myowncrazycool Member


  • I do Bikram Yoga, but I don't believe it burns as many calories as I once thought it did. I'm currently doing Insanity (a workout with dvds). It is a very high impact cardio workout that makes me sweat as much as Bikram and I usually burn between 350 and 450 calories...I don't think you would burn much more than that from…
  • I had a C-section and my abs are one of my favorite parts of my body. You shouldn't have a problem getting back to normal. First thing is cardio, cardio, cardio...that's what will help you lose the fat. Then ab workouts like P90X ab ripper X and others will help you tone it up. Just hang in there!
  • I used to have problems with breathing too. It didn't seem to matter how slow or fast I ran I just couldn't get down a rhythm with my breathing. Since I've been going to Bikram Yoga (hot must focus on your breathing to get through the class and there are breathing exercises too) my breathing is GREAT!!! I can…
  • What a great response! You have motivated me to start looking at my successes differently and let my scale be lonelier ;)
  • I do Bikram yoga and find it to be a perfect cross-training to all the strenuous exercise I put on my joints. I also love the way it clears my mind of the daily chaos and I feel great afterwards!
  • I'm also doing the San Diego Rock n Roll Marathon!!! YAY...I ran it last year at 5:06...hoping for a better time this year. Last year when I ran the rnr, it was my very first race...I became a runner at age 40 ;) Advice for the original posting: The best piece of advice I can give to anyone who wants to run a full marathon…
  • 1. I lost 50 lbs by making sure I had the right balance with calories in and calories out. You have to remember that MFP starts you at a deficit, so if you work out and log your exercise (gaining more calories to eat) you have to eat what MFP states because even though you now have more calories to eat, you started at a…
  • You could be coming down with something, or it could be a womanly issue...getting close to that time? Did you workout or run the day before? Did you have a good nights sleep? There are so many factors....sometimes it just happens.
  • I read the happens to be what I'm already doing...haha. I am training with Team In Training for the full marathon and our coach has us on a weekly schedule. We do speed training every Wednesday night at a university track and long runs every Saturday. We run 3-4 times a week with cross-training on the other…
  • My PR for a half is 2:07, but I would like to get faster. Please let me know what the title of the book is...thanks.
  • What is the program?? I'm interested!
  • Yes, I'm getting plenty of sleep. I've been running more and for longer distances...maybe that's it? This week has been harder than most, but I'm not one to eat hastily, so I'm following what my body wants and I'm eating when I feel hungry.
  • I weigh all my food. My food scale is great because if you turn it off while something is on it and then turn it back on again it begins at zero. So, if I want to make a taco salad I can weigh my lettuce, zero the scale out, weigh my beans, zero the scale out, etc. No measuring cups or's awesome!!!
  • 4:01 is that your time or your goal? Great you want to run the Boston Marathon?
  • Don't get discouraged...don't think about where you once were in terms of successful running, but rather think about where you started out this time around and how far you've come. People are able to overcome huge obstacles just by changing their mindset. Keep working towards your goal. Intervals and track training does…
  • We do 5 Ks during our marathon training to help build up our speed. My fastest so far is 26 minutes and 11 seconds. Great goal!!! Let me know how you do ;)
  • Jennifer Lopez...I already have the booty...or Kim Kardashian...I'm keeping it real for my body type :)
  • Morning Star has a great sausage that is made out of soy and full of protein, low calories (70 I think) and I will scramble up an egg or use egg beaters and cut up the sausage, stir fry some veggies and make a scramble's yummy and filling and full of protein without the calories (egg beaters are great and…
  • I used to be 200 lbs. Now, I'm more fit than I've ever been and I don't have any problem with men being attracted to me. BUT, it seems like men nowadays only want one thing. They are very superficial when it comes to looks and will say anything to make you fall for them, but they aren't sincere. When I was overweight I…
  • MFP, best friend (accountability), food scale, running, bikram yoga
  • Bake it in Italian salad dressing, or Broil it with chipotle seasoning
  • If your activity level is set for active than it is counted in your "lifestyle". I wouldn't log any exercise that doesn't keep your heart rate elevated at a fat burning rate for an extended period of time. When you clean rigorously your heart rate may go up and down, but I don't think it ever stays in a fat burning range…
  • Take a whole head of cauliflower and cut it up into bite size pieces. Wash off the pieces and put onto a cookie sheet sprayed with Pam cooking spray. Heavily sprinkle the cauliflower with cumin and chili powder and pepper. Bake in the oven at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes. It should be golden, but still crunchy. On the…
  • I'm still trying to figure out how to do this "quote" and post thing....I haven't looked at the other girls log, but let me tell you what I think from looking briefly at yours. I noticed that you are logging "walking the dog" and "light and moderate cleaning" as exercise. I would say these things would be included in your…
  • It does take awhile for people to notice. When I started losing weight I was 208 lbs. I don't think people started to notice until I was down like 30 lbs. It was frustrating, but what helped me were two things. One, my clothes started fitting differently and two, I took pictures of myself in the same outfit in front of the…
  • Under message boards go to signature and post them there. They will show up then ;)
  • I'm also at 1200 calories and aiming to lose 25 at this point. I may make a new goal after I've done that, but have to see what my body is like first. I'm athletic and run a lot, so I know I have muscle on my body and don't want to discount that when thinking about my goal weight. I'm looking to lose 25 lbs by my 42nd…