Sustainability and FUNCTIONAL movement.

I just want to start a thread about something I'm realizing is a huge issue. Exercise for the sake of exercise..without enjoyment or function.

Lets face it, if execise was easy, everyone would do it. So..I want to speak from experience..who i managed to find an exercise regeime that has long term sustainability, and does more than just burn calories to help make me thinner.

The rules.
1. You must love doing it. Not tolerate, not force yourself. If you look FOWARD to your exercise, make time for it becuse it's fun and you LOVE It..then you're golden. If not..time to find something else..because long term you wont' do things that you don't really love.

2. the exercise you do must be functional for your daily life. What use is doing 2 hour on an elliptical zoning out besides to burn calories? None. ellipitcal does not train your body's movement to do anything functional besides train on the elliptical. Biking will make you better at biking, running will make you faster at running(and then you can get to the store faster if your car breaks down, or run away from a bear faster!). so..keep your exercises functional. The muscles you build should aid you in the things you do for your work and leisure.

3. It should fit in your budget. If you need to buy hundreds of dollars worth of 'stuff" you can't really afford to do your workout..then it's best to find something that you can do free of cost or low cost.

4. It has to be portable. Can yoru form of exercise be done when you hoilday? when you take a weekend trip? When you are away from your house/gym? If not..then it's probably best to find something that dosn't require a special "place" or non portable exercise machine to do. That's not to say you shouldn't go to a gym..but you need exercise options you can do anywhere and enjoy.

5. it has to be scientifically valid. Remember thigh master? the "ab roller"? millions of poeple purchased those with hopes of thin thighs and flat bellies. Truth is you CANNOT SPOT REDUCE..EVER. through exercise. This is a cardinal rule. Stop following fad like trends that dont' work. Be a skeptic and look into what you're doing. Consult a physiotherapist or kinesiologist. If the science isnt' wont' work. Period.

I hope this post helps.

To continue..I encourage people to post their own "rules" of play when it comes to exercise..why you came to that conclusion, and how it has worked for you.


  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Yesterday my boyfriend and I installed a ceiling fan. As I was standing tip toe on a chair and holding up a mere 10 lb fan base while he attempted to screw it into the ceiling, I thought to myself

    "Good thing I did all those military presses, because otherwise there would be no way I could hold this up for more than 20 seconds"
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Great post!

    Biking fits the bill perfectly for me. I'd ride regardless of what kind of shape I was in. Portability isn't always convenient, but it's always doable. I ride to work when I can, I ride during the winter, I ride in the rain...

    I'm getting to where I love to swim and an run, but I find that depends on the location much of the time. Laps in a pool stink, but put me in a lake or the ocean and I'm as happy as fish.
  • jrcox520
    jrcox520 Posts: 130 Member
    I set out to do it this way from the get. I've done cardio for the sake of cardio and it sucks. I hate the elliptical, can't stand running. I do run a little to warm up before weights though. I used to take a step class and loved it! But, arthritis runs in my family, the onset is young, and my joints hurt, so I had to axe it.
    I do Zumba twice a week, yoga once, and boot camp once. Weights are scattered about in there. I love them all and will definitely do them long term. In Zumba I get to be a sexy senorita, yoga melts my stress and brings me peace, and boot camp tests my ability. I do weights for the sake of weights; I don't enjoy it but don't hate it either. I do them on consecutive days M-Thurs, and by the time Monday rolls around I can't WAIT to get back to the gym. Paying for the gym fits into my budget, but any of this can be done at home. Netflix has yoga routines, and as for Zumba.... well, just turn on some music and shake it for a while.
    This has been working fantastically for me. I look forward to my exercise and share it with others. Great topic!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    love love love love love this! I want everyone to read it!
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    I like this post mucho... and as a sidebar you remind me of Zooey Deschanel :smile:
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    I love your post, it definintly gave me something to think about! I LOVE the elliptical, to me it is fun and I can jam out to my music at the same time, and I feel great after doing it, but you're right.... there is no portability, in fact, I don't even have one at home because I can't afford one - so unless I am at the gym, no elliptical for me!

    I am going to start running (c25k) as soon as I get fitted for new shoes, which will be soon! I hope I love it, it is free and I can do it anywhere!
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Love this post!

    I realized I needed to belong to a gym. I have some DVDs home, wii fit, wii active but never did them on a consistent basis. I joined a gym and tried all the group fitness classes they offer. I also tried the treadmill and the elliptical. I will use the elliptical maybe once a week but if I did it all the time, I would get bored fast. I discovered spin classes and I am addicted! I look forward to working out...I never thought I would.