ate almost double, and then today I had 550 calories left.
I knew I would get good advice here! I think I will try the tuna on the celery or the hummus... MMM I'm hungry now.
I have a heart rate monitor, but not for the reasons indicated. I used to be OCD about my heart rate when I had heart problems, but now, the batteries are dead and I have not touched the thing. I have come across an idea. Replace all your large plates with medium sized ones if your really aiming to control portions.
How does it feel! Incredible!!
What a difference! I like how you wore the exact same thing to showcase the difference :D
Look at you! I love it! Your obliques look great too!
Let me say, I love the mini goals you have established! I really need to set something like that for myself... Now I'm brainstorming here.
Very, truly inspiring!