What food plan do you follow?



  • DogRiverDude
    DogRiverDude Posts: 433 Member
    I opted not to follow any "plans" either. I do my grocery shopping and preparation of meals/snacks on Sunday so that I'm not tempted by the "quick fix" when pressed for time. Typically I'll prepare:
    1) a hearty dinner dish, enough to last me the week (such as Jambalaya - recipe here)
    2) pre-portioned veggie bags to juice (washed veggies that I can simply plow in to the juicer)
    3) snack items like dehydrated kale leaves, zucchini chips, butternut squash chips

    Keeping fresh fruit and veggies on-hand to snack on is a given but... I also make sure I'm stocked with frozen fruit to make smoothies when I'm craving something sweet. Also, little things like exchanging:
    - Regular Milk for Unsweetened Almond Milk and,
    - Regular Mayonnaise for Fat Free Miracle Whip
    will save a TON of calories.

    I'm just a 30 Day MyFitnessPal Rookie but have experienced surprising success so far. Track everything you eat, use some common sense, and you'll do great! During my "30 Day Fix", I've already lost 23 pounds all while feeling great.
  • megablackk1d
    megablackk1d Posts: 67 Member
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    I don't follow any particular plan, just adjust my calories. I did not eat a lot of veggies or fruits so I have been slowly adding them to my daily routine. I do like salads and will often have a salad for lunch or dinner. No food is off limits but I tend to eat some things less often or in less amounts. I do tend to stay away from fast food and prepared foods, making most of my meals from scratch. Logging my food and keeping track of the calories eaten has really helped me. My weight loss is slow but I figure it took awhile to get where it was so it's going to take awhile to come off.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member

    ^If it fits your mouth. :smile:

    HA HA
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    MikaMojito wrote: »
    I don't follow a plan as such but roughly this is what I eat. I tend to eat very little during the day because I hate being hungry in the evening.

    Weekday breakfast: a banana or a banana with low-fat joghurt or quark
    Weekend breakfast: either skip or scrambled eggs with bacon or smoked salmon

    Lunch: Salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, bell peppers) plus a source of protein, such as lean ham or shrimp or chicken breast;

    Snack: I try not to snack a lot but I keep small no-added-sugar cereal bars at school just in case I get horribly hungry

    Dinner: Vegetables plus protein. Tonight it's salad with ham, last week I had green asparagus with salmon.

    How many cals are you allotted daily? Doesn't seem like you eat very much... aren't you starving in-between your meals?
  • NicolaMichelle93
    NicolaMichelle93 Posts: 685 Member
    IIFYM. If it fits your macros.
    Works well for me and I enjoy it. I keep a careful eye on my micros though too and eat well 80% of the time :smile:
  • MikaMojito
    MikaMojito Posts: 680 Member
    MikaMojito wrote: »
    I don't follow a plan as such but roughly this is what I eat. I tend to eat very little during the day because I hate being hungry in the evening.

    Weekday breakfast: a banana or a banana with low-fat joghurt or quark
    Weekend breakfast: either skip or scrambled eggs with bacon or smoked salmon

    Lunch: Salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, bell peppers) plus a source of protein, such as lean ham or shrimp or chicken breast;

    Snack: I try not to snack a lot but I keep small no-added-sugar cereal bars at school just in case I get horribly hungry

    Dinner: Vegetables plus protein. Tonight it's salad with ham, last week I had green asparagus with salmon.

    That just makes me sad. You get "horribly hungry" between meals because you're hardly eating anything at all.

    Thank you for your concern, I appreciate it. And I have indeed been eating very little this week because there are two parties coming up this weekend and I've been saving up my calories. I know there a lots of people who don't agree with the concept of "saving up" but I think it's ok to disagree on that.

    The thing is: different people eat differently. I've tried eating bigger breakfasts before I leave for work at 7 but then I'm hungry again by 9. So I eat again because I get bitchy. And then I eat again at lunchtime. At lunch I have a choice of school cafeteria which only serves very stodgy foods or sandwiches or salads. If I have a sandwich plus a bigger breakfast and something during break, most of my calories for the day are already gone. Now, other people would work out more so they can eat more but when I get home in the evening, I still have to grade papers etc. So I only manage to exercise 3 times a week. I COULD also have smaller dinners but I can't sleep if I'm hungry.

