Need help with getting back on track after splurging

Let me just start off by say that I've NEVER had problems with "splurging" (is that what it's called? :laugh:) or "binging" before. I've always been the dieter who can reject food easily and still be able to keep things like chocolate bars and pizza in the house without a problem. With that being said, in the past 3 weeks, I have NOT been able to keep myself away from them...

Let me also say that I joined MFP a year ago and I've lost around 120 pounds with the site and 133 total. SO -- About three Saturdays ago, I weighed in at 143 pounds. I'm 16 and 5'4", so this put me in the "healthy" range for BMI for the first time. I was so excited! And for some reason, I celebrated by eating a ton of food that night. I thought "hey, I deserve this, I've worked hard these past 12 months." So I ate around 2000 or so calories in one sitting. It put me over 3800 for the day. I had tons of cashew butter, cereal, protein bars, etc. I didn't eat McDonald's or anything, just what was in the house.

I swore that I'd get back on track the next day, which I did. But the day after that, I had another splurge. And the problem is, since that one splurge, I've done it again about 10 times. And each time, I keep making up these excuses as I stuff my face with food. Stuff like, "Oh, I did strength training today, so my body will like these cinnamon almonds I'm giving it :grumble:" Obviously I'm lying to myself, but I just can't seem to get around this hill.

Now my weight has gone up 4.5 pounds. I'm at 147.5 lbs as of two Saturdays ago (I refused to weigh myself this Saturday since it was Thanksgiving this week) and I'm going to weigh myself this upcoming Saturday.

I did another splurge tonight... this time with dessert leftovers from Thanskgiving... :angry: I had a bag of pita chips, some nachos with salsa, brownies, and a TON of cinnamon pecans and chocolate covered cranberries.

Just for stats: this whole month, I've had 10 days where I've binged at night and eaten over 3,000 calories for the day. I ate over 7,000 on Thanksgiving, but wasn't so guilty about that since, well... it only comes once a year. :laugh: But I've never ever had a problem with splurging before! So I really can't wrap my head around why I'm doing it so much now.

Anyone have some nice tips on getting around this? Every time I tell myself I won't splurge again, I just end up doing it. I got rid of all my snack foods (all the protein bars, Atkins bars, cereals, etc) and there's really nothing I should be splurging on in the house, yet I find a way to do it! Maybe it's because I'm bored? I am bored a lot all of the time. I still have about 27 more lbs I'd like to lose, and I just feel like I'm getting way too comfortable and I keep making up excuses for myself and giving myself reason to eat food. Motivational tips are strongly encouraged... and happy dieting to all... :wink:


  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    I find I'm most at risk on weekends when I have more time on my hands and am less distracted by work. I've found the things that help me most are to increase water consumption, to occupy myself better (I'm not really bored but not having focused activities hurts me), and upping protein during the day really helps. (Admittedly, my worst times are during the day rather than at night, so it may not translate perfectly for you, but there it is.)
  • kitkat9138
    I'm not Perfect by any means at resisting foods, but a couple things that have helped along the way:

    Make a cup of tea, add a splash of milk and stevia and it satisfies my sweet tooth and keeps my hands/mouth busy
    Take the dog for a walk and call a friend
    Tell yourself you can have anything you want to eat tomorrow and the next day and th day after need to eat it all in one night with plans of restricting the next day.

    Hope this helps :)
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    step away from the carbs!!

    Seriously. Sugar makes you crave more sugar. Drink hot tea, chew sugar-free gum...drink extra water for a few days. You will get back on track. I had a serious sugar-binge / carb-binge problem after Halloween. 1 candy led to 10, led to several days of eating way too much sugar. It got much better after being "clean" of it for a few days. GL!
  • Ashleysh22
    I'm having the same problem, but with candy. let me know if you find a solution. I was even eating plain sugar the other day because I had no candy. It's rediculous. I used to control myself.
  • brit7880
    brit7880 Posts: 59 Member
    First off congratulations on what you have already done.. 120lbs is AMAZING!!! One thing you need to NOT do is beat yourself up about it because you are only human. Why did you decide to lose weight and get healthy in the first place? You need to think about it and try and find your motivation/"fire" again. Do you feel hungry when you are binging? If so try and drink some water instead and try and kill the hunger. Go shopping and get a new outfit.. maybe how great you look will give you some motivation! Are you stressed out? If so you might be stress eating and need to figure out what in your life is causing it. I wish you the best and you have done a great job and i know you will continue to get where you want to be.
  • BarbiNay
    BarbiNay Posts: 65 Member
    Being 16 is a tough age. A lot of your issues may just be hormones. If you are finding that you are craving and needing more carbs you might talk to a health care professional about vitamins. I know I started my 18 yo on Chromium Picolinate which I take as well, that really helps control the carbs. Secondly, make sure it is not emotional eating. If you are bored and eating try to take your mind off of it by finding something to do or use that time to exercise. Ride your bike or just go for a walk. You have gotten this far you can do this. Might also be you just need some downtime with your "diet." I hate calling it a diet because if it is going to last a life time then it has to be healthy eating changes. Diet is only temporary. Try to calender track the times you are splurging so you can see if any of this is hormonal. Remember at your age your body is constantly changing. Above all do not give up, pat yourself on the back for taking control of your health at a young age. That is totally awesome!!! And inspirational :smile:
  • lucylorelei
    lucylorelei Posts: 46 Member
    I think you read my mind! This is exactly what I have been doing since mid-summer, and I've gained ten pounds, maybe a little more. I keep trying to start over every day, but it's not working. I think for me, the reasons are two-fold. One, I have no real goal to work toward. My big goal was my brother's wedding in May (bridesmaids dress, you know), and there was some emotional motivation working there! Now - nothing but a number of pounds some chart says I should weigh. Two, I am surrounded by people who don't have the same health goals.

    The way I see it, I can't change much about number two, because these are my friends and family!

    The only thing I have control over is myself and my own motivations. I read somewhere that there are two huge requirements to meeting a goal. First, of course, figure out what your goal really is. Second, and I think this is the key and what really did it for me till May, form an emotional attachment to your goal. This helps you be extraordinarily mindful about making decisions that impact your attaining the goal.

    So, I guess we need to figure out what's really important to us that we are willing to work toward and make sacrifices for. Let me tell you, for me, it is NOT a number on a scale. I don't have THE answer for you, but I hope that both you and I can get back on track and be HEALTHFUL.
  • brie13
    Thanks a lot for all the quick replies everyone! Really great suggestions... I didn't even think of the tea idea, I LOVE tea but I usually only drink it in the mornings or during times where I need a kick, but I have some herbal and sleepytime tea that I'll try drinking at night now, too.

    Also I am definitely a carb-a-holic... I noticed that since I started snacking on rice cakes at night, I've been hungrier at night, too. Not that rice cakes are bad, but the "crunch" might be what's making me want more. Maybe I should just stick to having a piece of cheese or some coconut milk ice cream. I used to have that every night and never felt hungry afterwards.

    I have been a little more stressed recently and a lot more bored, too... and it's just human nature to eat when we're bored :noway: I also have been majorly lacking on sleep and lowered by protein intake by about 30-40 grams. I used to eat around 150 and now I only eat around 115 per my dietitian's suggestions... perhaps I should up it again? It does make me feel fuller.

    Thanks again for all the nice words and suggestions everyone, I'm going to try to get back on track for real TONIGHT by getting a few extra ZzZz's :smile: