

  • Awesome post!!! It must be really freeing to tell the truth about your shin guards! It reminds me of the story that I have carried with me about trying to get my jeans zipped when first putting them on..............having to lay down on the bed in order to get them zipped! I haven't lost nearly as much as you have, but I…
  • I think you might need to examine your priorities. You are spending close to HALF of your monthly income on electronics. They may SEEM essential, but they aren't! There are cheaper plans that would afford you healthy foods to eat. You can't eat your cell phone or internet. This may sound harsh, but I think that there are…
  • I agree that you need #1 to recognize that what your mind is telling you isn't true! #2 Believe what you hear from other people who love and care about you! #3 Start focusing on toning your new body, gaining muscle definition, so you see your body almost as a different body. Another thing that you can try is looking at…
  • Congratulations on beginning this journey! I have been on MFP for quite a while now and am down about 20 lbs. It has taken a bit of tweaking to find what works for me and I hit a road bump when I was recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic, which explained why I had stopped losing weight. I am determined to accomplish my goal,…
  • Great way to celebrate!!!
  • Your thoughts are disordered because you are starving your brain of essential nutrition. All to look thinner? I suffered a brain injury years ago and would give my right arm to get those brain cells back, but once dead, brain cells do not regenerate. You never get new ones, so you best take care of the ones you have by…
  • My name is Phyllis and I am a carboholic! It all began with sweetened tea as a young child, and I mean VERY SWEET! The fact that there is a history of alcoholism in my family, together with the fact that alcohol and sugar are very similar chemically means that it is extremely difficult to stop with one piece of candy, one…
  • My craving has been Kroger Almond granola the tune of about 5 lbs!!! So..........last night while shopping I just said "NO MORE"! I refuse to defeat myself in this battle while the enemy sits back, arms folded across her chest shaking her head "YEP, I knew she couldn't to it!!!" Well, I can and I WILL! And…
  • I have been on MFP for over a year (I think) and I have changed my calorie goal ONCE. When I realized that I was no longer losing weight at the numbers that were preset for me, I lowered the goal. So far, I have maintained most of my weight loss, but haven't managed to get back to my low number as of yet. I think some…
  • That's a great attitude! If you have questions, just ask. Then sift through the answers till you find one that fits! Best of luck!
  • Welcome to MFP! It looks like you are doing a great job already. Keep up the good work, and feel free to contact me if you have questions. :-)
  • I started out at 1410 and lost for a while then stopped losing even though i was working out about 4-5 days a week. So I have recently dropped my calories to 1200. I don't know if it is working yet, as I haven't weighed, but I feel like it is. I don't feel deprived but remember, that was after several months of eating the…
  • Hmmmm, I have a brain injury, and yet I can beat most of my opponents in word games.
  • If you drink your eight glasses (or more) of water per day, it kind of takes care of your beverage intake and quenches your thirst without the harmful effects of chemicals. I don't even crave sodas anymore. I DO crave water and finally learned after 56 years how to drink my coffee without sweeteners. Best of luck on your…
  • Water is a wonderful thing! It quenches thirst, cleans toxins out of the body, prevents bladder infections, softens stools, makes the skin look young (decreases wrinkles) and, in my case, decreases appetite because sometimes when I think I am hungry, I am actually just thirsty! I use a quart jar and fill it twice a day. If…
  • Hi Mark! Welcome to MFP! This website is an excellent tool to help you get fit and healthy again! I started my weight loss journey on MFP several months ago and 29 pounds ago. I am 58 today and more fit than I have been in years! You can be successful at losing the weight. I have a few tips for sure to…
  • you could jog in place...........
  • Oh my gosh!!! You have a wonderful daughter who loves you enough to risk your displeasure to save you from disaster! You are so fortunate! And a husband who loves you enough to plan a international vacation for you! What do you have to lose, but something that is weighing you down. I invite you to join us at MY FITNESS…
  • What you are doing with your diet is starving your brain of vital nutrients and your body also. You are putting your body into starvation mode...........which means it will hold onto every pound it can to keep you alive. In order to lose weight the healthy way, you must feed yourself. Follow the guidelines laid down by my…
  • I log everything, otherwise I am lying to myself which is counter-productive. BUT...........when I go over my calorie allowance by more than 50-75 calories, I get on the treadmill, on my bike or get my walking shoes on and go for a walk to "earn" those calories. My goal is to lose weight so I need to be honest with myself…
  • Hello Ready! It is awesome that you have decided to make some "me time"! In the long run, you will be doing your kids a favor by allowing them to have a fit mom and becoming someone they can be proud to show off and introduce as their mom. Plus, you will be setting a good example for them of how they should eat healthily.…
  • You look awesome!!! I hope I look as good (for my age) as you do when I have lost all 63 of the pounds that I want to lose!:smile:
  • There is just one thing keeping you from turning your failure into success...........turn around and head in the other direction! That in itself is success!
  • Welcome to myfitnesspal! We are all on the same journey here and that really helps. I started at 203 (my highest) and am now down to 181. This is the first time in my life I have ever needed to lose weight so badly and the first time I have been successful at losing weight. This website is a GREAT tool if you use it. The…
  • Hello! I have a whole family on here...........daughter, 3 nieces, 1 son, two sisters................I am on here everyday and would be happy to encourage you when you need it. But beware!!! I have a brain injury and repeat myself quite often, so just take that with a grain of salt. :-)
  • High protein intake can be a problem IF your son is not flushing his kidneys well by drinking a lot of water. Just be sure he remembers to drink a lot of water because proteins are larger than carbs or fats (in size) and can clog the kidneys if not accompanied with sufficient water intake.
  • Yes, it is!!! I love it too. But I have found that if I eat back all of the calories that I have burned, I stop losing. So I suggest that if you are exercising, only eat back about half of the calories you earn!:smile:
  • Hello! And welcome to myfitnesspal! I LOVE this site, as it has been the first success I have ever experienced in the area of dieting! You may find that you need to tweak it just a tad here or there, but it will work if you stick to it! If I go over my calories, I just go for a long walk or put in some time on the…
  • I avoid alfredo like the plague, lol. Remember, fat has more calories than either protein or carbs per gram. You can earn extra calories with exercise, but not specifically fat's or protein or carbs.:ohwell: