eating out!!

Wow...everyone wants to celebrate mothers day by eating out and my mom wanted to eat out family today. BUT....I just jump on the elipitical and work it and get more calories for the day and I look up the resturant before I go and pick my foods and have done just fine so far!! Even lost a


  • LilChickPea
    LilChickPea Posts: 122 Member
    That's great!!! I love to eat out. It means no cooking, but you have to be so careful. I don't know if you have the book, but The Calorie King Calorie Fat & Carbohydrate Counter is awesome. Especially for when you want to go out.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Way to go! It's not impossible to eat out, You just have to make the right choices and it sounds like you did.
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    Great job! Going to brunch today with buffet style. that's my worst. I just want to try a little of everything. Going to work it off later too.
  • irishkiss
    irishkiss Posts: 115 Member
    Its been kinda nice to cause I havent been out to eat but maybe 3 times since I started. I have really learned to cook a lot of new things...didnt think I would enjoy cooking but I have.
  • propjetprop
    propjetprop Posts: 60 Member
    Chow on something wholesome before you go out so you are not starving at the restaruant and make wise choices on what you eat while out...

    Very good!