Diet Soda?

I was just curious what everyones take on diet soda is...

I have switched from regular sodas to diet but now I find myself drinking more 'because I have the calories..' I know they still aren't good for you and I also know if I had nothing but diet soda all day I wouldn't lose weight.. but why? I don't like the way most of them taste but I have found I enjoy Diet sunkist, gingerale and A&W root beer...

So I guess just do you think diet soda is a health(ier) substitution for regular soda or should it be ignored just the same?


  • emmaps55
    emmaps55 Posts: 54 Member
    I was hooked on Coke Zero, I seriously think it is addicting, because I still crave it. Six months ago I got unexplained shortness of breath, and all heart/lung tests were negative. Then I learned that aspartame can cause exactly that. I cut out all artificial sweeteners that day -- except for a dash of no-sugar syrup in my one cup of coffee Google "Aspartame Sickness" -- it certainly put me off drinking any diet soda ever again. Not that it made a difference in my weight -- although I've read some people immediately drop pounds when they quit. But I FEEL so much better!
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    It's addicting. And poison. Do research on the chemicals in it.

    Nasty stuff.
  • wmass1
    wmass1 Posts: 29 Member
    I drink way too much diet pepsi myself and am also wondering how bad it really is for you.
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    I hate the bitter taste and it really screws with my hunger just like normal soda.
  • BrandyontheRun
    BrandyontheRun Posts: 204 Member
    All Sodas and pops are a huge whopping NO. They are loaded with crap that our bodies don't need and I agree as previously stated they are addictive and harmful. Google it and you'll find loads of info.
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    I was a regular soda drinker (drank pretty much a 6 pack a day), but gave it up 3 and 1/2 months ago. I didn't like the taste of diet soda, and actually think it may be worse for you because of the artificial sweeteners. I had tried coke zero, but found that if I drank too much of it I would get incredible stomach pains. I would say that it should be ignored as well.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    I drink diet soda. It is yummy to me. But I don't chug it all day long.
  • unsivilized6
    unsivilized6 Posts: 52 Member
    Here is an informative link. . I was very much a diet coke in hand at all times until the end of December. I quit cold turkey and feel better than I have in YEARS.
  • bigtone34
    bigtone34 Posts: 136
    I had the same problem back in 2006 and have cut out soda almost completely since then. I usually get a craving for it every 6 months or so and have 1 can.
  • Another big debate on MFP :) I personally drink it here or there. We don't buy it but when we are out I'll splurge and buy a diet pepsi and it fills me up so much that I find myself so much less hungry the rest of the day. Having said that I don't like the effect it has on teeth so I don't let my kids drink it hardly ever (my teeth are pretty much shot already so I guess I kinda gave up on them).

    Each to their own. I eat ALL things in moderation :)
  • sbrouillet
    sbrouillet Posts: 64 Member
    Honestly.. I used to like soda. I hadn't had soda in any form for about a month. My hubby bought a diet pepsi and I thought I'd take just a swig... It's actually too sweet for me to drink now.. I honestly just gave it up cold turkey and will now not go back.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    every now and then I will have some diet soda in mixed drinks, but not by themselves anymore. I gave them up for a while and now, if I drink them, they give me the bubble guts.
  • kitkat1781
    I'm sure you can google the effects of the chemicals they put in diet soda if you need a good scare. I mean think about it, if they remove the sugar, they have to replace it with something--almost always chemicals!! I've also heard (could be a total lie) that diet soda makes you crave other sweets.

    As a personal story, I used to drink almost two liters of diet pepsi per day. I slowly cut down until last June I was off completely. I feel so much better!!! I won't lie, quitting was awful, I had headaches, I was tired, I would hear someone open a soda can in my office and my mouth would water (I wish I were kidding!!!!). But since quitting, I don't feel bloated, I don't ever get headaches, I have more energy, and I automatically started drinking more water (to replace the soda) so I got all the added benefits of increased water intake. I'm sure everyone has their take on this subject, but my suggestion is to let it go!!
  • Slimntrim90
    If you drink your eight glasses (or more) of water per day, it kind of takes care of your beverage intake and quenches your thirst without the harmful effects of chemicals. I don't even crave sodas anymore. I DO crave water and finally learned after 56 years how to drink my coffee without sweeteners. Best of luck on your journey to fitness!
  • JinxRita
    JinxRita Posts: 191 Member
    Aspartame, which as we know is in many diet sodas (and some yogurt, and Crystal light, etc. etc.) makes me extremely sick. I used to take sips of my mom's Diet Coke when I was younger, and even a small sip would give me an upset stomach and a headache. I am -extremely- sensitive to it. Honestly, as hard as it is, it's better to just give up soda completely. I'm trying to do so myself. We no longer buy soda, and if we go out to eat, I will either share a non-diet soda with my boyfriend, or just limit myself to the one glass. It's tough, but once I started thinking of it as syrup water, it became a lot easier. Seriously. Just imagine drinking watered down, flavored syrup. Blech!

    Don't get me wrong, I still crave it. I just try to drink something else whenever I want soda. What helped me, when I was craving the carbonation, was adding a smidge of Sprite into my raspberry lemonade. That way I still had what I wanted, but to a lesser extent. :) Now I don't even need that!
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Everyone has their vices. I would say there are a lot worse things for you than Diet Soda, but agree with most of the above posters that the stuff in it is not the greatest. That being said, if I have a craving for one, I have one. I consider any soda, diet or regular, a 'treat'.
  • ambercanfly
    ambercanfly Posts: 150 Member
    I stopped drinking diet soda for a few reasons.

    1) a lot of it has too much sodium in it. Sodium is so hard to stay under, and I don't need diet soda to sneak in a few extra 100 mg or so.
    2) It's addicting... I've heard some crazy stories.
    3) Who knows really whats going on in all those chemicals.... it's scary. If you're trying to be healthy and lose weight, you shouldn't be putting all that artificial stuff in your body. It's just not natural. There have been studies that say the fake sugars case more weight gain over time and cause cancer and blah blah blah bad stuff. The point is, why risk it?
    4) It's expensive! You go out to a restaurant and pay $2-4 dollars for a soda, and then you are always buying soda cans, bottles, etc. WATER IS FREE!

    That being said, every now and then I indulge in a soda craving. Recently I've been doing natural sodas (cane sugar instead of HFCS). Once maybe every 3-4 weeks. It happens *shrugs* I must be still addicted on some level.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Let's just say I had diet soda every day and then ended up having brain surgery.....
    The internet has linked diet soda to brain injury....
    Just saying - be careful!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    According to some articles I have read here and there (they were awhile back), the aspertame that is in most soda's (and sugar free anything) will supposedly make your brain crave more sugar.... I personally don't drink them because I don't like the taste nor the after-taste... and I find that if I drink a soda like the Pepsi throwback (made with real sugar, not a substitute or HFCS) that I crave less and I only need one... but that's just me.
  • Shannonnn92
    Shannonnn92 Posts: 86 Member
    I decided to quit soda all together, it usually made me feel gross anyways, and I HATE diet soda. It really doesn't do anything beneficial for your body, so why bother?