Trying to eat back calories

Usually I have no trouble eating most of them back, but today with the amount of activity, Im having alot of trouble. I entered in my food and I was negative calories, so i added things where I could, like an extra ounce of chicken with lunch, and cheese/almonds/beans with lunch as well.. Ive changed out other snacks to put in higher calorie nuts as one snack and peanut butter in the other snack; I added in milk with dinner... After adding all the high calorie things i could think of, Im only netting 300calories.

Im trying to do a day of clean eating; or at least be as close as possible to a day of clean eating, what other things can i add in without stuffing myself so much i make myself sick? Can someone look at my diary, and make suggestions for today? I havent input my night snack yet because Im trying to think of what has the most calories and isnt nuts or peanut butter that Ive already had today.

I know fruit is higher calorie but im also trying to have today with more veggies than fruit and right now I have in strawberries, blueberries, banana, and a peach so I really dont want to add any more fruit.

I cant change anything in anything up through afternoon snack; looking to add things to dinner or to night snack. Remember-natural/clean items.


  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    ALERT! Ive stumped the MFP masses! Nearly an hour and no one has any ideas! LOL
  • steve4580
    steve4580 Posts: 32
    You are only netting 300 calories? How many are you burning with exercise in a typical day?
  • shells62682
    shells62682 Posts: 16 Member
    juice is always a good way to add back calories.
    When I have a really good workout, and a couple hundred calories at the end of the day, I'll have a small bottle of mango or guava juice.

    Also, you could drink a smoothie with additional protien, or get a Starbucks.

    Lastly, you could just enjoy life and have something fun-- like a brownie or a cookie or two. Just make sure that the portion control is right, and don't go overboard. I enjoy eating sweets, and have worked to incoporate some back into my life.

    good luck!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    If you'll do dairy, cottage cheese is great for protein. Or just chocolate milk - it's often easier to drink than eat when you're not hungry/full. More almonds or some peanut butter (you're still really low on fats, so healthy fats are needed.)

    Oatmeal. Eggs....

    I'll try to think up some more. :tongue:
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    You are only netting 300 calories? How many are you burning with exercise in a typical day?

    On a typical day at home Im burning 300-400 and rarely struggle with that amount. Some days Ill burn 600-700 if i did something extra, ike mowing the lawn plus my workout... but today i burned 1100 (not typical) because I went to the gym and did 40minutes of cardio and circuit room, and then 2 hours of swimming but I only logged 70minutes of the swimming because the calories burned seemed high and if i logged all of them id be at over 1500burned.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Also, you could drink a smoothie with additional protien, or get a Starbucks.

    Lastly, you could just enjoy life and have something fun-- like a brownie or a cookie or two. Just make sure that the portion control is right, and don't go overboard. I enjoy eating sweets, and have worked to incoporate some back into my life.

    good luck!

    I had a smoothie for breakfast; Im not sure where additional protein powder or going to starbucks fits in to eating clean. I buy food; not supplement powders. I dont need protein either Im maxed out in protein.

    Brownie or cookie is not healthy eating; im trying to do clean eating to boost myself, not slow myself down. Im all for eating things in moderation like that; but not on a clean eating day; when im already so far over sugar from fruit and milk, etc.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    When I burn 1000+ calories I don't even try to eat it all back. But I only do it once a week or so. I think it's fine to stop eating if you want.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    If you'll do dairy, cottage cheese is great for protein. Or just chocolate milk - it's often easier to drink than eat when you're not hungry/full. More almonds or some peanut butter (you're still really low on fats, so healthy fats are needed.)

    Oatmeal. Eggs....

    I'll try to think up some more. :tongue:

    cottage cheese would only increase calories by about 100 and my sodium would go up alot-i love cottage cheese with baked potatoes but i couldnt imagine just eating it alone; chocolate milk id have to track down organic or something which i imagine to be spendy, in order for it to be considered clean eating, Im only really low on fats because of the excercise; if it werent for the excercise, my fats would be maxed out right now. I can add in some nuts i guess as my night snack, but ive already had nuts today and get really sick of nuts quick when ive been haivng to eat them everyday not cuz i want them but because i have to increase calories; i try to only have nuts as a snack to bring to work not to have at home, since they r easy to throw in my purse/carry around. Im not very big on peanut butter either and already had it today; maybe i could add some in somewhere... i really didnt want more nuts though ;-(

    eggs r unlimited since i have chickens but i dont care for egg yolks too much; never have. i hate boiled eggs unless the yolk is removed, and scambled eggs i have to talk myself in to. i was going to have them tomorrow morning for breakfast and dont want to wear myself out on them today. good thought though! The oatmeal is an option; i have a maple/brown sugar kind that i just bought by quaker with reduced sugar; not sure if its considered natural or not, will ahve to look when im home.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    When I burn 1000+ calories I don't even try to eat it all back. But I only do it once a week or so. I think it's fine to stop eating if you want.

