How to Couch25K?

Hi Everyone,

I am wondering what is the best way to to couch25k? I had tried doing it on my own and was easily discouraged since I had the wrong shoes and kept getting shin splints. The gym that I go to for fitness classes is going to offer a C25K program starting 9/26. I thought it sounded perfect! And perfect timing because that would give me 4 weeks to hit my next 5lb mini goal with new shoes as the reward! But... I have read alot of threads about people doing C25K and it seems that alot of people have to repeat certain weeks of the program. So, has anyone done this as a group rather than individually? I am wondering how it works if I NEED to repeat a week or two, do I just do it at my own pace or am I supposed to keep up with my group?

I do alot better in classes, for one because I am encouraged by the others to push myself as hard as I can and not give up, but also because simply, you have to pay for them. And once it's paid for, I have GOT to go!

But I have to wonder, is this one of those classes that should be done on my own? I appreciate your thoughts!


  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I think you should do what works best for you, AND GET FITTED FOR SHOES!!!!

    If a class is what will get you moving, then do it that way. Everyone is different. I prefer running alone, some people like a running buddy. Find something you like and stick with it.
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    I'm doing it (mostly) on my own as my partner had to repeat a few of the workouts. I had a week where I felt the start of a tendinitis and took a break too but restarted this week. I've finished week 6 today and looking forward to week 7.

    The program starts pretty easy but soon picks up. The way I did it was I added extra running or walking after the workout (that lasts only 30 minute) to build more endurance. These last few days though, I haven't had much time and it became more intense so I've been running just a little more then what they say. Today day 3 of week 6 I should have jogged for 25 minutes but I did 28 to push for a new PB at the 5K mark.

    The key is to be consistent and even if you don't feel like getting out there, you still push yourself to do it, and no matter how hard the legs hurt you keep pushing to finish the jogs. If you have to repeat a week, don't see it as a defeat, its natural and totally normal. You're building up endurance and you'll get there, if not in 9 weeks you'll do it in 10 or 11 or 12 but you'll be there, and once you are you can join me on my next program the Bridge to 10k!! :)

    If you have any questions about the c25K program feel free to add me up or look at the link in my signature where I've been describing my experiences with the C25K among other things.

    Good Luck!
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    also, to lessen the likelihood of getting shin splints again, shorten your stride. i used to get them really badly and now that i started again, knowing about shortening my stride, not a twinge. do what's best for you. if you think you do better in classes then start the class, if anything you'll get great tips on proper form from the instructor. I am in week 2, 243 lbs and so far i dont feel like i need to repeat a week yet. if anything i have to hold myself back. and i'm definitely not a runner by nature. try the class if you're curious. nobody says you have to keep going if you don't like it.
  • chynafox
    chynafox Posts: 30
    I'm having the same issues. My shins are beginning to ache, but I'm not sure if it's normal muscle ache or shin splints. I've asked my friends and some other runners I know and they pretty much gave me the same advice.

    FORM, FORM, FORM. I am currently working on getting my form the best that I can. You have to be careful to not land on your heels and more on the balls of your feet. Also, the shoes are important.

    I would suggest bottoms that aren't so thick to give way to the natural shape of your foot. Some will disagree. I wear Puma's currently and I'm in love! After I finish C25K I'm going to buy a pair of Vibram Five Fingers. Barefoot running seems pretty interesting and some of my friends swear by it.

    Drink lots of water and have it with you when you walk. Stretch before and after. Good, deep, slow stretches. And make sure you get your body warm on the 5 minute warm up. Make sure walking pace isn't too slow.

    Afterwards, I give myself a little calf massage. I was massage therapist, so I'm pretty lucky when it comes to that!

    Enjoy the run. Running has become so relaxing for me. I have moderate to severe asthma and most of my symptoms are gone.

    Good luck!
  • KristinLynn25
    I just completed a group class similar to a c25k, it was a walk2run program. I've never done a c25k, but with the w2r I am soooo glad I did it with a group. Just having the once a week meetings... knowing there are people there expecting me to be there... having that accountability was great! Also I was able to push myself more with other people around... I was less likely to slack off like when Im all alone. We did get homework to complete throughout the week, and if you don't do the homework, you do fall behind. Yesterday was our graduation 5k that we did as a group, it was a lot of fun!! Good Luck with whatever you decide!! :)
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    Thanks everyone for your opinions! I am going to be fitted for my shoes, def! One of my friends is an avid runner and she told me about a place to go to make sure I get the right shoe for me.... I am worried about my form, since I have never ever in my entire life been a runner, so I like your idea of going to the class just to get tips (if nothing else) on form!

    Great ideas! Thanks!
  • GenerationD05
    I agree that if you like classes to do the class that your gym is offering at the end of September. I don't run with anyone, not just becasue I like working out by myself, but because I don't know anyone around me who's working out at all. I also agree to get fitted for shoes. They should see how you run and suggest a shoe for you (or at least that's what I've read on here). I get shin splints every so often, but that's because I don't have shoes yet (didn't have the money). I'm going to have money in the next few weeks, though, so I'm hoping that it helps me! I think people might have to repeat weeks because they don't feel like they can do the next week quite yet or even because they have an injury and need to rest. They could also get bored with the routine. So far, I haven't had to repeat weeks yet (I'll finish week 4 tomorrow) and I think I haven't because I have a great podcast full of music, telling me when to run/jog and then walk. As long as I have a good beat to run and walk to, I'm good.

    Ultimately, do what you feel is good for you! If you like classes, join the gym one. If you like running on your own, then just find a good podcast! Good luck =]