can't seem to get a grip of proper foods...

well just having one of those kick ya self moments and wtf is going on with me moments.. just don't get why i can't have a switch the want bad foods button off... im not over indollging but i know i could be doing a whole lot better then i am..
How do we over come this food addiction that takes over our life's... We should be eating food to stay healthy and alive not eat foods that have a hold over you and get fat... i exercise with a personal trainer so that keeps me going with the exercising all the time. but just can't seem to get a grip with food. it makes me so angry at my self and at others around me who allow me to put the **** in me mouth instead of saying hey put that crap back you wont lose any weight it will make you put on weight.

Is there others out their that struggle like me??? or use to struggle and have come out of it???? how did you what made you stop and rethink what you put in ya mouth or what was the breaking point or anything is there an end to it???


  • propjetprop
    propjetprop Posts: 60 Member
    I have reposted this several times, but a few people have really enjoyed it and IT WORKS.... try it!

    1. IT IS OK TO BE HUNGRY... The sooner you accept this fact the sooner you will shed the lbs. You are changing your metabolism and habits, and you body is going to fight you... you have to control this and tell yourself every second of every day that it is ok to be hungry.... Make sure you are sticking to your caloric intake to stay healthy, but accept hunger... HUNGER PANGS ARE FAT LEAVING THE BODY!

    2. EAT LIKE A CAVEMAN.... what I mean by this is if caveman had access to it or could make it you CAN eat it... if cave man could not access or make it, you CAN NOT eat it.... Very simply, our bodies are designed through evolution to be hunter/gatherers... we hike 20 miles, kill an animal, eat it and repeat... So stay away from the processed foods.... ALL processed foods... If you look at the ingredients and can not understand, read or comprehend at one glance what is in it... DO NOT EAT IT..

    3. When you feel hungry, start chugging water... if it is not "time" to eat and you feel hungry your body might actually be slightly dehydrated. The water will satisfly the hunger pang temporarily and along with an apple or a a small veggi snack you will make it to your next meal...

    4. EAT BEFORE YOU EAT.... If you are going to be in a place that is tempting, ie: out with friends, at a party, holidays, etc. Eat cave man food before you put yourself in that situation.. Example: You are going to meet friends for a night out.. you know you will be around good food and drinks... before you leave the house chow down on a pouch of tuna, smoked salmon, bowl of soup, instant rice, etc.. something, anything, so when you sit down to dinner or are at the party you are not "Starving" and you order food that is appropriate for YOU!

    5. ALWAYS HAVE FOOD WITH YOU... this might mean you have to carry a fanny pack or purse/satchel, but it works.. keep it loaded with good stuff.... dried fruit, nuts, grapes, pouch of tuna, can of chicken, etc... if you feel temped to go in the convience store while pumping gas or cruzing the airport, grab your gut to remind yourself why your are doing this and then eat the good stuff you have with you, not the crap you could buy at the kiosk.... Check out my signature picture... I am an airline pilot and I carry that bag full of good stuff that last me 4-5 days on the road!
  • teetees40
    teetees40 Posts: 30
    PropJetProp - LOVE IT! :smile:
  • supersecretsquirrel1877
    I am right there with you. I hate what food does to my mind, totally takes it over at times. I am an emotional eater. A HUGE emotional eater. I hate the power food has over me. It is my drug, I am totally addicted. The only way I can control it is to have no junk food in the house at all. When I go to the grocery store I stick to the "outside" edges and never go down an isle. All the processed crap is in the isles, the good for you stuff is around the edges. I also have to give into to some cravings but instead of a whole pizza, I will get a french bread frozen pizza instead. Still not very nutrional but eating WAYYYYY smaller amount than normal by doing that. I also have found the "busier" the food keeps me the more satisfying it is, for example, shelling pistachios, eating dark chocolate chips, tacos even just the act of putting tuna fish on a cracker seems to make my food more satisfying and takes longer to eat.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Years ago I figured out that there are times when I'm what I call "mouth hungry" and when I really, truly need to eat. Mouth hungry is that time when you just want a snack or noosh. Some people use sugar free gum beat that feeling. I'm not a gum chewer.

    The best thing for me is to beat it to the punch. 3 meals and 2 snacks a day works better for me. It keeps me eating always so I'm not missing food. I don't bring anything in the house that I can't eat in it's proper portion. I also found that once I gave up processed food, the salt and sugar cravings lessened significantly. As I started to read and discover the many additives and preservatives put into those foods, they became less desirable for me.

    Also viewing this as a lifestyle change and not a diet helps. I fully plan to eat like this the rest of my life. Don't beat yourself up when you slip. Just become more determined not to make the same mistake twice.
  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    Thank you all so much for the much needed advice. Trying to get back into routine of life, and get over this control food or i should say junk food has on me. makes a lot of sense that when i start eating really well and all of a sudden my body wants sugar (chocolate ) i have cut out salt pretty much and don't like the taste of it. just having real trouble with the sugar foods.. dose it take long for your body to not crave sugar any more??? maybe i need to look it up or something and see if i can beat it.. i try not to beat myself up as i know we are human and urge for something/food is going to happen its just best to have a little then a lot... just tired of them mind games i play with my self the stupid reasons of over thinking that its ok to put crap in me mouth you know like the devil on one side and angle on the other lol... thank you all so much glad to know i don't battle the mind a lone :)
  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    and will try all these little tips im looking forward to beating it :) i can do this and i will :)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I have a sweet tooth. I've always had it and I likely always will. But, eating cake, ice cream, donuts, cookies, etc is what got me where I was and I refuse to go there again. I won't kid myself and say I won't ever eat any of it again - because, really.. I know that I can't go the rest of my life without another cookie or cupcake.

    So, I've found things that help soothe the cravings without breaking the calorie bank AND I make sure I eat healthy before I eat the "dessert".

    I buy 100 calorie packs of cookies and cupcakes. I know a lot of people say they are a waste of calories and honestly, anything "sugary" IS a waste of calories. But, I want sugary. It makes me happier. Isn't it better for me to eat a 100 calorie pack of cupcakes than to eat 2 or 3 regular cupcakes? Of course it is. I've recently found Skinny Cow heavenly crisps with peanut butter. These are 110 calories and 8g of sugar. You know what? They satisfy my intense craving for Reese's Peanut Butter cups and aren't nearly as bad as the Reese's are.

    Like I said, I make sure I eat something healthy before I indulge in the sweet treat. First, this ensures that I'm getting full off food that is good for me and not overdoing it with the food that isn't. It helps keep me on track.

    I keep protein bars, granola bars and other easy to eat snacks with me at ALL times. Oh and I eat 5 small meals vs 3 larger ones.

    I would like to say that I hate the feeling of being hungry and have always associated "hunger" with dieting. I refuse to feel like I can't eat - so I do eat. If I am genuinely hungry -- I eat. I won't sit around hungry because then all you think about is food, food, food. And let me tell you that intense hunger leads to binge eating. Plain and simple. If I feel hungry, what I always do is drink 8oz of water and wait 20 mins. If I still feel hungry -- then I am really hungry and I eat. You don't have to be hungry to lose weight!