Would like some buddies with similar goals!

Hello! I have been trying to lose weight and eat better, and its always a challenge. Here are some of my stats:

SW: 188
CW: 172
GW: 130

Does anyone have similar starting weight and goals to mine? I am 25 years old, a mother of a beautiful boy, work full time and go to school full time.


  • kittyhorn
    kittyhorn Posts: 112 Member
    Hi there! I'm 31, single mother to a beautiful little boy. Here are my stats:

    SW 180
    CW 176
    GW #1: 150 (I want to see how I feel here....150 was rocking the last time I stayed)
  • skbruewer
    skbruewer Posts: 144 Member
    I'm 30, had a start weight of 195, current weight of 171, and a goal weight of 130. Looks like you and I are on the same track!
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    Hi , I'm a 21 year old college student

    GW: 120's but would be happen to be in the 140's
  • lauralu71
    lauralu71 Posts: 23
    Hi! I am a mom of two boys, work full time, attend grad school part time, and would like to lose about 30-35 lbs and get in better shape just so I have the energy to keep up with my life!

    Here are my stats -
    Height 5'9"
    CW 184
    GW 150 (ish?)

    I just started (again) yesterday. Doing well tracking and have exercised the last two days (huge for me to set aside the time!)

    Feel free to friend me and we can motivate each other!

    Good luck :)
  • kd10680
    kd10680 Posts: 31
    I just had a baby in March 2011, post-pregnancy weight of 160lbs and now down to 141....with a goal of 130!
  • jenwarship
    jenwarship Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 29, married but no kids. I started 3 days ago at 187, and have a goal weight of 150 to begin. My husband and I are thinking about having kiddos soon and I'd like to lose weight before I get pregnant so I won't have so much to lose afterwards! I'd love to have some buddies to lose weight with so please feel free to friend me!
  • Amy619
    Amy619 Posts: 15
    Hey there you can add me if youd like!
  • ginette70
    ginette70 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there! First of all I LOVE Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. -- she's awesome (I see she's listed in your "inspiration" section!) Second of all, I need to lose about 25 lbs and am slow to start, but have started so that's a plus! LOL I have kids, too, (5 to be exact, ages 23, 22, 14 and 5 month old twins) so my life is SUPER FULL! In addition, I work full time at a law firm, and also have a jewelry making business on the side. There is very little "me" time...but I am not complaining. I just need to use my time wiser and do my Pilates work outs at 5:00 a.m. before the babies wake up I guess. :)
  • Balishdear
    Balishdear Posts: 60
    Thanks all!!!!
  • mwashi88
    mwashi88 Posts: 5
    Hello! My name is Shay and I'm 5'7

    SW: 163
    CW: fluctuates between140-145
    Goal Weight: 128-130

    I want permanent weight loss. I love food, but I need to learn to control my habits and eat healthier. There is no better feeling in this world after I have eaten healthy & exercised for the day. After running 5 miles, my skin is all rosy and smooth after sweating out the numerous toxins that lie within me. I need support! My family has a lot of health issues including high BP, type II diabetes, and certain cancers. My mother has multiple sclerosis and I refuse to be another statistic. I lost the first 18 pounds by giving up sugary sodas and substituting water instead. My normal weight is around 135, but I need to get the excess weight that I previously gained off.

    Feel free to add me as friend! :)

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