Wake-Up Call

Yesterday morning I was taking a shower. I was bending down shaving my legs and when I stood up straight to wash my hair, my vision had minor blackouts and I got all dizzy. I felt like I was about to throw up and my knees got all weak. I got out of the shower and fell on the ground. My mom downstairs and had heard me fall, I blacked out for a few minutes. My mom gave me some crackers and I was able to get back to a normal feeling. Long story short, my blood sugar had dropped dangerously low from not eating enough. If my mom wasn't there to get me food, I don't know where I'd be right now... I think i learned my lesson...


  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    Good that you didn't get hurt! I have low blood sugar - nothing to mess with! Be careful - take good care of yourself!
  • rjvt006
    rjvt006 Posts: 146 Member
    Yeah you got to eat thats a very scary thing that happened to you. Im glad you mom was there to help you out
  • whiskyzee
    whiskyzee Posts: 102 Member
    You might also want to get a check-up, just in case. I've got low blood pressure, so I was pretty used to the occasional blackout (especially when getting up in the a.m. and when I don't drink enough h20), but last year I passed out and hit my head. After some bloodwork, I found out that I'm also anemic (and apparently quite skilled at falling). Now, in addition to getting up carefully, staying hydrated, and keeping my blood sugar at a normal level, I also monitor my iron intake. It's worked wonders!
  • propjetprop
    propjetprop Posts: 60 Member

    Do you keep a diary on here? I am curious as to what you were taking in to cause the black out?
  • amyLovesJesus
    I am glad your mom was around to help you. Please make sure you eat enough,I too suffer with dangerouslly low blood sugar I had to see a bunch of specilists and they said I have reactive hypoglcamic or you can say low blood sugar. I was instructed to eat a high fiber and high protein diet and to eat something with protein and carbs every 2 hours or less needllessy to say I do my best but it can be a diffcult journay. Keep encouraged hope things get better for you.
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    Sounds more like you were dehydrated/vaso-vagal. Make sure you drink your water and don't starve yourself. Good luck.