LilRedRooster Member


  • I have a love/hate with both, but because of my natural flexibility and tendency to OVER rotate my shoulders in the snatch, I like the clean more at the moment.
  • I have a Polar FT7 HRM that I use, and then I take the time and calories and put them in a manually created exercise. I've found MFP tends to underestimate my caloric burn because my HR gets pretty high during exercise.
  • Most of time it happens from patients I work with. And then I offer them a bowel prep or have to empty their drain, so it really never goes anywhere good after that.. Does that count?
  • This was me, as well. I had a commute, and I was a single parent juggling clinicals, tests, and then shifts when I finally got a job. I gained OVER 20 lbs.. I've since lost a bit more than half of that, but it's taken me being less stressed, focusing on meal planning, and scheduling time in the gym or in Crossfit classes..…
  • I currently work as a med/surg RN in a busy Trauma II hospital. Love the work, the challenges, and even the hectic lack of lunch. I work mostly nights 7p-7a, but pick up day shifts here and there to keep my skills up and recognize the faces of the doctors I usually have to call at 2am.
  • I sometimes have to go onto the GarminConnect webpage and manually sync my information for the day to get it to update under the connections tab on there, otherwise the app and MFP don't always talk to each other, for some reason.. And I sync through my Bluetooth and the app, because my computer doesn't like the chip they…
  • I've had the Garmin Vivofit for a few months now, and really like it. It syncs with MFP well, and though it doesn't charge via a USB like FitBit or some of the others, Garmin has rated the battery life at a year. The few months that I've had it, I haven't had a problem with it at all. It can sync via your computer, or…
  • Patients, patience, sleep.
  • Basically. He's not a child, and neither are you. You both aren't obliged to do things or be a certain way for the other person, and neither of you has any right to forbid the other person from doing things just because you don't "like" that they do them. If it's something that he doesn't want to change, it might be…
  • If you want to move in together (because it's convenient, you want to see how it goes, or just because it feels right) it's your decision, and it doesn't have to have anything to do with marriage being the end result. Not all relationships have to lead to marriage, because marriage as it stands (eternal, 'til death do us…
  • Today I managed to steal a half of a pumpkin cupcake from my three year-old. That was a success story right there, since she usually just noms the cupcake before I can get even a bite. Especially with cream cheese frosting. Little imp has excellent taste, I have to give her that..
  • Buy some resistance bands at WalMart. You should be able to just Google "resistance band exercises", and I'm sure there are some on YouTube. I use those at home when I can't make it to the gym, and although they don't really replace free weights, they are the next best thing. They also take up very little space and are…
  • In this society, nudity = sex. Nudity isn't some "normal" function, it's connected with sex. Top that off with men being told that they're not supposed to be okay with any sort of connection to homosexuality or else they aren't "real" men, and you've got a lock of locker-room jitteriness.
  • Wow, this is quite crafty. I usually just stick my phone in a zipper pocket on my pants (which I also shove my car key in, so I have lovely bulges in weird places). I always make sure that I buy tank tops and pants for running with zipper pockets in them to shove my phone in, but I also don't have a very big phone.. I…
  • I usually do 3-4 weight-specific sessions per week, with 3-5 cardio. Depends on the week, and how I'm feeling, really. You can mix and match the two for whatever works best for you. I tend to have more time for strength-specific exercises, because they take less time.
  • Definitely got the ginger genes, though I'm not even Irish. More Norwegian than anything else. ;)
  • Not only is there a ton of awesome food, family, (and probably some wine and beer), Hanukkah also shares Thanksgiving this year, thanks to that awesome Lunar versus Gregorian calendar fun. Thanksgivinukkah. It's a celebration for just about everyone.
  • Each much salt lately? Water adds more pounds and inches than anything else.
  • I tore my meniscus last fall (twisting slightly to look at flowers, ironically..), and it took me a good 3 months of much lighter workouts to get back to where I can go and it doesn't hurt. I never had it repaired (because surgery is rather expensive and I'm currently uninsured), so I still wear a brace for support, but…
  • People aren't douches for doing what makes them happy, even if it's not approved by everyone.
  • Never smoked anything. My lungs are happy with that. Also have never gone skydiving, and though plenty of people give me grief for not doing that, I'M quite happy with not doing it. I don't do the whole "suspended in air" thing.
  • Your A1C was below 5? Great job! That is some pretty kick-butt maintenance you're doing there.
  • Those pints of ice cream sure are sneaky. One minute they're in the carton, and the next they're gone. Like that tree in the forest thing. No one else sees it happen, therefore, it never happened. Sneaky, sneaky..
  • Definitely second this. You shouldn't be throwing up, regardless. Definitely get yourself checked out to make sure that there isn't some underlying condition you need to have ruled out.
  • Water follows sodium, thanks to the power of osmosis. The more sodium you have, the more water you'll hang on to. Since your metabolism can only account for AT MOST a half-pound of weight per day (meaning anything over a half pound is going to be water), then you're likely correct. You're just retaining water thanks to…
  • People can poop as often as 2-3 times a day, or once every three days. The key isn't "regularity" so much as "consistency" and "lack of difficulty". If you're going three times a day that's fine, but if it's liquid and accompanied with signs of GI distress and lack of absorption, that's bad. Every three days is fine,…
  • Bowel issues outside of diet and basic interventions: Talk to your doctor. You could have thyroid issues, immune issues, blockage issues.. There are a LOT of reasons that your GI slows down to the point of not putting anything out, and you really should talk to a doctor and have some panels done to rule out medical. Good…
  • What's the weather like today where you are?: Cold and overcast, with a chance of snow. (It's Colorado.) Favorite item of clothing that fits you currently?: I don't know about "favorite" but my scrubs fit well.. I like 'em. Favorite color(s)?: Green and purple. Darker, preferably. Your current favorite snack?: Pringles. Or…
  • Second the suggestion to ask your doctor. There's a balance to treating hypothyroidism, and it's totally individual. It also takes time, as in several months to years to get to a good balance. Definitely be open with your doctor or other healthcare professional and talk to them to get an idea of what will work for you.