

  • My goals for September: 1) Start logging consistently again! 2) Eat sensibly, trying to hit macros. 3) Not to gain any weight! (Losing some would be a bonus!) 4) Increase duration/intensity of exercise.
  • All good advice here! Make sensible food choices (where you can!), alternate alcoholic drinks and water, be as active as you can, RELAX and ENJOY YOURSELF!! These strategies will minimise any weight gain, and if you do put on a pound or two, you know that you can lose it again! Have a great time!
  • Where did the last week go?! Can't believe it's June already - had a really busy and stressful week, but off on my holidays tomorrow - assume "radio silence": no Wifi, very little phone signal - a week of peace, just what I need!! After paying for the accommodation though, we don't have a lot to spare - so our days will be…
  • I remarked to my husband, at the pub this afternoon, that I feel like I've been on vacation this week - the weather's been lovely, and we've been out doing things. On the whole, things that aren't particularly good diet-wise! For example, I'm meant to be concentrating on my protein intake, but today I am way over on fat…
  • Hi all, another hot one in the UK and I have made the best of being outdoors! It was the boys' sports day this morning, so I went and walked around the playing field with my camera for an hour. No 1 son was well enough to take part, although he didn't put enough effort in according to some of his team-mates - but it was…
  • It has been warm in the UK today, and consequently I've been very lazy. I went to help teach 4 and 5 year olds to swim this morning, and then did the grocery shopping. After putting things away, hubby and I went for a drink at the pub near the boys' school - it was beautiful, sipping a sparkling water, in the beer garden…
    in 30's 5/23 Comment by clareeast May 2012
  • Exercise minutes: 235 - most of it was walking as I've been feeling rough, but I did get a few other things done. Would have been more like 275-300 if I'd made it to Zumba on Thursday. 8+ glasses of water: Not everyday, but I did manage it some days, and never less than 6 - this is progress! Personal challenge: to try…
  • Happy Birthday CurlyPep!! Hope you're having a really good day!! I got up this morning feeling a bit tired/stiff - first thought was Yay! Exercise is working!. But after lunch I felt really, really poorly - coughing and wheezing (had to take asthma inhaler!) and everything aches. And I was really, really cold. Wondering…
    in 30's 5/17 Comment by clareeast May 2012
  • I think you should keep healthy eating principles in mind, but not be ruled by them. Keep an eye on portion sizes, and eat plenty of fruit and veg! Otherwise, relax and enjoy - a honeymoon is something most people only do once. As for the exercise, I'm sure you'll find ways to burn some calories! :wink:
  • Paul - watch the sugar levels in those apples, too! To everyone aching from exercise - I think I may be joining you tomorrow :wink: But I will try to keep myself flexible enough for Zumba tomorrow evening. I got out for my first solo bike ride!! I had planned a circular route of about 2.5 miles and as the sun was out, I…
  • I'm sure you're already doing this, but plenty of moisturiser after your shower will encourage the skin to shrink back, and that will really help if it is a loose flesh issue. But I think other posters are correct, you need to build muscle! I'd kill for a belly that flat, though :wink:
  • Raw veggies and a dip - something low fat and/or high protein would be good, such as hummus.
  • Although I have only ever had a modest amount to lose (20 - 30 lbs), I have lost it, regained (most of) it, and am now losing it again. Why did I gain the weight back? My old fitness instructor moved to pastures new, so I didn't have that friendly "kick in the tail" to persuade me to exercise, and I got complacent about…
  • I'm going to put my name in the hat for Buff, but I may do better. I am drinking more water, but not up to the 8 cups a day - yet! Personal goal is to try something (anything!) new in the way of exercise. My playtime will be riding my bike - I haven't done it for 25 years, and bought a 2nd hand bike last week. Been out…
  • I've had one of those days, where although I've done next-to-nothing, I'm absolutely exhausted! I went grocery shopping after taking the boys to school, and then took DS1 to his hospital appointment. Then after school we went to buy DS1 some new trousers (he's keeps growing - two inches since Christmas!) and hubby wanted…
  • Paul - well done putting the healthy regime on hold and enjoying your stag weekend! I'm jealous that I have no such excuse pending ;-) It won't take long to repair the damage, and I'm sure you've got a renewed enthusiam!! I was planning to go out on my bike today, but at 10am the heavens opened, and I'm not sure how much…
  • I've been trying to train mine for 12 years - it doesn't get any easier! lol And we have two little boys who are picking up all daddy's bad habits!! Increased confidence is a definite NSV!! Good for you!
