

  • There is a lot more to focusing on diet than just lessening your intake and making better choices. This sounds extremely vague to me. If you are not already doing so, I would suggest tracking your calories on here religiously. This includes weighing and measuring portions exactly. I heard a doctor say once that "you can't…
  • I would not worry one bit about this. As long as you hit your calorie target every day (assuming it is not set too high or too low) and as long as you are exercising you will be fine. We didn't have HRM's in the sixties, seventies and before, and guess what: hardly anybody was overweight! Good luck!
  • I also have enjoyed success with WW, but this is so much easier for me. I feel more in control with tracking actual calories rather than points. WW taught me to love fiber and healthier foods and I appreciate that about them, but I like this free program so much more. I believe this is much easier to stick with long term…
  • I always weigh at the same time (in the morning before eating or drinking). I also always use the same scale every time. This eliminates some frustration!
  • You are only netting 300 calories? How many are you burning with exercise in a typical day?
  • Drinking plenty of water can help tremendously with water retention. I consumed too much beer over the holiday weekend and the scale said that I had gained four pounds. I drank a lot of water yesterday and today the scale showed that three of those four pounds were gone.
  • I would suggest buying the green tea in tea bag or loose leaf form and brewing it yourself. Not only will this be much healthier, you will save a small fortune over a year's time!
  • I thought you were going to say that you had eaten the entire kitchen or something. Sounds to me like you are doing great if all you need to do is to eat about 60 calories of grapes in order to complete your day! Keep up the great work!
  • I've been using the straw trick for several years. About a year ago I special ordered a case of super wide straws that help me even more because of the huge volume of water I can get down in just a few drinks. I also use the largest size Tervis Tumbler that keeps the water cool for a long time. For everybody who can't do…
  • Try to remember to not be so hard on yourself. The desire you have for your wife to love you does not mean your are too needy. We all need love. You mentioned that you both want an equal marriage, so it sounds like she may have some hope left for the marriage. Don't delay, find a good counselor! This can truly be the thing…
  • Sometimes when I drink more water than I need, it seems like it almost dehydrates me. I know that sounds weird but it really does seem to be the case. Maybe try cutting back to about 64 oz. per day? I don't know. Also, did you start a new med that is giving you dry mouth? I have heard that putting a little lemon in your…
  • I think I read recently that you measure the marinade beforehand and then measure the excess that you throw out afterward, and then you can figure how much went into the meat.
  • I have a relative that is doing this next week. I guess I don't understand the concept. After the surgery you eat a reduced calorie diet, but you can somehow still cheat (as evidenced by the people that regain their weight). How is this any different from losing weight without the surgery? It doesn't seem like it is worth…
  • Kashi Go Lean Crunch: 8g fiber per serving. Next would be Raisin Bran: 6.5g fiber per serving.
  • I'm trying to figure this one out too. Saturday I had about seven light beers and Sunday I had about six. I am a beer fanatic and love all kinds of craft beer, but I have made the switch to light beer for now. (I guess quantity is winning out over quality right now). I usually only allow one day of drinking per week and I…
  • Now Sports makes a good whey protein powder. It dissolves in water very easily and it has no flavors or artificial sweeteners. I have some at the ready for days when I don't get all my protein.
  • This site has been leaps and bounds better than WW for me. WW was good in its own way, I did lose weight and it did teach me a healthier way to eat and exercise, but it is so expensive. Why do WW when this is free and is as good if not better than WW? I also don't care for the new points system. Just let me track my…
  • Here's my trick: I ordered some really wide diameter drinking straws off the internet. I'm talking about the really wide ones. They make it easy to gulp down large quantities in just a few pulls from the straw. It sounds silly but it really has worked for me.
  • I have found it extremely difficult to mix my love of eating out and enjoying alcohol with losing weight. I have been allowing myself some beer one day a week, and even that has seemed to hinder my weight loss. Good luck!
  • Quaker Oatmeal Squares, Raisin Bran, Wheaties, and maybe Kashi Island Vanilla. All have good fiber. Fiber is my weight loss friend!
  • I heard a doctor say one time: "You can't outrun your mouth". Sticking to your calorie deficit is the very most important thing. Cardio and strength training are great and essential for good health, but the calorie deficit is by far the most important of the three for weight loss.
  • Failing to plan is planning to fail.
  • Thanks for the kindness and understanding. You have a good one too!
  • Maybe you can use this as a motivating factor. I know there have been times in my life when somebody wasn't very encouraging (or even outright discouraging) and I used it to spur me on towards my goal. Kind of like an "I'll show you" kind of thing. Best of luck to you, and don't forget you've already lost so much weight!…
  • I would only suggest jumping back in if you are truly ready. If not, you might not stick with it very long and then get even more frustrated. I'm also doing a biggest loser challenge at work and the competition has been fun and has helped tremendously. Good luck!
  • Sorry, looking back I obviously over reacted. I must admit I am pretty hungry and grouchy at this moment in time!
  • MFP is about 1000 times better for me. Weight Watchers worked for me fairly well when I did it many years ago, and I actually kept my weight down to a reasonable level for many years after stopping the program. It taught me that I don't have to constantly stuff my face in order to feel satisfied. In the last couple of…
  • Bad post, sorry about that.