Dieting without chicken

Does anyone have any good suggestions for substitue protein for chicken? After an almost death caused by salmonella poisoning, I am unable to eat any poultry.

I'm finding it to be hard to find really good recipes that are low fat/carb, that does use chicken as a major source of protein. If anyone has any good ideas--I would love to hear them!

Bethanie :)


  • Missylydia
    Missylydia Posts: 304 Member
    bump, i'm totally fed up with chicken!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Turkey, lean pork, lean red meats, lean fish (grilled or baked)...

    I am also not a big fan of chicken :)
  • luckygem7
    luckygem7 Posts: 3 Member
    I am a vegetarian since always. You can eat Tofu, chick peas and soya products in any form
  • luckygem7
    luckygem7 Posts: 3 Member
    Here are some examples of vegetarian foods with high sources of plant protein:

    PROTEIN IN LEGUMES: Garbanzo beans, Kidney beans, Lentils, Lima beans, Navy beans, Soybeans, Split peas

    PROTEIN IN GRAINS: Barley, Brown rice, Buckwheat, Millet, Oatmeal, Quinoa, Rye, Wheat germ, Wheat, hard red, Wild rice

    VEGETABLE PROTEIN: Artichokes, Beets, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Green peas, Green pepper, Kale, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Mustard green, Onions, Potatoes, Spinach, Tomatoes, Turnip greens, Watercress, Yams, Zucchini

    PROTEIN IN FRUITS: Apple, Banana, Cantaloupe, Grape, Grapefruit, Honeydew melon, Orange, Papaya, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Strawberry, Tangerine, Watermelon

    PROTEIN IN NUTS AND SEEDS: Almonds, Cashews, Filberts, Hemp Seeds, Peanuts, Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds, Walnuts (black)
  • HollyMcCaw
    HollyMcCaw Posts: 154 Member
  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    Look up diabetic recipes. A majority of them are going to be low carb and low fat as well.
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    eggs! i can't get enough (unless you are considering them part of poultry). and edamame, it has so much freaking protein, i go over every time i eat it. i am also big on soymilk. :)
  • instructor03
    instructor03 Posts: 56 Member
    do you like Salmon? I wasn't a fan of fish, but this recipe was delicious.

    4 Salmon fillet ( I use prepackaged/frozen from Walmart... serving size)
    2 sprigs dill
    2 scallions
    lemon, sliced

    Thaw fillets according package. Chop garlic, scallions and dill. Sprinkle on salmon. Top with lemon slices and a sprig of dill. Place fish in foil pouches. Bake at 400 for about 15-20 minutes or until flaky. Serves 4

    only 100 calories for the salmon. served with wild rice and a green veggie/salad makes a very attractive and palatte pleasing meal!!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Beef (lean cuts), Pork, Fish (talapia, salmon, haddock, crab, lobster, shrimp, tuna, etc...), Tofu, Beans (black, kidney, Navy, etc), Eggs, cheese, nuts, peanut butter, sunflower/pumpkin/flax seeds.

    Veggies: Asparagus, brocoli, brussel sprouts, okra, spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, sweet corn, kale, (2 to 3 grams per 3 to 4 ozs.)
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    bump. would like to see the suggestions people give.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Low fat cheeses? Goat cheese is much lower in fat than cow cheese. Or quorn? Tofu?
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    There is a frozen meatless chicken burger patty by Zoglo's that I love. I am a vegetarian so I eat soy products often, especially since starting this diet because I need to get my protein in. I really like the Yves veggie burgers and hot dogs as well, they are much healthier for you than most beef burgers and actual hot dogs, and they definitely won't poison you!

    If you aren't into the soy product thing, do you eat seafood? Lobster, shrimp and tuna can be good choices without TOO many calories.
  • rhi21475
    rhi21475 Posts: 2 Member
    King prawns, mushrooms, quorn - you would be surprised. Very filling.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    My husband would like to know this since I have evidently foundered him on chicken of any kind. I can eat it most every day.
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    Thank you everyone for the great suggestions so far! I'm definitely going to start making more fish, and I'm going to branch out more in the soy stuff as well!
  • steve4580
    steve4580 Posts: 32
    Now Sports makes a good whey protein powder. It dissolves in water very easily and it has no flavors or artificial sweeteners. I have some at the ready for days when I don't get all my protein.
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    Pumpkin seeds, edamame, nuts, lentils, fish, pork, & lean beefs. Some veggies with higher amounts of protein are beans, broccoli, spinach, peas, sweet potatoes, lentils, mushrooms, asparagus, brussel sprouts, okra...etc. Or you can do protien shakes like whey protein.

    I just researched this to help me increase my protein!
    Hope this helps out! :)