  • You aren't eating enough during the day! You are restricting too much during the day, and then eating whatever is available to you in the evening to try and compensate for the lack of food. Try the idea of six small meals (200+ calories each) every day - make sure one of them is "breakfast" (eaten within a reasonable time…
  • It is "possible" but it isn't "sensible" - in my opinion. You need to exercise to build more muscle as well as burning fat. Muscle burns calories even at rest, and will help to prevent regaining all the weight you lost. The serious exercise buffs describe people who lose weight through diet alone as "skinny fat" - they may…
  • I've had a really LAZY day - although I have stuck to my calorie allowance (even a little under, but above my BMR!) Hubby finally built the flat-pack bookcases that have been sat in the hallway for nine months, and I have filled them up with books! Just trying to persuade him to get rid of a few, as we still have more…
  • There is a fab calculator at: But with all these things, assumptions are made and averages taken. For true, individual accuracy you need a heart rate monitor.
  • We managed to get out on a bike ride - hubby fixed his puncture this morning, and did various other bits of maintenance to everyone's bikes. So after lunch we went through the woods by our house and around the village at the other side, about an hour in total. It would probably have been quicker if DS2 had decided to ride…
  • You need to try and eat nett above your BMR (that is taking into account exercise/activity calories). Your body needs a certain amount of fuel to operate efficiently, and a bit more to move on top of that. Try to think of your body as a car - if you don't put enough petrol in you won't get very far! I know it sounds…
  • Hard to do, but you need to but yourself straight back on track. It's easy to think, damn, I shouldn't really have eaten that - the whole day's ruined. But if you take each meal as a new start, it's easier to get into the habit of doing what's good, and not getting too hung up on little "mistakes". I'm not saying I get it…
  • I'm pleased to hear you have your family's support - no-one should have to live as you have recently. I wish you all the best on your journey - it won't be easy (that's a given!), but you are taking the first step. With regards to your car finance, I'm sure if you contact the company they will tell you a) if it's possible…
  • Hi all! I'm beginning to suffer from my exertions of the week - it's not too bad, but man, I know I have muscles in the backs of my thighs. Trying to eat a bit more protein to help repair/build muscle, but as a vegetarian who doesn't particularly like milk, cheese, eggs or tofu, it is a bit of a challenge. You can imagine…
  • Forecast was for a high-burn day - and it was! The estimate is about 900 calories burnt through moving "stuff", cleaning and Zumba. Really warm class tonight, still red in the face 90 minutes later!! I also spent a good while picking up Lego from the boys' bedroom floor - mystified as to how they had any to play with…
  • I love Zumba too! I have had an "enforced rest period" of ten months due to broken bones and other health issues, but I went back to class last week. As I am well out of practice, and was under doctor's orders to "start slowly" I logged it as "Aerobics, general" at 350 calories, but has just estimated…
  • Hi all! Not having such a good day today - bloody PMS, I just want to eat EVERYTHING! Managing to rein it in and keep things under control, just about! Debbie, I know exactly where you're coming from!! (Thought just crossed my mind: need chocolate! uh-oh, not good!) At least, with the meds I'm on, for me this is more a…
    in Daily 5/9 Comment by clareeast May 2012
  • Yesterday was yesterday; today, tomorrow and every day are brand new days! Just get back to your usual routine and the weight will come off again - and it most probably is retained water, so drink plenty and watch the sodium! You are not back to square one, this is just a little blip!