    Well I know i wont eat them all back; its just not possible when I have over 1250 left to eat; but i would at least like to try to have like 900 net or something... I know one day wont be bad for me, and wont put me in starvation mode; but tomorrow is my biggest loser weigh in and tomorrow i will probably be low calorie too cuz ill only eat light foods all day until weigh in (mushrooms and smoothies) so that it doesnt increase my weight alot. tomorrow since our biggest loser comp group meets, it also means i'll have a high activity day with the planned sports activity with them, plus my normal excercise of burnign 300-400calories. I was trying to make today good since tomorrow will be a low intake day as well ;-(
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    If you'll do dairy, cottage cheese is great for protein. Or just chocolate milk - it's often easier to drink than eat when you're not hungry/full. More almonds or some peanut butter (you're still really low on fats, so healthy fats are needed.)

    Oatmeal. Eggs....

    I'll try to think up some more. :tongue:

    cottage cheese would only increase calories by about 100 and my sodium would go up alot-i love cottage cheese with baked potatoes but i couldnt imagine just eating it alone; chocolate milk id have to track down organic or something which i imagine to be spendy, in order for it to be considered clean eating, Im only really low on fats because of the excercise; if it werent for the excercise, my fats would be maxed out right now. I can add in some nuts i guess as my night snack, but ive already had nuts today and get really sick of nuts quick when ive been haivng to eat them everyday not cuz i want them but because i have to increase calories; i try to only have nuts as a snack to bring to work not to have at home, since they r easy to throw in my purse/carry around. Im not very big on peanut butter either and already had it today; maybe i could add some in somewhere... i really didnt want more nuts though ;-(

    eggs r unlimited since i have chickens but i dont care for egg yolks too much; never have. i hate boiled eggs unless the yolk is removed, and scambled eggs i have to talk myself in to. i was going to have them tomorrow morning for breakfast and dont want to wear myself out on them today. good thought though! The oatmeal is an option; i have a maple/brown sugar kind that i just bought by quaker with reduced sugar; not sure if its considered natural or not, will ahve to look when im home.

    Do you have any olive/canola oil? Add that to anything for the fats. Or avocado - lots of cals and great fat.

    I'd guess the instant oatmeal wouldn't really be considered clean, as it's fairly processed and probably has extra sodium, but I'm no expert on clean. :laugh:

    Some pasta? (whole wheat, of course)... Tuna salad...

    ETA: just saw the other post, nm the part about tomorrow. lol
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    If you'll do dairy, cottage cheese is great for protein. Or just chocolate milk - it's often easier to drink than eat when you're not hungry/full. More almonds or some peanut butter (you're still really low on fats, so healthy fats are needed.)

    Oatmeal. Eggs....

    I'll try to think up some more. :tongue:

    cottage cheese would only increase calories by about 100 and my sodium would go up alot-i love cottage cheese with baked potatoes but i couldnt imagine just eating it alone; chocolate milk id have to track down organic or something which i imagine to be spendy, in order for it to be considered clean eating, Im only really low on fats because of the excercise; if it werent for the excercise, my fats would be maxed out right now. I can add in some nuts i guess as my night snack, but ive already had nuts today and get really sick of nuts quick when ive been haivng to eat them everyday not cuz i want them but because i have to increase calories; i try to only have nuts as a snack to bring to work not to have at home, since they r easy to throw in my purse/carry around. Im not very big on peanut butter either and already had it today; maybe i could add some in somewhere... i really didnt want more nuts though ;-(

    eggs r unlimited since i have chickens but i dont care for egg yolks too much; never have. i hate boiled eggs unless the yolk is removed, and scambled eggs i have to talk myself in to. i was going to have them tomorrow morning for breakfast and dont want to wear myself out on them today. good thought though! The oatmeal is an option; i have a maple/brown sugar kind that i just bought by quaker with reduced sugar; not sure if its considered natural or not, will ahve to look when im home.

    Do you have any olive/canola oil? Add that to anything for the fats. Or avocado - lots of cals and great fat.

    I'd guess the instant oatmeal wouldn't really be considered clean, as it's fairly processed and probably has extra sodium, but I'm no expert on clean. :laugh:

    Some pasta? (whole wheat, of course)... Tuna salad...

    ETA: just saw the other post, nm the part about tomorrow. lol

    I changed my potatoe with dinner to rice which doubled calories there; I added in pumpkin seeds as my nightsnack with a cup of 100% juice cranberry juice (which i dont like to have because its 32grabs of sugar for something that doesnt fill me at all, but.. i need the calories). Im only over 66g of sugar today LOL opps.

    Maybe I should put some oil in my rice? I put butter in there sometimes so its more moist and wont stick the the pan, but never tried oil before. I havent used oil in over 4 months; I use the butter cuz its yogurt butter and only 45cal a tbls, not 120 like the oil is. i need it. Im making a chicken sausage with dinner; i dont like alot of grease so i cant imagine adding oil to cook that in; but in the rice would be a good spot i think :-D

    Net 700 calories now. (before i add in oil). Much better. Maybe I can find something else to add into the nightsnack; but pasta or anything really high in carbs ur not suppose to have at the end of the day because your body cant process them all before u sleep. and even if i wasnt trying to follow that rule, pasta is a weird night snack anyway LOL