HealthiHannah Member


  • I have hypothyroid as well, and I have to be honest, doing the same thing everyone else is doing has paid off for me too! I think I am losing at a slower rate than what MFP averages for me, but it is working none-the-less. Its easy to get discouraged, but I have set mini goals for milestone weight losses, every 5lbs I give…
  • 2 or 3... I flush public toilets with my foot so I don't have to bend over it, lol... Depending on what it was.... I will either use it after I flush it down or will flush and find another. But why leave it there to stink up the whole room and give everyone else a "nice surprise"? It bothers me that people don't flush in…
  • No one does that anymore ;) Or atleast my friends don't, their idea of a good time is bar hopping and dance clubs. Good ideas you all have though, I will have to give them a try! Hilarious :) Sounds lovely, except that my friends are lazy too :( Some of them might go for this, we'll see...
  • Thanks :) I guess I am always just so used to going out for drinks, late nights out and the sort... I haven't had a "night in" for quite awhile!
  • I was noticing that recently too.. not yet slipping off, but the pretty part keeps sliding to the back of my finger.... I'm gonna have to go get resized soon enough!
  • I love your post, it definintly gave me something to think about! I LOVE the elliptical, to me it is fun and I can jam out to my music at the same time, and I feel great after doing it, but you're right.... there is no portability, in fact, I don't even have one at home because I can't afford one - so unless I am at the…
  • I don't know how to run. I know this sounds rediculous, but every time I have tried to run, I get shin splints. People say it is my shoes, and it very well could be. But I also feel like I have no idea how to have "good form", I think I run on my feet wrong, and I don't breathe right. I can give you ever reason in the…
  • I set myself to lightly active for the same reason! I felt it was more appropriate, I am sendentary while I am sitting at my desk job only getting up for food and water ;)
  • HAHAHA!!! Love it! :) I think that a profile picture does show committment, as some of you have already said, I do believe that we are all on here for a purpose - not only to lose weight, but also to gain self-confidence. A part of that is being comfortable in your own skin! You don't have to be naked or half naked... but…
  • It is really good that you are encouraging her to get onto MFP to start her own journey (and CONGRATS on your own!)... but I think it would be more encouraging if you were to help her get into a dieting and exercising pattern... MFP doesn't do the weightloss for you! Its a great tool, but I know having someone to help get…
  • Very touching! And you look absolutely amazing!
  • Photoshop 101 - adjust image size of both pictures so they are equal (ex. 200px x 400px) then create a new image which would then be double width keeping the same height (400px x 400px). Then drag each picture onto the new image and align. :)
  • Thanks again for all of your kind words :) I realize that from your comments so many of you are in the same place I was.... looking at the final number with dread and not realizing the 5,10lb differences really do show! Congrats and good luck to all of you :)
  • Thanks, I feel it too!
  • You are all so sweet! Also, thanks for taking the time to copy and paste since apparently photobucket isn't going to interact with MFP. I suppose thats whats going on. Either way, thank you all so much for the kind words and support! Good luck on all of your journies as well :)
  • LOL, I realize it says that they are moved or deleted, but they haven't been... I had just uploaded them.... went back to the page to check on them and still aren't showing up... BOOOOO!
  • Had to upload them to a different site..... but it now shows up!
  • Thanks everyone for your opinions! I am going to be fitted for my shoes, def! One of my friends is an avid runner and she told me about a place to go to make sure I get the right shoe for me.... I am worried about my form, since I have never ever in my entire life been a runner, so I like your idea of going to the class…
  • Hello! I am also from AZ, been on here for atleast 6 months now... but took a little break for some schooling! Welcome and feel free to add me for some encouragement!
  • Me neither! I was "fat skinny" in high school, I was never really big but I was never AT ALL athletic. I am going to start a C25K program in September and am really worried about the endurance. I have always wanted to be a runner though, so I'm gonna go for it! Sorry no inspiration for you though, I was mostly reading for…
  • There is healthier options every morning, afternoon, and dinner.... you just have to remember that everything is gonna be packed with sodium since its gotta stay fresh for the whole length of the trip. The food is delicious though, and remember to still have fun and eat however you want. You don't want to look at the…
  • All are great ideas! I'm gonna try me some of these :) Thanks!
  • Hey guys.... its been awhile. This memorial weekend kicked my butt and has totally knocked me off track. Its hard to get back into everything! I think my main focus these next few weeks is to get a handle on my eating habits. I don't think I can succeed at a workout program if I'm not fueling my body right. But, I'm not…
  • YES! Kudos! And, I have decided, MFP needs a better format for threads, maybe a subscription to threads so you can get updates on when people post. =0) I am back into it, 2 more days down, today will be day 9! =0) 2 more workouts and then on to level 2!
  • YES! YES! and YES! I am the same way, I don't want to become ripped, I just want flat abs and skinny (YES, skinny, not muscular) arms and legs. I want definition but not muscular. I did P90X for a little while about a year ago, and did more cardio than anything and was happy with my results. However, I thought the program…
  • Try slim in 6 or turbo jam - both from beachbody (makers of P90X) but the results are very feminine and you don't have to deal with Jillian (who I also find rather annoying, and her mouth and pig nose bother me) .
  • My friend that I work with just finished 2 weeks doing it. She said the HCG completely diminished her appetite, so she only ate to GET those 500 calories. Her friend did it at the same time, and when she went off of it, she didn't continue eating well - and gained the weight back within just a few weeks.
    in HCG? Comment by HealthiHannah May 2011
  • Hi all, Checking in - this is my day 8, as last Wed I did an intense yoga workout and was so sore and every muscle still feels tired! But, I am going to get back into it today. I NEED to get back into it. I did alot of walking yesterday, but that was about it. You all are doing so great, I am so proud of everyone keeping…
  • It does take you a bit for the meds to kick in and give a jump start to your metabolism - and they'll probably test you in 2 months to see if the dosage they gave you is right or needs to be increased. They do a gradual increase to make sure it is working correctly without upsetting your system. Hang in there, it'll get…