Frustrated, frustrated, frustrated



  • amoskies
    amoskies Posts: 11
    OH...and from now on I will eat my exercise calories. I didn't even think that I was doing that wrong- goes to show what I know! :smile:
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    I saw somone has some links for you to look it. One of the ones I read sais to look at .

    When you put your exercise calories in...MFP does the math for you and gives you a new net calories.... Go by the calories remaining and make it pretty close to 0.

    I know it seems silly to work that hard and then eat them but it works. Think of it like this...if you didn't exercise today, how many calories would you eat? 1200 right? and that has a deficit built in...if you do exercise and burn 400, would you still eat 1200? That would be like not exercising today and eating 800, you know that's not healthy right?

    Request to be friends with a bunch of us so we can help you!!!!
  • lisaking869
    lisaking869 Posts: 43 Member
    Firstly, sorry for your loss! I suffreed 3 miscarraiges-so I can empathize. Part of your issues could be related to the stress and emotions of what you have been through! Also- 1200 calories is too low, especially if you are working out! Like so many have said- eat back the calories your burn during excercise! Also- change things up with your workouts- try new stuff. Find something you LOVE to do! Mostly- be patient and kind to yourself! You have been through a lot!
  • amoskies
    amoskies Posts: 11
    Firstly, sorry for your loss! I suffreed 3 miscarraiges-so I can empathize. Part of your issues could be related to the stress and emotions of what you have been through! Also- 1200 calories is too low, especially if you are working out! Like so many have said- eat back the calories your burn during excercise! Also- change things up with your workouts- try new stuff. Find something you LOVE to do! Mostly- be patient and kind to yourself! You have been through a lot!

    Sorry about your losses too :( This was my 7th miscarriage so we have decided to wait a while before trying again. I am no spring chicken so I don't have all the time in the world, but my mind and body needs some rest I believe.

    Mommy- thanks so much for the link. I am going to read it right now.
  • Akaratel
    Akaratel Posts: 137 Member
    Wow, thanks everyone for the suggestions and ideas! I do cardio (elliptical, bike, raquetball) every day I go to the gym and then alternate upper and lower body on weights. I am 5'4" and weigh 180 trying to get down to 150. Someone said to open the my diary- I will see if I can figure out how to do that! I have been just doing the basic logging in foods and exercise til I decided to post here. I have made the decision to go off the pill and use other methods of birth control for now so I guess only time will tell if they were the culprit!
    And whoever said that about stress is probably right...I have stressed myself out so much by weighing and not seeing results, that I am probably counteracting everything I am doing!
    Thanks again for all your motivation! I am beginning to like this site more and more!

    You should try some yoga classes, awesome workout while relaxing ;)
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Even if 1200 is what MFP pal says to eat?

    Remember that MFP's calculator is a "dumb tool." Meaning that even if you should NOT be aiming for a particular goal due to your specific stats, it will still try to help you get there (within the 1200 cal lower limit.)

    You may have your goals/settings incorrect. Just because 2 lbs per week is an option, it doesn't mean it's the right setting for YOU (many people make this mistake.) It may help to read these threads that can help you determine healthy, realistic goals/deficits. Good luck to you.
  • amoskies
    amoskies Posts: 11
    I have wanted to try yoga but I was scared I was too big and not limber enough for it!
  • amoskies
    amoskies Posts: 11
    Even if 1200 is what MFP pal says to eat?

    Remember that MFP's calculator is a "dumb tool." Meaning that even if you should NOT be aiming for a particular goal due to your specific stats, it will still try to help you get there (within the 1200 cal lower limit.)

    You may have your goals/settings incorrect. Just because 2 lbs per week is an option, it doesn't mean it's the right setting for YOU (many people make this mistake.) It may help to read these threads that can help you determine healthy, realistic goals/deficits. Good luck to you.

    Thanks Ladyhawk!
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    I would add to also watch your sodium (try for 1500, but not over 2500) and your fiber (I set mine to 30g). It seems to help!
  • amoskies
    amoskies Posts: 11
    I am going back in to adjust my goals and try to curb some of those frozen dinners- I know they are bad for me but I don't cook so I almost feel lost as to what to eat for lunch at work.
  • toniyat
    toniyat Posts: 11 Member
    I love the Lean Cuisine meals for lunch. My favorite thing is the Marie Callendar's Pot Pies for lunch. They feel me up so much that I am not snacking thru the day. Stay Encouraged!!
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    Don't underestimate the power of snacking. I have my meals set to3 meals and 3 snacks a day. You really should eat every few hours. An apple or banana and a tablespoon of peanut butter go a long way. You should never be really hungry! I would try to really limit the prepackaged stuff....peanut butter and jelly with some fruit is my favorite lunch. It's doable with lowcal bread and measuring everything....
  • amoskies
    amoskies Posts: 11
    Thanks Toni- I am revigorated after reading everyone's encouragement and suggestions!!

    Mommy- I also have 3 meals and at least 2 snacks every day. I just need to learn to stay away from the pre-packaged things. I am going this weekend and buy some chicken and figure out what things I can cook that willbe eidble for me and my husband LOL . I always seem to forget about peanut butter- I have that notion that it's so full of fat I can't eat it. I need to break free of some of those old weight loss myths I knew back when I was younger.
  • HDurow1018
    HDurow1018 Posts: 37 Member
    I love the Lean Cuisine meals for lunch. My favorite thing is the Marie Callendar's Pot Pies for lunch. They feel me up so much that I am not snacking thru the day. Stay Encouraged!!

    Try the Healthy Choice Fresh Mixers, too! They are not frozen, usually in the aisle with canned goods or pasta, and are delicious! It keeps the pasta or rice separate from the sauce, you add water, nuke the pasta/rice until it's tender, drain and add the sauce! Super easy, filling, and low in calories!
  • amoskies
    amoskies Posts: 11
    Thanks Sweet- I often wondered if those were any good!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I love the Lean Cuisine meals for lunch. My favorite thing is the Marie Callendar's Pot Pies for lunch. They feel me up so much that I am not snacking thru the day. Stay Encouraged!!

    FYI, Marie Callendar's pot pies are not very healthy. HOW bad it is depends on which kind, but none of them are very healthy - the main reason being - one pot pie is supposed to be TWO servings (but I don't know anyone who plans on sharing.)

    Marie Callender's Creamy Parmesan Chicken Pot Pie (1 package)
    1,020 calories
    58 g fat (24 g saturated)
    1,660 mg sodium
  • mjmtxk
    mjmtxk Posts: 33
    I echo what some of the others have said. Sometimes it is not about the calories. It is the frequency with which we eat (affects metabolism) and what we eat (Protein vs carbs). Sometimes just increasing the protein we eat will trigger our body to lose weight. We are hard wired to store fat when times are lean and to shed fat when times are good. Too low of caloric intake triggers our bodies to store fat, extra protein says times are good! Best of luck!