Bad days

So I have been on working with my new lifestyle (healthier eating/lower calories/workouts) for about a month now. I have bad days but still have more good days than bad. Sometimes I forget to log but still am very aware of the calories i am consuming. All in all I think I have went over calorie goal 7 day out of 30 and I think only two of those days were big overages. Most were around 100. Yet I have not lost any weight. The first week i lost close to 4lbs but gained that back and have maintained the same weight sense then. I will open my diary and see about getting ideas I know that I am not the healthiest eater but I have been pretty consistant with staying in my calorie range. I know not eating healthy will affect the amount of time it will take me to lose weight but I would of thought I would have at least lost 2 lbs this month and kept it off. Suggestions?


  • ahkunkel
    ahkunkel Posts: 68
    I would love to see the responses because I am having the same problem! I only lost 0.1 pound this week and I logged everything, never went over on my calories, and worked out every day :(
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Long-term trends!

    I stalled for almost a month before things started happening again. Just gotta be patient (I know! It's the worst answer to get!) and let your body catch up a bit. If it's still not happening a few weeks from now, reevaluate things like nutrition levels, whether you're netting the right amount of calories, glycemic index of foods you eat, etc.

    Good luck!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    try to change the quality of the food you eat. High quality foods, lots of lean protein (they keep you satisfied longer), low carbs, lots of fresh veggies. Don't kill yourself at the gym. It is more important to gain a healthier long-term lifestyle by taking care of your nutrition first. 30-45 mins 3-4 times a week is suffient in the gym in my opinion.
  • myowncrazycool
    myowncrazycool Posts: 42 Member
    I would love to see the responses because I am having the same problem! I only lost 0.1 pound this week and I logged everything, never went over on my calories, and worked out every day :(
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Water and lots of it. If you aren't drinking enough water, or sleeping enough then you just won't lose the weight as easily. All tried and tested by myself when losing 8 stone!
  • hjy319
    hjy319 Posts: 269 Member
    I rely on snacks, My day is usually a 300 cal breakfast, 100 cal mid morning snack, lunch ( i Try to make my biggest meal of the day) 400-500 cal, afternoon greek yogurt 140 cal (before work out) dinner 350-400 cal I get 1510 cal a day. The snack help me not be so hungry for the next meal. And also I only drink water, rarely do I have a diet soda. For a little flavor i will add crystal light everyonce in a while or green tea, liquid calories were a big downfall for me, so that was one of the hardest things in the begining. Keep going and the scale will follow! :)
  • csnipes
    csnipes Posts: 1
    Have you tried muscle confusion? If you do the same exercise(s) for a period of time your body gets used to it. Change your work out a bit and see if that helps. Also I was told by a trainer once if your caloric goal was 1200 calories, do 1000 one day and 1300 - 1400 another day to 'confuse' your system. Both seem to work. Good luck.
  • myowncrazycool
    myowncrazycool Posts: 42 Member
    I would love to see the responses because I am having the same problem! I only lost 0.1 pound this week and I logged everything, never went over on my calories, and worked out every day :(

    I'm still trying to figure out how to do this "quote" and post thing....I haven't looked at the other girls log, but let me tell you what I think from looking briefly at yours. I noticed that you are logging "walking the dog" and "light and moderate cleaning" as exercise. I would say these things would be included in your "lifestyle" setting when you did your exercise profile. You should check to see that you marked "active". I would not count that as exercise. My intuition is that you are eating over calories because you are getting those extra calories, which aren't really extra. I'm not an expert, but I have only been on this site for almost 3 weeks now and I have lost 8 lbs (6 reflected on my post because my official weigh in day is Tuesday).

    I only count the calories I burn from doing something that keeps my heart rate at a sustained fat burning rate for a consistent period of time. I don't believe you can burn 600 calories from cleaning (my opinion) unless it is really rigorous (like cleaning a house to get it ready to sell). I would love to become friends with you if you want to help encourage each other. I hope you don't take my feedback as negative (I like direct and honest feedback; I find it the most helpful). Good luck on your journey...personally I think you look amazing just the way you are ;)
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Try to look at it from a long-term perspective--- don't kill yourself at the gym. You need a day to rest. And definitely agree that water, water, water will help out so much. Keep pushing through and be patient, but then change up the exercises down the road if you're not seeing more results. Your body can definitely get use to the same exercises and just not budge at all. Mix it up! But, again, take your rest days!
  • natekorpusik
    natekorpusik Posts: 176 Member
    I would agree mostly with what everyone has said here. Water is very important and should be repeated. I also think that any excercise done should be above and beyond daily tasks. You will find it a huge help to just walk an hour a day. Another program that people rave about is the couch to 5k program. Might be something to try. But above anything else, 1 month just isn't enough time to allow your body to adjust to your new lifestyle. Basically, keep counting those calories, working out at least 3 times a week and you will see the difference. Good luck.
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    When did you start 30DS? I'm doing it as well and nearly done with level 3. The scale's not moved a whole lot but my clothes are much looser and people are commenting that I've lost weight. It could be that the fat you've lost has been replaced by muscle. Would also suggest drinking plenty of water if you tend to eat junk food. Even if you're under calorie goal the sodium will make you retain water unless you counter that by drinking more.
  • katiejo2011
    katiejo2011 Posts: 180 Member
    I usually drink anywhere from 8 to 10 glasses of water a day because I was told my daily intake should be around 92 ounces. Water is now the only thing I drink other than coffee because I have to have my coffee in the morning (and sometimes in the evening). I have been doing the 30 day shred but I have missed days here and there and I stayed on level 1 longer because of my son being sick for 3 days and not having time to work in the exercise. My clothes don't feel different but I do feel better physically. Maybe it will just take awhile for me to see results. I am on thyroid meds but it has now been regulated so it shouldn't be the problem but if i still haven't seen results in another month i will probably go to the doctor.