Looking for a way to tone up

I am now at 107lbs (YAY) and I'm 5'1. I usually exercise about 3x a week mixing in cardio and strength but I want something more because I dont feel like I'm getting any definition. I want to be super toned but not ripped. I am better able to follow things if its on a schedule and I can see it being done on my tv. I dont want P90 because Ive seen girls who do it get super ripped and I dont want that. I dont like jillian (I know amazing.. and i dont know why I dont like her I just cant deal with watching her on the 30day shred). I dont have a lot of room to work out in and I dont have money for the gym (broke college student lol) any ideas on other toning videos? =) Thanks for the help!


  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Majority of women won't get ripped unless they are using enhancers. With that said there are a lot of women on here using that program and they look awesome. Also you can check out ChaLean Extreme. Its an awesome program and she is a excellent motivator. I would suggest you check out a book called The New Rules of Lifting for Women. It would definitely give you some insight on lifting.
  • Chantelle160
    Chantelle160 Posts: 127
    bodyrocktv.com the girl is super ripped but I havent had the same results but definitally have noticed some toning.
  • misslyssx
    misslyssx Posts: 87
    I don't know if you have Netflix or not but they have a lot of workout DVDs, and some are available to watch straight from the computer or TV. I find it great because there's a good selection so you can see what works for you. Yesterday I tried the Self Magazine Bikin Ready Now one and I thought it was pretty good. If that's not an option, just buy some 2-3 pound weights and you can find exercises online.
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    Try slim in 6 or turbo jam - both from beachbody (makers of P90X) but the results are very feminine and you don't have to deal with Jillian (who I also find rather annoying, and her mouth and pig nose bother me) .
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Most towns have a rec center you can work out in for free or really cheap.

    I'd suggest weight lifting, yes weight lifting. By adjusting the reps and sets as well as the weight you are lifting you can adjust how toned or ripped you get.
    You can get started with a couple of hand weights.
    You can target individual muscle groups.
    and it doesn't talk a huge investment of time to get a work out in every day.

    Low weight and high reps for toning
    High weight and fewer reps for ripping.

    Works great regardless of gender.
  • Uberpookie
    Uberpookie Posts: 4
    Ill check those two out thanks! And Im not scared of muscle its just that when I saw girls go on p90x they finished a little too ripped for me.. I want more of the strong dancer type ripped instead of the look at my muscles ripped.. I know I'm probably not making any sense but the bodies look different.. Could this also just be body type? idk... also some more background.. I do lift already.. I do squats.. pushups.. pull ups.. crunches.. curls.. planks... floor presses... dips..wall sits.. the list goes on lol i do a lot but i feel like I need more of a routine cause I get bored/distracted quickly. and I'm not getting definition. I use 5 lb weights (moved up from 3) and a medicine ball.. I started at 38% body muscle got up to 43% and now ive been stuck there for a long time.
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    the internet is a wealth of information, I googled "strength training withou weights" and found a great site "pick the brain" with several body strength exercises that will build strength and muscle (i've understood from several people you dont actually "tone" you either build muscle or you dont) anyways, it even mentioned in the article, examples about not getting ripped, hope this info helps. I would post the link, but I'm not sure how to do that. good luck with it
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    Ill check those two out thanks! And Im not scared of muscle its just that when I saw girls go on p90x they finished a little too ripped for me.. I want more of the strong dancer type ripped instead of the look at my muscles ripped.. I know I'm probably not making any sense but the bodies look different.. Could this also just be body type?

    YES! YES! and YES! I am the same way, I don't want to become ripped, I just want flat abs and skinny (YES, skinny, not muscular) arms and legs. I want definition but not muscular.

    I did P90X for a little while about a year ago, and did more cardio than anything and was happy with my results. However, I thought the program was a little too intense and had a hard time keeping up with it. I switched to JM 30 Day Shred and I like to mix it up with other programs because I get bored of the repetition.