    And last of all: you have no idea about the amount of what I eat. Eg the asparagus and salmon dinner: that was 500g of asparagus, fried in a tablespoon of high-quality olive oil with 200g smoked salmon AND 150g of quark-dip. I was seriously stuffed after that.

    So all in all, what's wrong with this diet? I get fruit, veg and protein. I try to cut down on carbs which works great unless there's cake at work or when my boyfriend bakes bread etc. If that happens I happily eat these things, log them and fit them into my calorie allowance. But on a normal day I just try to keep things low-carb with plenty of fresh veg and protein.

    And now I'm going back to my salad which is sitting next to me half-eaten because 150g of smoked ham plus tomatoes, cucumbers etc is actually a lot.
  • MikaMojito
    MikaMojito Posts: 680 Member
    MikaMojito wrote: »
    I don't follow a plan as such but roughly this is what I eat. I tend to eat very little during the day because I hate being hungry in the evening.

    Weekday breakfast: a banana or a banana with low-fat joghurt or quark
    Weekend breakfast: either skip or scrambled eggs with bacon or smoked salmon

    Lunch: Salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, bell peppers) plus a source of protein, such as lean ham or shrimp or chicken breast;

    Snack: I try not to snack a lot but I keep small no-added-sugar cereal bars at school just in case I get horribly hungry

    Dinner: Vegetables plus protein. Tonight it's salad with ham, last week I had green asparagus with salmon.

    How many cals are you allotted daily? Doesn't seem like you eat very much... aren't you starving in-between your meals?

    To you, too, thank you for your concern! On some days I AM very hungry. And that's when I eat something in between.

    MFP gives me 1310kcal/day but I tend to aim (!) for 1200. Aiming for a lower number means I don't log the milk I put into my coffee at work. It also means that if a colleague or pupil brings cake or other goodies (which happens frequently), I can say yes because I know I saved calories the day before. Also, the 1200/day is something I want to do until May because there's a specific dress I want to wear on my birthday. After that I'll also have more time to exercise and eat more.

    But mainly, I just eat huge portions in the evening. I'm not joking here: I easily eat around 500g of vegetables in the evening plus eg 200g smoked salmon which isn't exactly low-fat or 300g chicken breast. I know there are many people who say one shouldn't eat so much in the evening but since I'm often stuck at my desk until midnight, I need food to keep me powered up.
  • faithan84
    faithan84 Posts: 717 Member
    I've had significant success with Food Addicts Anonymous's plan (http://www.foodaddictsanonymous.org/faa-food-plan). I've lost 70 pounds. I also needed structure, and while the first couple of weeks were tough, my cravings stopped. I've since modified the plan (it was too much food in the beginning!), and focus more on total calories, but it might be something with checking out! Good luck!
  • Juspex
    Juspex Posts: 23 Member
    I'm eating enough to fill my days calorie needs. Food includes 40% protein (getting it from tuna, eggs, protein shakes etc.), 40% carbs and 20% fat (avoiding saturated fats) of my daily needs. Usual food is for example half plate of salad, 1/4 protein (chicken etc.) and 1/4 carbs (rice etc.) Eating 2400 kcal instead of 2900 and aiming to slowly lose weight without losing muscles. Seems to work as I've now lost 2 kg in a month.
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    Anything that keeps me on my calorie intake goal and can adhere to my 40/30/30 carb/protein/fat macro goals. *shrug*

    Of course, avoiding packaged foods as much as possible and getting enough fiber from raw or cooked veg.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I follow the Canada Food Guide and from sheer habit, eat like a diabetic (half plate vegetables, carb, and protein). I think following the MFP plan is ideal. Simply track your food intake for two weeks and discover how many calories are in your food choices. Adjust to stay within the calorie goal that you work out with MFP. That way you will be eating the foods you love, in the portions that will allow you to lose weight.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I have 160lbs to shed. I am having a hard time trying to figure out what to eat. I am not a salad lover (not yet anyways).
    I think I need some structure. Any advice?


