Bustergirl14 Member


  • Keepin' it weird in Austin.
  • Congrats on your progress so far! You will thank yourself for the rest of your life for doing this for yourself.
  • I needed a jump start that would help me shed a few pounds fast to encourage me to keep at it. I found the 17 Day Diet worked well for me. It has several phases and after being on vacation I plan to go back and do phase one again to get me back on track.
  • There are definitely some players here - one was posting pictures of rock hard abs (probably not his) and wanting to know if there were any women on here from Houston - another sent a friend request but has no profile and probably no real interest in losing weight because I checked out his friend list and its all women who…
  • I ate a doughnut yesterday. But I did not die.
  • This. ^^^^ I generally log my food the day before - then I know for certain what I am going to eat. If I stick to what I have logged I won't be hungry and much less tempted to eat something else.
  • Keep up the good work. Having that conversation with yourself about the ice cream was a smart thing to do. I have the conversation with myself daily but I am finding that it becomes easier with time. The weight will come off and that will motivate you to continue to lose. I've gotten closer to some of your goals - socks…
  • LOL! Thanks for the laugh. I really needed one today.
  • I weigh more than everyone thinks I do. Including my husband. Last year when we went skiing he handled the reservations for our equipment and ski bindings are set based on height and weight. He miscalculated mine by 15 pounds. When we got to the ski rental place I made sure to correct my weight to the guy who was fitting…
  • Our favorite local restaurant has 1/2 priced champagne and appetizers from 5:30 - 6:30 on Thursdays so we are going to celebrate this evening with bubbly and PEI mussels and truffle fries. Also received a large beautiful arrangement at the office this morning. On Saturday we are staying home and will grill a couple of nice…
  • I don't like grocery store fried chicken or baked goods. Never have. But I know they throw some chicken in the hot grease and bake cookies and bread in the oven at the end of the day when all of us worker bees are hitting the store on the way home. Tired and stressed out after a long day at the office, that stuff smells…
  • 8 servings size bowl of Potato Buds instant mashed potatoes with 1/2 stick of butter and lots of salt. For lunch whenever I craved "comfort food". And then feel bloated and miserable for the rest of the day. Ugh.
  • This just in. World will stop spinning on its axis because someone threw away a piece of cheesecake that a co-worker brought to the office because maybe, possibly, someone else might have eaten it - or not.
  • Seriously, I have never seen so many sanctimonius judgments heaped on one stinking piece of cheesecake. If everyone on MFP is so righteous about what to eat, when to eat it, how to avoid temptation, what to do with tempatation, what the hell are they doing here?
  • Not "wasting food" is likely something that some people have used as an excuse to over eat, as in, yes, I've already had a satisfying meal but its a "sin" to waste food so I'll just eat the rest of these mashed potatoes out of the pan because there is not enough left to save for another meal. Congrats on resisting the…
  • Feeling great today! Kicked butt at the gym this morning with rack pulls (deadlift), followed by some accessory work and finished off with 30 minutes on the elliptical. I've been working out for more than 6 months, but now that I have gotten serious about losing weight, I can really see that my efforts are paying off!
  • Nice job! It is very rewarding when you can actually see how your body has changed with the weight loss. Keep it up and you will be at your goal in no time.
  • I lost enough weight to lower my BMI so that I am no longer obese. It was a real shocker when I saw that on my medical chart after being weighed at my doctor's office in May 2014. Only took me 7 months to get serious about doing something about it, but now that I have, I am definitely loving the results.
  • Got into the size 10 jeans yesterday. On to the 8's! But I'm really working towards feeling comfortable in my ski clothes when we go skiing in March. I bought most of my ski clothes when I was a size 8 but everything is stretchy so I was able to squish into it all when a 10 and close to a 12. But more than fitting the ski…
  • I love Thai and usually eat off of the appetizer menu. If I were going to this restaurant I would order the Tom Ka Gai soup $5.00 and the Tahi Grilled Beef Salad $9.00. Two of my all time favorites. Maybe split an order of spring rolls too. :smiley:
  • 39 is the goal. That would put me at the least I have weighed in the last 10 years. It is a healthy weight for me and I'm pretty sure it is attainable. I'm making a lot of progress now that I have fully committed to this. Making progress definitely reinforces the choices I have been making.
  • It can be a tool, but it is not a quick fix. I've used it in the past and I lost quite a bit of weight but I felt weird all the time and I don't like not feeling like myself. Once I stopped taking it I gained back all of the weight I lost and more because I didn't make any real, long lasting changes to my life style. I…
  • I think my stress level has been the same - same job, husband, etc. The only thing that has changed is my diet and I was thinking that my skin would be better if I stopped eating junk.
  • I have been doing them (the pistols) with a step on risers behind me to "sit" onto, and have managed to get to the point where I am using 4 risers underneath the step. Today, I was able to do so fairly easily. The other thing is, I had been able to do them while holding a 12 kg (26.4 lb) kettle bell as a counterweight.…
  • If your husband loves you unconditionally, he will understand when you tell him that you won't be cooking for him anymore. My current eating plan consists of lean protein, vegetables and fruit. No to low carbs. My husband who loves me uncondtionally and is supportive 100% of my commitment to lose weight helps me cook a…
  • I like the Fitbit Flex. It keeps me motivated during the day when I am normally sendentary.
  • I started last year when I was given the diagnosis of pre-diabetes. I don't know why I was so surprised. I had been steadily gaining weight for 10 years after my hysterectomy. I went to a nutritionist and started carb counting and did well, lost 10 lbs. and then just hit a plateau. Ate my way through the holidays and…
  • I got lucky. Randomly, around the same time, 3 of the people that I am closest to at work decided to lose weight. Now instead of anxiously anticipating "Pizza Friday" all week, we exchange recipe ideas, fitness tips, etc. We are all following our own plans but have a shared mission. On the rare occasion when I got out for…
  • I just started the 17 Day Diet and there is no alcohol in the first phase or the second phase so that should see me through January.