lucylorelei Member


  • Truer words, ImpishVanity. Smart.
  • Yoplait 2x protein coconut Greek yogurt!!!! 110 cal of heaven!!!
  • Taco dip w chips, rum and coke zero, 2 girl scout shortbread cookies. And still 80 cals under!
  • 1 cup cooked quinoa with cinnamon and 1 tsp brown sugar or honey. Cook a diced apple iin the microwave and stir in. Yummy. And best thing, you can cook up a lot of quinoa in advance and refrigerate.
  • I think you read my mind! This is exactly what I have been doing since mid-summer, and I've gained ten pounds, maybe a little more. I keep trying to start over every day, but it's not working. I think for me, the reasons are two-fold. One, I have no real goal to work toward. My big goal was my brother's wedding in May…
  • Yes! YUM. Sometimes I work out so I can eat.
  • Seems low to me, because I'm 5'4'' and my goal is 135. BUT everyone is so different. If you are eating healthfully, exercising regularly and you feel good and can maintain the new goal, I say try it. If you get there and it's not sustainable without making you crazy, you should know it!
  • Thanks for the info! I like these better too so far (except for the built-in Bowflex infomercials). Kenpo Cardio + is tomorrow, and I am very excited. Kenpo was my favorite in the original. I am glad you liked it. I had heard some bad reviews, but I will reserve judgment till I actually do it myself. OMG - I HATED…
  • I'm starting again Monday! Finished once, tried starting a second go-around a couple of times, but couldn't seem to get back in it. Got the p90x plus dvds and now am ready to do it again!
  • Ah, my old friend, my enemy, my nemesis...I love them, but I hate them. They are probably responsible for these stubborn last 20-25 pounds.
  • Thanks I needed that. I had a terrible Mexican food and candy splurge last night after being so good all day. I feel really bad about it today.
  • Best thread ever!!! WIll be studying closely, as am vacationing in the UK for 2 weeks in September!!
  • and thank you!!!! I am working on learning to accept compliments
  • I started in January 2006; maintained 165 for about 3 years, and then kickstarted myself again last year when I joined. I was stuck at 155 for a long time too, but then I started doing p90x and being very good about logging on here (and forcing my friends to join!), and lost 10 lbs in 2 months.
  • Yum! I will try that. Next time I am going to replace the oil with a little applesauce, add 1/4 c. shredded potatoes, and top with applesauce. See if it's good as potato pancakes.
  • White Bean Chocolate Chip Cookies 1 can great northern beans, rinsed, drained, patted dry 3 T butter 1 c. brown sugar 1/2 c. white sugar Put the above in your KitchenAid and blend till smooth and creamy (like blending shortening and sugar) Add... 2 eggs 1 t. vanilla blend In food processor, destroy 4 3/4 c. oatmeal till…
  • Chocolate Chickpea Cake (sounds weird, but is good, and bonus, gluten-free) Preheat oven to 350, move rack to center. Grease a loaf pan with 1 T softened butter (or Pam spray), and dust with 2 T unsweetened cocoa powder. Melt 5 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips in the microwave, in 15 second intervals, stirring between. Rinse…
  • CAKE!!! (sounds weird, but is good, and bonus, gluten-free) Preheat oven to 350, move rack to center. Grease a loaf pan with 1 T softened butter (or Pam spray), and dust with 2 T unsweetened cocoa powder. Melt 5 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips in the microwave, in 15 second intervals, stirring between. Rinse and drain 1 can…
  • Do you eat dairy? Nonfat plain Greek yogurt. Add some sliced almonds. Yum, and lots of protein
  • hey lakerlady! i love Shakira's Ciega, Sordomuda on the pink album where she still has dark hair! It's good for running.
  • I love when I get to Everlong by Foo Fighters. Even though by the time I get to it, I am pretty worn out, I am not allowed to stop running till that song is over. Same goes when I get to Ooh La La by Goldfrapp. Also good: 4 Minutes (Madonna and JT); I Know You Want Me (Pitbull) and just about anything from Franz Ferdinand…
  • I have that problem with going to the gym, but when I started p90x, I never missed a day, because it was so different and every day was new. My biggest help was that my roommate did it with me. The first day when it came in the mail, I was the one who didn't want to get started, and she MADE me! After that, when she didn't…
  • 65 lbs 1. Log everything. 2. Don't let setbacks set you back. Move on. 3. Regular, meaningful exercise 4. Cut WAY back on processed foods (HFCS and hydr. oils) 5. Protein and fiber.
  • So I know this is not what the thread is about, and I hope not to derail, but when I saw the topic I had to share this. Tuesday I had this brilliant idea for my Wednesday afternoon snack (so I thought), but it was the most DISGUSTING thing I have ever eaten!!!! And I had to eat it anyway because there weren't any other…
  • I LOVE the stretch dvd. It does NOT feel like a workout. I see it more as a reward for the end of the week! DO IT!!! Oh yeah, and it totally relieves all my muscle soreness...
  • I have a public diary and LOVE to cook and eat healthfully, BUT I also indulge here and there. I do try to be honest on my food diary when I mess up. Good luck!
  • Good shoes, yoga mat (especially if you are on hardwood or concrete, like I am), bands. You will definitely use the 5 lb weights. You can use the bands instead of chinup bar. I wrap them around a post between the kitchen and living rooms. You can sit cross-legged leaning toward whatever is holding the bands so that your…
  • I never get sick anymore. And I do mean never. I eat right and exercise, and that has done wonders - not exactly a small victory. Flip side - I am maxed on my sick leave accrual - never seem to be able to use.