30 Day Shred ... every day?

Uhh, stupid question - but is the 30 Day Shred intended to do it everyday? Or alternating days? Or what? The DVD doesn't really say.


    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    my first day was yesterday and with how my body is feeling right now I'm interested to see others responses to this haha!
  • SUSANB37
    SUSANB37 Posts: 61 Member
    30 DS is meant to be done every day. You are supposed to do each level for 10 consecutive days. Hope this helps!
  • fitzerin
    fitzerin Posts: 31
    It is meant to be done every day...but with one day rest in each week. So workout for 6 days...rest for one. You need to give your body time to recover.
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    thats what I was thinking lol and fitzerin...my body needs a WHOLE lot of recovering haha! :)
  • Pseudocyber
    Pseudocyber Posts: 312 Member
    Yeah, I'm pretty sore from day 1 ... :laugh:
  • kateq321
    kateq321 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm doing it but I wouldn't do it every day as I go to boxing class 2 nights a week and I like to go for a run on Saturdays. I think it works just as well for me doing it like this. Think I'd get bored if I had to do the same routine every day.
  • Shannon1023
    Shannon1023 Posts: 30 Member
    My first day was yesterday too!! Woohoo!! Now, do any of you happen to know what the calorie burn is??
  • Balishdear
    Balishdear Posts: 60
    I'm thinking about trying this. Good question, looks like we got the answers we needed.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Yes, it's supposed to be every day for a month. I have to say, though, that taking 2 days off midway worked great for me. I felt much more energetic when I came back to it.

    I'll finish the 30 days because I'll feel like I failed if I don't. However, I know that in the future I'll only do it sporadically because I benefit from taking a break in between sessions.

    Enjoy it! (if you can! :tongue: )
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    My first day was yesterday too!! Woohoo!! Now, do any of you happen to know what the calorie burn is??

    log it as circuit training. The number of calories burned depends on your weight.