propjetprop Member


  • Dropped 1.5 lbs since I posted this.. I might have been retaining water since my sodium intake has been so high lately... On that note... Anyone have any suggestions of meals to take on the road.... The lunch box in my signature is what a carry... this is what is usually in it: Seeds of Change or Uncle Bens precooked…
  • If you open your diary you will get better advice. Could be what you are eating won't know without diary. Bump a couple of workouts up to 1 hour...
  • Open your food diary and let us see your choices in food items for a proper evaluative and advice... So far the advice is everything from thyroid to starvation.....when the culprate might be cheeseburgers and potato chips
  • I have been working on pull ups...Just like anything it is going to take time, but my goal is to be able to hammer out 9 dead hang pull ups without rest..... I am currently at ZERO... Part of the problem is my weight.. obviously as I lose weight the lift is easier, second is the condtion of my Lats.... I have been using…
  • Your down 5 lbs and you just joined... you must be doing something right
  • I am here..... Been here since april... I used to post quite a bit... but now I have reserved to more reading than anything
  • I enjoy Death Metal and techno trance to get the blood pumping.... In no particular order: NonPoint - Bullet With A Name On It *Marliyn Manson - Angel With The Scabbed Wings (very intense!!) Pantera - 5 Minutes Alone Moby - Alone (great to run to excellent rhythm) Voodoo & Serano - Blood Is Pumpin Rammstein - Buck Dich…
  • Wild: First of all, you are a HUGE motivator for me on this program, so you cant give up.... I have heard of shocking your system back into weight loss mode through several methods.... The one I prefer and have done is turbo charged workouts.... Go INSANE at the gym one day or push yourself a little bit harder than you…
  • bump... are there any guys on MFP???
  • Thanks for the reminder!
  • I have reposted this several times, but a few people have really enjoyed it and IT WORKS.... try it! 1. IT IS OK TO BE HUNGRY... The sooner you accept this fact the sooner you will shed the lbs. You are changing your metabolism and habits, and you body is going to fight you... you have to control this and tell yourself…
    in I suck Comment by propjetprop May 2011
  • WOW.. very cool.. you and I are so on the same level.. I started at 314 lbs April 23 2011.. I just weighed in yesterday at 300.... Keep up the good work and I love the fish analogy!
  • JWDT, Do you keep a diary on here? I am curious as to what you were taking in to cause the black out?
  • I have reposted this several times, but a few people have really enjoyed it and IT WORKS.... try it! 1. IT IS OK TO BE HUNGRY... The sooner you accept this fact the sooner you will shed the lbs. You are changing your metabolism and habits, and you body is going to fight you... you have to control this and tell yourself…
  • I like to use Pandora on my thunderbolt (phone) and listen to extremely heavy metal..... gets the blood boiling quick!
  • Thanks for the replies... I like your rec wildman! I think that is what I will do! As far as injury from walking with weights..... There is no way I could be doing any more damage to my body than what I was doing caring around an extra 100+ lbs of FAT.....
  • No way... not for me....
  • Click my home on the top of this screen, then click profile on the left side of the screen... there is an option to make your diary public... click that... wala
  • How do you upload photos into your posts?
  • FUPA Acronym for "Fat Upper Pubic Area"; Describes the small area of fatty tissue that covers a woman's pubis bone. Not to be confused with a "flap" an obese person's (man's or woman's) hanging stomach fat that sometimes hangs low enough to obscure the genitals. FUPA size is typically unrelated to overall body fat…
  • You and I are very similar in our Goals.. My start weight was 314 and my goal is 240 by Christmas! I have sent you a friend request as we can probably watch and help each other since our goals are similar! Excellent work so far! The only think that might be slowing you up would be your choice of foods... Maybe instead of…
    in Confused Comment by propjetprop May 2011
  • Open the diary.... Your question is impossible to answer or give opinion on unless we can see what you are putting in....... 1500 calories of crap once a day is totally different than 1500 calories of high fiber natual wholesome food...
  • Smiley, I reviewed your diary for the last week and here is my opinion: The first thing I noticed is that you skipped breakfast a few days, but still went over on your calories....It would help you lose weight if you eat small portions of healthy food more frequently... Second is your choices of foods... Even though you…
  • Welcome.. This is the best program out there... the only weak link is you... you have to put on your game face now... the first month is going to be tough as you transition to a healthy lifestyle... In My Opinion: Dont obsess about every calorie... if you go over a litte you punish yourself by doing an extra 20 min of…
  • Weight lifting with ultra light weights and high reps will get your heart rate going better than a 10 min jog... Grab the 3-5 lb dumbells and start doing shoulder presses, or bench press the bar until fatuige and tell me what your heart rate is! Good luck!
  • Kj, Are you judging the judgers??? Seriously though... I think you need to eat a little more as your caloric intake is slightly deficient.... Just kidding....
  • Are you FREAKING KIDDING ME!!!! you have achieved near super human will power by losing 123 lbs!!! and you are worried about one weeekend? Do an extra 20 min on the treadmill today and let it go....
  • Chow on something wholesome before you go out so you are not starving at the restaruant and make wise choices on what you eat while out... Very good!
  • I have a serious recommendation for you to help you stay motivated, and be able to enjoy the "Olive Garden" or what ever dining facility you want; EAT BEFORE YOU EAT... what I mean by this is before you leave to go to the "Olive Garden" chow down on a can of tuna, 10 egg whites, or a chicken breast..... that way when you…