    I eat whatever I want, at the calories I need and don't go over.
  • Bustergirl14
    Bustergirl14 Posts: 69 Member
    I needed a jump start that would help me shed a few pounds fast to encourage me to keep at it. I found the 17 Day Diet worked well for me. It has several phases and after being on vacation I plan to go back and do phase one again to get me back on track.
  • phitnessjunky
    phitnessjunky Posts: 22 Member
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    I don't follow a plan, but I eat a balance of carbs/fats/proteins, mainly just drink water and tea, eat lots of veggies and fruit daily, fit in a small dessert/treat after dinner and have 1 or 2 meals out on the weekend. It's very sustainable for me.

    This,^ ^ I completely agree, for years I've done diets that promised quick , and guaranteed weight and fat loss. Restriction or elimination of carbs and fat, or fruits and just eat this and can't eat that,. And though I was losing weight, I was agitated and miserable. And then I'd put the weight back on because I'd binge on what I couldn't eat on that diet. Too many so called experts and the hype media diets all promise weight loss, but doesn't have the consideration for the aftermath. Is a diet that people can keep for the rest of thier lives? Life is all about enjoying yourself, and discovering things, and what works for you. And food ,although most will argue its for fuel, food still plays the biggest pleasures in life, . when I discovered mfp, I couldn't stop laughing. The answer was in front of me for years. Burn more, than what you eat. Eat things in moderation, have carbs, fruits , and those you love, but in small doses and move everyday. Why the hell, was I ignoring it and laughing at those that told me, the diet I was doing is stupid and to just burn more than what you consume. I've been on mfp for a week, and have already lost 5 pounds. My daily intake is 1700, 5.5 height and moderate activity. I've never been so happy and relaxed, about losing weight, like me, with this way,you'll find what works for you. Obviously some people can't tolerate certain food groups than others, but your body will tell you that.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Mine doesn't have a label. I have no plan. I don't track calories or macros. The vast majority of my food is fruits, veggies, meat, fish, eggs, nuts & seeds. Throw in a little dairy products, some grains and the occasional treat. I don't go hungry and I eat delicious meals.
  • KellieTru
    KellieTru Posts: 285 Member
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    I don't follow a plan, but I eat a balance of carbs/fats/proteins, mainly just drink water and tea, eat lots of veggies and fruit daily, fit in a small dessert/treat after dinner and have 1 or 2 meals out on the weekend. It's very sustainable for me.

    This,^ ^ I completely agree, for years I've done diets that promised quick , and guaranteed weight and fat loss. Restriction or elimination of carbs and fat, or fruits and just eat this and can't eat that,. And though I was losing weight, I was agitated and miserable. And then I'd put the weight back on because I'd binge on what I couldn't eat on that diet. Too many so called experts and the hype media diets all promise weight loss, but doesn't have the consideration for the aftermath. Is a diet that people can keep for the rest of thier lives? Life is all about enjoying yourself, and discovering things, and what works for you. And food ,although most will argue its for fuel, food still plays the biggest pleasures in life, . when I discovered mfp, I couldn't stop laughing. The answer was in front of me for years. Burn more, than what you eat. Eat things in moderation, have carbs, fruits , and those you love, but in small doses and move everyday. Why the hell, was I ignoring it and laughing at those that told me, the diet I was doing is stupid and to just burn more than what you consume. I've been on mfp for a week, and have already lost 5 pounds. My daily intake is 1700, 5.5 height and moderate activity. I've never been so happy and relaxed, about losing weight, like me, with this way,you'll find what works for you. Obviously some people can't tolerate certain food groups than others, but your body will tell you that.

    Bravo...well stated!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I follow the ELMM plan: eat less, move more.
    I eat what I want, in reasonable quantities.

    This calculator from the Baylor College of Medicine will tell you your BMI & how many servings of various foods to
    eat to maintain any particular weight. Put in your healthy goal weight. It takes activity level into account.

    If you want something a little more complicated, eat more calories from protein & fewer from carbs, while staying
    in the healthy macro ranges. Eating higher protein & lower carbs leads to more weight loss. Try 45% carbs, 20%
    fat, 35% protein. Links to the studies here.