

  • Dear God, please get wolf23 a new joke book for Christmas. Thank you. Amen. ;-)
  • Well not local but live and pastor in Texarkana, Arkansas. My wife is from Pine Bluff. If you are looking for encouraging friends, feel free to add. Welcome and the best of luck!
  • Excellent blog post! I wholeheartedly agree with you on pretty much every single point. Well done. Thanks!
  • My problem too. I'm slowly trying to replace the higher sugar foods with lower sugar foods but it isn't easy. I've always had a sweet tooth. I'm finding it easier to slowly moderate my sugar intake. I don't do well with cold turkey. I think if you keep under your calories and slowly make the change you will be ok. Best of…
    in SUGAR!!! Comment by mjmtxk April 2011
  • Welcome and best of luck! Your nutritionist is right. Best tool I've found for helping you SEE what you are eating. SO easy to just eat without much thought. This puts it right in front of your face. All the best! Micah
    in Hi Comment by mjmtxk April 2011
  • Welcome and best of luck! Like someone said above, dig in and get all you can from the site. If you need a safe friend to add, feel free to add me. I'm a married pastor and father of two. You'll get only encouragement from me! :-) Good luck!
  • Welcome! My tagline is not "The Heavy Revy" for nothing. Knocking on 40's door. I've had the head knowledge of what to do for years but neither the will nor the effort to make it right. If I've learned anything in my up and down journey is it isn't about the day to day but the journey. You can't let a bad day, a gain of a…
  • I certainly agree with the posts above. One thing to do with upping your calorie count if you are nervous is emphasize the quality of those extra calories as much as the quantity. Boosting your protein count should also help tell your body that "times are good", resulting in the weight loss you need. So, when fixing that…
  • Welcome to the site and good luck! It is a big help. I'm a married pastor and father of two. Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'll do my best to encourage you!
  • Sometimes you have to do what you just did, introduce yourself! I'm a married pastor with two children. Feel free to add if you'd like. You'll only get encouragement! Best of luck to you! Stick with it, it helps! Micah
  • I'm 39 and turn 40 in October. I'm still blessed with a pretty good metabolism. Figured I'd better get started and take advantage of it before I lost it! :-) Welcome and good luck!
  • Welcome to the site and best of luck! I've been trying to drop the lbs and get healthy since about the firs of the year. Only on the site a few weeks. A Facebook friend was using it, so I decided to check it out. I like what I see so far. I'm a married pastor with two children. If you are looking for a motivational friend,…
  • For some people, it isn't easy to eat their recommended calories. I think it is important to remember that the #'s recommended are general and will not be the same for everyone. Your metabolism may be a bit different. My wife's metabolism is much slower than mine. It means she has to work harder and do different things…
  • OH DO I SYMPATHIZE WITH THE STEROIDS!!! I was on steroids for about six years! Been battling Lyme Disease for a LONG time. Hate what they do to me. I add weight like there is no tomorrow when on them. Finally told my docs NO on the steroids! I gained about 100 lbs while taking those bitter little beasts! I'm a married…
  • Indian huh?............;-) Just kidding. WELCOME! Best of luck on your weight loss journey! Married pastor, father of two here. Feel free to add me as a friend if you are looking for some encouragement!
  • Welcome to the site and best of luck to you! Married pastor, father of two here. Feel free to add if you need a friend!
  • Welcome and good luck!
  • Just don't let those down turns get you down. Life is a journey and not a destination. I know that sounds like a sappy greeting card but there is some truth in it. If I hit my goal weight tomorrow (I wish) that would be great. BUT it wouldn't mean I had arrived or I was finished. It would just be another stop along the…
  • Welcome and good luck!
    in New guy Comment by mjmtxk April 2011
  • Adding some extra exercise (even light walking) will allow you to "earn" extra calories each day. Obviously the ideal situation is not that we max our calories every day but if you feel like you need a little extra food at this stage, the additional exercise might help. Best of luck. Hang in there! I'm living proof anyone…
  • Well they don't call me "The Heavy Revy" for no reason! (I'm a pastor) I hit my highest weight last year at 408 lbs. I'm a giant of a man, 6'7" tall with a seven foot wing span. SO I don't look like I weigh that much but I did. My joints will quickly tell you I DO weight that much! I'm 39 and feeling every pound! Battling…
  • First of all welcome and good luck! I think you'll find the most useful aspect of this site is it makes you THINK about what you eat and it helps hold you accountable. Yes, you can eat a box of ding dongs but if you list it on your food for the day it smacks you in the face with what you did! :-) Seriously, it really helps…
  • Welcome to the board and best of luck!!
    in New to MFP! Comment by mjmtxk April 2011
  • I did not mean that they tasted like oatmeal, only that Americans eat them for breakfast much like oatmeal and there are certain similarities in consistency and preparation. :-)
  • Grits are a breakfast dish made from ground corn, similar to oatmeal but unsweetened. (Most Americans sweeten their oatmeal but not their grits). I'm a southerner and most southerners LOVE grits, I've just never been a big fan. Something to try if you've never had it though! Mono is Mononucleosis. Here is the official…
  • If you see me post "I've lost a stone", it means I passed yet another kidney stone!!!!" ;-) There definitely is grammatical divide between America and the mother country sometimes! :-)
  • Great post! I'll definitely check out the links. Always up for learning some new things! Thanks!
  • I'm by NO MEANS an expert but there are several factors that could be in play. 1. What you are eating (foods that are high carb vs low carb), High protein vs low protein. Protein tells your body that "times are good" or "hunting is good", it is a signal to burn fat. Low protein tells your body the opposite. 2. Your…
  • I echo what some of the others have said. Sometimes it is not about the calories. It is the frequency with which we eat (affects metabolism) and what we eat (Protein vs carbs). Sometimes just increasing the protein we eat will trigger our body to lose weight. We are hard wired to store fat when times are lean and to shed…
  • New to the site. I'll gladly take the pledge! Lose 10 lbs by the end of the month. I've got a good 120 to go, so it is a step in the right direction! Looking for friends to encourage one another on the journey. I'm 39 married father of two sons. A pastor and small business owner. Good luck to everyone! Micah / username…