How much alcohol do you allow yourself



  • steve4580
    steve4580 Posts: 32
    I'm trying to figure this one out too. Saturday I had about seven light beers and Sunday I had about six. I am a beer fanatic and love all kinds of craft beer, but I have made the switch to light beer for now. (I guess quantity is winning out over quality right now). I usually only allow one day of drinking per week and I know I need to cut back the quantity. It's hard though when you enjoy beer, especially in the summer! I haven't been going too far over my calorie goals when drinking, but I am skipping nutrients when I do this I know. Tough to figure out at this point, good luck!
  • DangerRanger
    DangerRanger Posts: 327 Member
    If I want a beer, I have a beer. If I want chocolate, I have chocolate. Point being, I am not going to restrict myself from certain things because to me, that is the recipe for binge eating.
  • lolabugs
    lolabugs Posts: 141
    I drink very rarely these days. Maybe 2 drinks every 2 or 3 weeks. I've become quite the light-weight, which is awesome for my bank account!
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I really don't drink that much any more. If I do, I'll get a good dark beer or ale (I'm a sucker for a really rich ale), and have one maybe once every other week. If it's just with dinner, I'll have a glass of white wine, but really, that's also once every other week or so. But that's really not because of diet, it's just because I'm not really much of a drinker, anyway. It's just something I'll let myself enjoy once in a while if I'm in the mood.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    This time 2 years ago it would be half a bottle of Grey Goose a night along with 4-6 beers.

  • OutDaWay
    OutDaWay Posts: 40 Member
    If I want a beer, I have a beer. If I want chocolate, I have chocolate. Point being, I am not going to restrict myself from certain things because to me, that is the recipe for binge eating.

    100% agree with this. I will slam a 12pk on Saturday no problem. I drink the heavier beers - Sam Adams and beers from Winking lizard (I'm a card carrying member).

    However - I just don't eat on Saturdays besides something solid to hold everything in for the evening. I know it isn't the greatest way too do things. But it's my way - and it works for me :).
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I quit drinking alltogether until I'm in the "maintenance" phase. I only have about 1300 calories per day to work with and most of the drinks I like (beer) are loaded.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't drink any more.

    I don't drink any less, either. :drinker:

    I only drink a few times a month, depending on what kind of celebrations are going on. If it's a full blown party, I call that a binge day and don't bother tracking it. I'm celebrating to have FUN, and I'm not going to enjoy myself if I'm worried about whether I ate seven potato chips or ten, and how many calories are in what drinks. Those kinds of situation only happen about once a month, so that's not going to affect the grand scheme of things.

    If it's just a drink or two at home, I'll log it.

    Now that I'm pretty much at goal, I'm experimenting with logging on weekdays and playing it by ear on the weekends, rather than going on maintenance mode.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    " Alcohol also appears to increase metabolic rate significantly, thus causing more calories to be burned rather than stored in the body as fat" -Klesges RC, Mealer CZ, Klesges LM (April 1994). "Effects of alcohol intake on resting energy expenditure..."

    "For every study, there is an equal and opposite study." -Me, just now.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I try to limit drinking to my free day, once a week. But I sometimes loosen the constraint if there's some social thing going on. I try to stick to quality beer. Drinking crap beer is a waste of calories and leaves an awful taste in the mouth - why bother. Sometimes I'll have whiskey or bourbon instead. I shudder when I read about Bud 55 or other such atrocities.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    " Alcohol also appears to increase metabolic rate significantly, thus causing more calories to be burned rather than stored in the body as fat" -Klesges RC, Mealer CZ, Klesges LM (April 1994). "Effects of alcohol intake on resting energy expenditure..."

    "For every study, there is an equal and opposite study." -Me, just now.

    Yup, because I've seen studies that say alcohol inhibits lipid hydrolysis, i.e. hindering weight loss.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I try to stick to quality beer. Drinking crap beer is a waste of calories and leaves an awful taste in the mouth - why bother. Sometimes I'll have whiskey or bourbon instead. I shudder when I read about Bud 55 or other such atrocities.

    I can't drink cheap crappy diet beer either.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    it's a non issue for me really. i don't drink unless there is something special on. so maybe once every couple of months, and i'll usually have wine, 2-3 glasses...

    if i want to drink something else my drink of choice is gin and tonic, or vodka lime and soda.... but i really only drink spirits maybe a couple of times a year...

    now that i'm old (as in not young and partying in my 20's), i just am not that into alcohol. it's not worth the terrible hangover when i have to be up at 6am dealing with 2 annoying kids (nothing is more annoying than 2 young children when you have a hangover). so i just don't bother. and i don't miss it, so i'll try to keep the alcohol consumption pretty low, even when my kids grow up a bit.
  • biceptor
    biceptor Posts: 18
    when i drink in order to try to keep the calories lower i either have light beer, or if i really wanna get schmammered i'll have rum or vodka. when i'm drinking spirits it generally consists of it straight, with a non caloric chaser, or low calorie, like crystal light. a lot of people tell me well hell if your going to drink you might as well live it up, but i figure i save the calories where i can get them.

    also, i try to only drink once a week, and i drink until i feel good. one thing i have found that helps keeping you from drinking way too much during the night is to have a couple of drinks, and then sneak in a cup of water here and there, but drink it just as you would whatever it is your drinking
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I'm drunk right now.
  • DangerRanger
    DangerRanger Posts: 327 Member
    I'm drunk right now.

    You are my hero
  • addysmom1
    addysmom1 Posts: 22
    I love beer, not really the taste but the joy it brings :) I drink beer every saturday evening (about 10 give or take a few) and it hasnt much got in the way of my weight loss....I think everyone is different, not sure beer is something i could give up.
  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 259 Member
    Beer. Used to be 6-10 a night, 4 nights a week, now only drinking one or two nights a week and having between 2 & 8 beers (generally speaking).. sometimes no drinks, sometimes a lot. But I ALWAYS count the calories.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I have as much as I want. :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    That usually comes out to a few days in a row of a single Guinness or glass of merlot in the evening followed by weeks of nothing. :smile:

    They're always logged and USUALLY fit in my calorie budget unless I'm intending to splurge.
  • RunningSwede
    RunningSwede Posts: 42 Member
    I didn’t set a drinking limit. I treat beer like any other food. …but knowing how easily the numbers can slip by when you’re downing a few “cold ones” with the guys I made the following rules: First, no drinking alone. It’s hard passing up a beer after work, but then I think hey, that frees up another cold one I can have with my brohams. And when I am out with the guys for every beer I down, I quietly fill my bottle with water so it’s kinda like one beer, one water, one beer, etc. It's a pain, but just having a bottle (filled with water) in the hand goes a long way in keeping the hands busy and the calories down!