hello everyone

angiepower Posts: 5 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
hi everyone

Im new to mfp have been doing slimming world for the past 4 weeks and i keep jumping up and down 3lbs its winding me up totally. In the past week I have started riding my bike to work 9 miles a day. This hasnt really changed anything on the scales hoo hum. Currently I weigh 171lbs any help would be much appreciated. I am currently eating about 1100 cals a day. Im 5' 6" .....

Holiday in five weeks boo hoo....do i need a miracle ?



  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    you should check in the community tab and check out the articles about eating back your exercise calories because you may not be eating enough. I wasn't able to look into your food diary but also make sure you are drinking enough water as well.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Nice to have you on here.

    If your only eating 1100 calories a day, I would bet that your body is in a starvation mode. use the tools on here to figure out what you should be eating for a calorie base.
  • mrsdiaz
    mrsdiaz Posts: 29 Member
    I would up your caloric intake, your body will store fat if it feels its not getting enough intake. Stay up on your water as well.
  • new_me_9_67
    new_me_9_67 Posts: 369 Member
    It might have to do with your calorie intake, I think it's too low for you.
    My wife is also 5'6" and her starting weight was 145. she gets 1250 calories per day and she has
    consistently lost weight week in and week out and is almost to her goal weight and then to maintain she
    has to go up to 1450 calories per day.

    Just a thought.
  • sundream
    sundream Posts: 5 Member

    Have a look at


    might help explain your body maybe going into starvation mode.

    hope it helps
  • angiepower
    angiepower Posts: 5 Member
    Wow thanks for all the helpful advice...I keep reading about eat your exercise calories On here...guess I'm too nervous to try it...but here goes I'm gonna give it actry and see what happens thx everyone :)
  • mjmtxk
    mjmtxk Posts: 33
    I certainly agree with the posts above. One thing to do with upping your calorie count if you are nervous is emphasize the quality of those extra calories as much as the quantity. Boosting your protein count should also help tell your body that "times are good", resulting in the weight loss you need. So, when fixing that plate, put the extra piece of meat over the extra carb, even if it is a good carb.

    It seems counter intuitive to add calories when you need to lose weight but there is logic in it and it works. Best of luck in your efforts. One thing my wife always says, even if she doesn't see the results on the scale, she is taking care of her body and getting healthier. Hang in there!
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