Strenght training w/o gym and limited funds

Hi everyone!
I'm in the start of my quest to become more healthy. Right now I'm walking six days a weeks at four miles a day.
So far in two and half months lost 18lbs!
I keep reading that strength training is the best way to build muscle in order to lose more. However, I do not have a job and my funds are very limited!
I would love to join a gym or the YMCA. But can't afford the starting fees. I got two kettlebell (5lbs) from a friend, but have no idea how to use them.
Can I get suggestions on how to add strength training without the gym cost?


  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Buy some resistance bands at WalMart. You should be able to just Google "resistance band exercises", and I'm sure there are some on YouTube. I use those at home when I can't make it to the gym, and although they don't really replace free weights, they are the next best thing. They also take up very little space and are pretty cheap.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You might want to look into bodyweight training if funds are limited. Maybe check out You Are Own Gym, NerdFitness, or Convict Conditioning. has a really great exercise database that you can search based on equipment (or lack thereof).

    Other options:

    TRX Suspension (home edition). I believe it is about $200.

    Using sandbags

    There is a Cap Barbell Dumbbell set (w/ plates) on Amazon for $50. It is about 30-35lbs to start. You can purchase heavier plates as funds become available.

    Check out craigslist and Ebay for benches, plates, weights, etc.

    Get an Iron Gym Bar. It's about $30 on Amazon and can be used for chin-ups, pull-ups, hanging leg raises and such.

    ETA: Another form of resistance training is sprinting.
  • airdiva1
    airdiva1 Posts: 198 Member
    Thanks for the replys!
    If the bands are under or around 20 bucks, will buy them.
    I will check that website out.
    Since I had to move back in with my parents, don't have the room for any equipment and placing a bar or other items is not going to happen.
    I'm at the point where I do quick dashes fast as I can when running (along with jogging up to a minute).
    Will try this also!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Thanks for the replys!
    If the bands are under or around 20 bucks, will buy them.
    I will check that website out.
    Since I had to move back in with my parents, don't have the room for any equipment and placing a bar or other items is not going to happen.
    I'm at the point where I do quick dashes fast as I can when running (along with jogging up to a minute).
    Will try this also!

    They are dumbbell bars, not barbells.
  • johncowart
    johncowart Posts: 40 Member
    Look up resistance training, then find a cheap pull up bar. That alone will build your initial muscle and burn fat. Start slow with a few pull up, push up routines 3 days a week and walking/jogging the other days. take a 30 day calendar and make your own schedule and check each day off with progress on each day for accountability and progress. While your doing that for 30 days shop around at salvage store for weights.
  • fernmeister
    Fill a backpack with heavy stuff and use it as your resistance, plenty of exercises to do, get creative.
  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    You might want to look into bodyweight training if funds are limited. Maybe check out You Are Own Gym, NerdFitness, or Convict Conditioning.

    Convict Conditioning was designed based on exercises that could be done in a jail cell. No equipment or giant floorspace needed. I would absolutely recommend it. You Are Your Own Gym is great too! Buy the books once and then you're set for as long as it takes you to master the whole program.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Nerd fitness
    shot of adrenaline
    All great body weight sources of information.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I second the recs for body weight exercises.

    Those 5lb. kettlebells aren't good for much, sorry.
  • amandajeanAKAaj
    amandajeanAKAaj Posts: 84 Member
    Buy some resistance bands at WalMart. You should be able to just Google "resistance band exercises", and I'm sure there are some on YouTube. I use those at home when I can't make it to the gym, and although they don't really replace free weights, they are the next best thing. They also take up very little space and are pretty cheap.

    This I love my resistant bands and they can give you a heck of a work out and the price isn't bad either!
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    You might want to look into bodyweight training if funds are limited. Maybe check out You Are Own Gym, NerdFitness, or Convict Conditioning. has a really great exercise database that you can search based on equipment (or lack thereof).

    Other options:

    TRX Suspension (home edition). I believe it is about $200.

    Using sandbags

    There is a Cap Barbell Dumbbell set (w/ plates) on Amazon for $50. It is about 30-35lbs to start. You can purchase heavier plates as funds become available.

    Check out craigslist and Ebay for benches, plates, weights, etc.

    Get an Iron Gym Bar. It's about $30 on Amazon and can be used for chin-ups, pull-ups, hanging leg raises and such.

    ETA: Another form of resistance training is sprinting.

    Great suggestions! I would also suggest seeing if a friend has equipment and if you could work out with him/her. It could help keep you on track and save money.