Is there anyone that eats more than 1200 calories a day??



  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    I just recently upped my minimum to 1600 and eating back most of my exercise calories making sure my net is right around 1200 or more and i have been losing very nicely.
  • meredivl
    It is very difficult and I seem to eat the same things everyday. I eat 3 meals and 2 snacks most of the time and I exerise too. I have to eat this way just to lose 5 pounds!! I am wondering if it worth it!!
  • Slimntrim90
    I started out at 1410 and lost for a while then stopped losing even though i was working out about 4-5 days a week. So I have recently dropped my calories to 1200. I don't know if it is working yet, as I haven't weighed, but I feel like it is. I don't feel deprived but remember, that was after several months of eating the 1410, so I was used to eating less than I had in the past.
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I do the calorie zig zag, weekly average thing. Its always worked for me, and it keeps your body guessing and responding. I have 1650 calories a day, or 11550 per week. I exercise anywhere from 450 to 800 calories "off" five days a week as well. Sometimes I eat them back and sometimes I don't, just depends on the day.
  • gudiiya
    gudiiya Posts: 116 Member
    I am in the same place where I used to eat 1200 and then tried the really high cals like the BMR plus workout and now I only stick to my 1500ish + workout..I do feel like this is doable again!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I am at 1210 without exercise, I eat some of my exercise calories during the week but not all. On rest days (weekends), I go above my goals by 50 to 100. All clean eating no junk. On maintenance for a year,
  • mikeandfox
    Mine is set to 1500. I don't want to go under that. 1500 is a minimum a male should have from what I have read, but some days I find it hard to eat that much. I'm still losing at a good pace.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    I eat about 1600 calories. All clean eating., and I am losing. The key for me that I eat no processed foods. I do slip up and it's usually a sugar culprit. hahaha. But i get right back at it the next day. I don't sweat an indulgence once in awhile.
  • bedoozled
    bedoozled Posts: 189 Member
    My assigned amount is about 1,300 - I find it pretty hard to stick to! Even on days I can't make it to the gym I find myself doing some sort of mat work at home, or taking the long way to work, to budget for a few extra calories. I also tend to eat my meals from lightest to largest during the day, with dinner coming after any working out I do - it can be tough, but I think it depends on WHAT you're eating, rather than quantity. And if I go a little over, I don't feel so bad as long as I'm eating the right kind of food and making healthy choices - whether I lose a pound, or .3 pounds a week, if I'm still losing and being healthy about it, it's good by me!
  • cmski2003
    After my BMR test done in the doctor's office she said if I want to lose weight I need to eat between 1,000 - 1,080cal a day. Talk about starving... I'm here set at 1,200, but I try to stick with what my doc said. For the past 10days I haven't worked out because of a really bad cold. can't wait to get back to working out and add a few calories!!!
  • gudiiya
    gudiiya Posts: 116 Member
    I recently upped from 1200 + workout calories to 1580+ workout calories and my mental health has soared!! I feel like a real person again. :)

    I am in the same place where I used to eat 1200 and then tried the really high cals like the BMR plus workout and now I only stick to my 1500ish + workout..I do feel like this is doable again!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    My target is ~ 1600 on non workout days and ~1800 on workout days.

    1200 calories is really really low for me, it doesn't work.
  • Dailly_Efforts
    Dailly_Efforts Posts: 7 Member
    My goal is 1400 and I always go over. The type of food I eat is helping me. I eat raw nuts although healthier they are high in fat. I do really well until dinner than I have to force myself to maintain with portion control. If I crave a snack after dinner I drink tea that is for relaxing/sleeping. Thanks for posting this. I am right there with you!
  • angelkitty401
    angelkitty401 Posts: 4 Member
    I am at 1570/day...I lose slower, but I feel more satisfied. I also eat back the cals that I burn from exercise which is usually 234cals/day extra when I zumba.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I personally cannot eat 1200 calories a day... At least not right off the bat... because I am hungry, irritable (because I'm hungry) and stressed out because I can't eat any more by 5 o'clock... I would rather lose slowly, than give up because I cannot eat a (relatively) small amount.
  • dawnstrassburg
    I am at 1200, i eat a fat free yougurt for breakfast, a lean cusine for lunch (not the healthiest option but I work 2 jobs and have limited free time to do much else) and for dinner I am left with a good size meal, i eat burrito bowls from chipotle a lot, or tukey subs from subway, I also like gortons fish, salads and I even have left over cals for a evening snack or a peice of chocoalte here and there, its easy if you just know what to buy. I have lost 16.5 pounds since Jan 3rd so i geuss I am doing something right!!!!
  • Dailly_Efforts
    Dailly_Efforts Posts: 7 Member
    I am REALLY cranky!
  • Neequie
    My weight loss Dr and Dietician put me on a 1k calories a day diet, I do fine. I eat meat and produce ONLY. No grains, flour, rice, pasta or potatoes of any kind, and NO SUGAR. Ive found if I eat around 88grams a day of protein (prescribed by Dr) Im not hungry, I don't eat any ore than 1 1/2 cups of food in a sitting and eat a small apple for a snack or air popped popcorn. My Dr said unless someone is working out 8 hours a day or more, a woman shouldn't eat more than 1300 calories a day and a large, muscular man no more than 2000 calories a day. Remember, just telling you what I do, what my Dr has said, so don't shoot the messenger!! :) according to Nutritionist...WHAT you are eating is just as important as WHEN. Ive lost 35 lbs since the end of October, without exercise.
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    I think many people see that site says you should not eat under 1200 so they set their goal at 1200 when it would be better to work at gradual reduction in calories to get you body use to smaller amounts.
    Currently I have a goal of 1650-1700 calories